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��14����� <br /> YnsPectian. Lender or �ts a�ent may n�€ake reasonable entries upon and �nspectiflns af the Property. Lender shall <br /> gir�e Barrawer na��c�at tih��ime of or prior�o an inspectiap specifyin�reasona�le cause for�he inspection. <br /> �'andemnatinn. The proceeds flf any a�vard or c�aim for da�nages, direct o�canse�uen�ial, ip connection with any <br /> candemnatian or o�her taking of any par� of the Praperry, �r for c�n�eyance �n lieu of condemna��an, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�I be paid�� Lender. <br /> �r� the e�en� of a to�al takin� af the Proper�y, �he praceeds shall be applied �o �h� sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen�, �vhe�her or no� �hen due, w��h any ex�ess paid to B�rr�wer. �n t�e event of a par�ial �akin� af�he <br /> Prtiper�y �n which the fair�narke� �a�ue of the Prope�-�y i�nmedYately befare the �aking is equa� �to or grea�er�ha� <br /> the a�naunt of the su��ns secured by �h�s Securi�ty �ns�rumept immediate�y befare the talcinb, un��ss B�rro�er and <br /> Lender o�herw�se a�ree in�vri�in�,�he sums secured by�his Security Ins�rument sha�l be reduced by the am�unt of <br /> �he proceeds mul�ipl�ed by�he fo��owing f�-action: �a}the tota� amount�f the sums secured immedia�e�y before�he <br /> �aking, divided by �b} �he fair �narke� �alue of the Proper-t� immed�a�ely �efore �he taking. Any balance shali be <br /> paid to B�rrawer. In �he e�en� of a par�ia� �ak�ng �f�he Pr�perty in which �he fair marke� �alue of�he Proper�y <br /> i�nmed�a�eIy b�fore the takin� �s less �hap �he amount of the sums secured im�nediately before �he tak�r�g, unless <br /> Borrower and L�nder otherw�se a�ree in writ�ng or unless Appl�cab�e Law atherv��se provides, �he proceeds s�a11 <br /> be app��ed�o�he su�ns secur�d by this Securi�y �nstrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Prape�-t�y is abandoned by Sorrower, �z- if, after r���ic� by Lender to Borrower tha��he condemnar offers�o <br /> mal<e an award or set�le a clai�r� for damages, Bo�rawer fails to respond to Lender within the m�nxmurn number af <br /> days es�ablished by App�icable Law after�he da�e�he no�ice is�iWen, Lend�r is authorized to c�ilect and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at i�s op�ion, either to res��ration or repa�r of the Proper�y ar �o �he sums secured �y this Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�s�he�her or not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender ar�d Borrower atherwise a�ree in wri�ing, a�y applica��an of praceeds ta pr�ncipa� shall not extend <br /> or postpo�e the due date�f�he pay�r�en�s due unde�-the�flntract or chan�e the amount flf such payments. <br /> �orrawer Not Re��ased; Forbearance �y Lender Not a Wai�er. Extensifln of �he ��me for payment �r <br /> �r�fldif ca���n of amor�i�a�ion af the sums secured by this Securi�y I�strumen� branted ]�y Lender to Borrower �r <br /> any successar in interes� of Borrawer shall n�t opera�e �o r�Iease �he 1iab�lity af �he or�bina� Borrower or <br /> Borrowe�-'s successors in in�eres�. Lender shall ���t be r�qu�red �� coin��nence proceedin�s a�ainst any successar in <br /> in�e�es�or refuse to ex�end ti�ne for pay�ment or athervvise�-nod�fy amor�iza�ion of the sums secured by this Security <br /> Ins��umen� by reason of any demand made by �he flri�ina� Borrower �r B�rrower's successors in �nteres�. Any <br /> forb�a�ance by Lender in e�ercisin� any ri�,�h� ar remedy shaIl no� �e a waiver af ar pr�clude the exercise of any <br /> ri�ht or re�nedy. <br /> Successors and AsSigns Bound; Jo�nt and Se�erai Lia�ai�i�y; Accommadation Signer�. The covenants and <br /> a�reemen�s of