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POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />201402057 <br />Thomas M.. Atkins a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />hereinafter referred to as Principal, desiring and intending to <br />establish a Present Durable Power of Attorney operative under <br />Article 15 of Chapter 49 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, does <br />hereby appoint, constitute, and designate my wife, Linda Atkins, <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, hereinafter referred to as Agent, the <br />lawful and true Agent and attorney in fact for Principal; and <br />Principal does hereby further provide as follows: <br />1. Principal hereby confers upon and grants to Agent <br />plenary power, without limitation. Agent shall have authority to <br />exercise on behalf of Principal (i) all general powers set forth <br />in Article 15 of Chapter 49 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, <br />(ii) generally and universally the authority and power to act as <br />and to be an alter ego of the Principal as to anything and <br />everything not fully within the scope of those enumerated general <br />powers, and (iii) to the full extent practicable the power and <br />authority, without reservation or restriction, to do or omit to <br />do any act for or on behalf of the Principal which a competent <br />person could do or omit to do on his or her own behalf. <br />2. If at any time I am physically or mentally incapable <br />of giving a valid consent to medical treatment, including <br />surgery, and a licensed physician gives an opinion that medical <br />or surgical procedures should be performed upon me before I would <br />be likely to regain my ability to give my consent, then my <br />attorney in fact shall have the authority to consent to medical <br />treatment or surgery recommended by a licensed physician. <br />However, I want it known that I do not desire to have my life <br />artificially prolonged if I am not able to effectively <br />communicate with my family and my doctor and if there is no <br />reasonable expectation that I will recover from any condition and <br />thereafter be able to live without the continuing artificial <br />support. I intend "artificial support" to include feeding tubes, <br />respirators and any other devices, whether now known or invented <br />hereafter, designed to be a substitute for a vital human body <br />function. <br />Accordingly, the authority of my attorney -in -fact to consent <br />to medical treatment shall include in general the authority to <br />refuse medical treatment of any kind and the specific authority <br />to discontinue any artificial support if there is no reasonable <br />expectation that I will recover from any condition and thereafter <br />be able to live a reasonably normal life without the continuing <br />artificial support. <br />1 <br />
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