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<br /> H�me Federal Savings& Laan Ass�ciati�n vf Home Federa�Savings&Loan Assoc�atian of
<br /> Grand Island �rand Island
<br /> • Z2� South Locus�Street �2� South Lvcust Stree�
<br /> �Space.�.bove T'his Line For Recarding Da#a}
<br /> L�AN�R�GINAT�R NAME: Lisa Mayer
<br /> NMLS�QMPANY�DENT�FIER: 446443
<br /> NMLS 4R�G�NAT�R��ENT�FIER: 4�4�59
<br /> DEL�D �F '�'RUST
<br /> �P��AUTH�R��EIl [��'�N �ND) �R�I�I�' -� �'UTUR� AI�VAN�ES�ARE SL�CURED
<br /> �3Y TIIIS DEEIl []F T�US�')
<br /> TH�S D�ED �F TRUST �"Secur�ty Ins�rumer�t"} is made on Apr�� 3, �D�4. The gran�or is Pame�a S Swansan,
<br /> a s�ngie persan, whose address �s 25�� Coch�n St, �RAND ISLAND,Nebraska 68$Ul �"Borrovver"�. Barrov�er
<br /> is no� ne�essari�y �he same as the Person or Persflns v��o s�gn �he Home Equ�ty L�ne of �'red�t Agreemen�,
<br /> dated Apr�� 3, �D14 t"�an�ract"}. The obl�gatiflns �f B�rrov�ers who d�d no� sign the C�ntrac� are explained
<br /> fur�her in �h� sec��on t�t�ed �uccess�rs and Assigns Bvund; J��n� and Several L�abili�y; A�commoda�ion
<br /> S�gnQrs. The trus�ee �s Arend R. Baack, Attarney wh�se address is P.�. Box 79�, �rand �s�and, Nebraska
<br /> �88�2 �"Trus�ee"�. The �enefiG�ar� is Home Federa� Sa��ng� & Loan Associa��on �f Grand �sland, vvhich is
<br /> organ�2ed and ex�st�ng under�he ��.v�s of the Uni�ed Sta�es of Amer��a and whase addres� �s Z2� Sout�� Lncus�
<br /> Stree�, Grand Is�and,Nebraska 588U1 �"Lender"}. Pamela S Swanson has en�ered into a C�ntrac�v���h Lender
<br /> as �f Apr��3,���.4, under�he�errns of which Borr�wer may, from time���i�r�e, o�b�a.in ad�ances r��t�o exceed, at
<br /> Fifty ThouSand and 4�1��.� Do�lars �U.S. $5�,UOD.�U} �"Credi� L�mi�"}. Any pa�-�y �n�erested �n the de�ails
<br /> re�ated�o Lender's continu�ng�biigat�on t�make ad�ances�a Borrower�s ad�ised�o:c�nsu��direct�y v�i�h Lender.
<br /> �f nat pa�d earlier, �he sums o�ing under Barrower's �an�ract with Lender w��l be due op Apri� 15, 2��.9. This
<br /> Se�urity ��strument secu�res �o Lender: �a} the repaym�n� �f�he de�t under the Con�ra�fi, �ith �ntere��, �ncluding
<br /> future advances, and a�l renewa�s, ex�ensx�ns and mod�f catians of�he�ontra��; �b�t��e paymen�of a��a�her sums,
<br /> with �n�erest, ad�anced ta pr�te�t the securi�y af tih�s Se�uri�y�ns�ru�nen�under the provis�ons of the s�ction t��led
<br /> Pratection of Lender's Righ�s in the Pr�per�y; and����he perfarmanc�of Borro�ver's co�enan��and agreemen�s
<br /> under this Securi�y �ns�rumen�and the �antrac�. For�h�s purpQse, Borrovver, in cans�dera�ion of the debt and the
<br /> trus�herei���reated,irrevocably gran�s a��zd con�eys to Trus�ee, in�rus�,vvith pov�er of sale,the foi�ovving descr�bed
<br /> property loca�ed in�he Coun�y of Ha�l, S�a�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 25�l �ochin S�, GRAND�SLAND,Ne�raska G880�
<br /> Legai I]es�rip��on: Lot Si� �6), in Block Two �2}, Sauthern Acres .Add�tion to the C�ty af Grand
<br /> Isiand,�Ia�l�ounty,NQbra�ka
<br /> T��ETHER V4lITH al� the �mpr�v�rnep�s now or hereafter erec�ed nn the praperCy, and al� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and fx�ures now or hereafter a part af the prnperty. A�� repiacemen�s and addi��ans shal� a�so be
<br /> co�ered by �his Secur�ty Instrument. A�� af �he foregoing �s referred �o in �his Secur�ty �nstrurnent as �he
<br /> "Praper�y."
<br /> BQRR��ER CD�ENANTS that Barrawer is la�fu�ly seised of�he estate hereby cflnveyed and has t��e r�gh�to
<br /> gran� and canvey �he Pr�pert� and tha� the Proper�y is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of rec�rd.
<br /> Borr�vver �arran�s and �vil� defend genera��.�y �he title �� �he Praperty agai.ns� alI c�a�ms and demands, subjec� �o
<br /> any encumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> Barrov�er and Lend�r co�renan�and agree as ffl��ows:
<br /> Payment af Principa�and IntQres�; ��her�harges. Barr�wer�hal�promptly pay wh�n due�he pr�nc�pai af and
<br /> �n��res��n the deht a�ed under�he��ntract and�ate charges or any�ther fees and�harges due under the�antra�t.
<br /> Q 2��4-2413 Cvmpliar�ce Systems,Ir�c.$EB3-C1189-2��3L2,D,E1,712
<br /> Cansumer Reat Estate-Se�urity Instrur�ent DL243G Page 1 af 5 www,�amp(iancesysterr�s.corr�
<br /> �
<br />