this Secur��y Instrumen� shaIl bind and benefi��he successors and assibns af Lender and Borrovver, <br /> subject to the pro�isions of s�ctian �i�led Transfer of �he Pr�per�y flr a Beneficial In�eres� in �3orror�ver. <br /> Barrawer's co�enan�s and a�reements shai 1 be�ain�and several. Any person wh� cfl-signs this Security �nstrumen� <br /> bu� has no persana� lia�ility under the �ontract �"Acco�nmodation Signer"}: �a� is co-signing �his Securi�ry <br /> Ins�rument on�y �o mor��a�e, �ran� and convey �hat Accommodation S�gner's in�eres� in the Pr�perty under �he <br /> �erms of the Security ��strumen�; �b3 is not persona�ly oblibated to pay �he su�ns secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument; and �c� a�rees�hat Lender and any other Borrower may a�ree�o extend, modify, forbear ar make any <br /> accommoda�ians vv��h re�ard to the terms of this Security Ins�rumen�ar�he�ontrac�withou��ha�Acco�nmodation <br /> S i�ner's conser�t. <br /> Loan �harbes. If�he l�an secured b� �his S�curi�y Instru�nent is subjec� �o a la� wh�ch se�s max��mutn �oan <br /> char�es, and�ha� law �s fina��y ipterpreted so t�a�the �nterest ar other�aan char�,es co�lec�ed or t� be co�lec��d in <br /> connec�i�n with the �aan exceed the permi��ed limits, �hen: �a} any such loan char�e shall be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary ta reduce the char�e ta the per�n�tted Iimits and�b� any sums already collec�ed from Borrawer <br /> v�hich exceeded permit�ed ��m��s wil� be ��efunded �o Barro�er. Lender may cha�se to make �his refund by <br /> reducin� the principa� owed under the ��nt�act or by making a d�rect payment to Borrower. If a refund redu�es <br /> principal,the reductian wi 11 be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepayment under the Con�rac�. <br /> No�ices. Any na�ice �� B�rrower pravided far in �his Securi�y �ns�ru�nent s�al� be given by del��ering it or by <br /> mailin� it by first class rnail unless Appl�cable Law requires use of ano�her methad. The nfl�ice sha11 be directed�o <br /> �he Proper�y Add��ess or any ��her address �orrovver desigpat�s by notice �o Lender. B�rro�uer a�rees �a pro��de <br /> Lender wi�h Barrower's �nost curren� maili�z� address, as it may �hange fro�n t�me-to-time. Any natice �o Lender <br /> shall be�iven by firs�ciass�r�ax1 �a Lender's add�ess stated herein or any a�her address Lender designates by notice <br /> to Borrower. Any r�o�ice pr�v�ded for in this Security �ns�rument shal� be deemed�o ha�e been�iWen to Borrower <br /> ar Lender when�i�en as pra�ided in this pa�-a�raph. <br /> Go�erning Lavv; Se�erabiii�y.This Securi�y I nstrUmen�sha1l be�a�erned by federal �aw and�he laws of the s�a�e <br /> af Nebrasl�a. �n �he e�e��t that any prfl�isior� or ciause �f�his Security �ns�rumen� or the Con�rac� conflicts with <br /> Appiicab�e Law, such conf��ct sha�� ��t affec� o�her pro��s�ons of�his Securi�y Ins�rumen� flr�he Cfln�ract which <br /> can be br�en effect withau��he conf�icting pro�ision. To�his end the prav�sions of�h�s Security �nstrument apd the <br /> C�n�ract are dec I ared�o be severab le. <br /> Sorrovver's Copy. Borrower shall be�iven ane copy of�his Securi�y �nstrument. <br /> Transfer of�he Proper�y or a Benef�ciai �n�eres��n Borrower. If al1 or any par�of the Praper�y or any in�eres� <br /> in �� is s�ld or �ransferred �ar if a benefc�a� inter�s� in Borrov�er is s�ld or �ransferred and Barrower �s not a <br /> natural person} vvithout Lend�r's prior writ�en c�nsen�, Lender may, at its ap�Yan, reauire immediate paym�nt in <br /> �?D��-2Q!�Compliance Systems,1 nc.8�B3-AC.�4-?�}13L2.�.E 1.712 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Secur'sty instr��n�ent DL20�G Pa�e 3 af 5 <br />