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<br /> Hvme Federai Sa��ngs& L�an Associa�ion of �Iome FederaX Sa�ings& Loan A�sociatian of
<br /> �rand �sland Grand ZsXand
<br /> ��� Sou�h L�cus�S�ree� �21 Sau�h La�us�Stree�
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, NE 688U1. GRAND ISLAND, irl�E•6S$��
<br /> �Space Abo�e T}�is Lin��or R�cordin�Data}
<br /> L�AN �RIG�NAT�R NAME: Chris Kas�ie
<br /> �1 M LS��MPANY Z L7ENTIF I ER: 445443
<br /> NMLS �R.I�INAT�R IDENTIFIER: 494665
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> FY TI��S DE�D �F TRUST}
<br /> TH r S DEED �F TRU ST �"Security Ins�rument"} is made �n A�r�� �, 2Q 1.4. The �rantors are '�VAYNE E
<br /> �RACHE� SR. and CAR�LYN L GRA�'HE�C, HI�SSAND AND ��FE, v��ose addr�ss is �615 S BLAINE
<br /> ST, GRAND ZSLAND, Nebraska 558�3-G15� �"Borrower"�. B�rravver �s not necessari�y the same as th� P�rson
<br /> or Persons who si�p �he Home Equi�y Line af �redi� Agreement, dated Aprz� 2, 2U�4 �"Contrac�"�. The
<br /> abliba�ions af Borrav�ers who d�d not si�n �he Contrac� are explaine� fur�her in the sect�on�it�ed Successors and
<br /> Assigns Baund; Joinf and Severa� Liab�li�y; Accommoda�ion S�gners. The �rustee �s Arend R. Baack,
<br /> A��orney v�hase address is P.�. B�x 790, �rand IsXand, Nebraska GS8�2 �"Trustee"}. The benef c�ary is I3ame
<br /> Federal Sa�ings & Loan Assoc�at�on af Grand �s�and, wh�ch �s organized and existin� under the laws of the
<br /> Un��ed States af America and whose address �s Z2� Sauth Lucu�� Stree�, Grand �sland, Nebraska 6$84�
<br /> �"Lender"}, �VAY�NE E GRA�'HEK SR and CAR�LYN L �RACHEK ha�e entered in�o a Contrac� wxth
<br /> Lender as af Apr�l Z, ZUl.4, under �he ter��ns of which Borrower may, from ti�ne �o tim�, obtain advances nat�o
<br /> exceed, a� any �ime, a '���MA��MUM PR�NC�PAL AM�UNT �E��LUD�N� PRaTE�TIVE
<br /> AD'V'ANCES3'�'�''� of Fi�e Thousand and �UIT�� Dollars �U.S. $5,UUU.04}�"Credi�t,imit"�. Any party interested
<br /> in the deta�ls reiated ta Lender's continu�n�ob�i�a�ion�o malce ad�an�es�� Borrower�s adv�sed to cansult directly
<br /> with Lender. If not pa�d earlier, the sums owin� under Barrower's �ontract wi�h Lender wi�l be due on April 15,
<br /> 24�9. ThYs Security �nstrumep�secures ta Len��r: �a}�he repaymen�of�he de�t under�he ��ntrac�, v�ith �nteres�,
<br /> �ncludin� future ad�ances, and a�] renewals, ex�ensi�ns and m�difica�ions of�he Con�ract; �b} the paymen� of a�l
<br /> other sums, �ui�h intere��, ad�anced to pratect the securi�y of t�is Securi�y Ins�rumept under�he pro�isions af the
<br /> sectian ��tled PrQ�ection vf Lender's Righ�s in �he Property; and �c} �he perfarmance of Borrower's covenan�s
<br /> and a�reemen�s unde� �his Security �ns�rument and �he Con�ract. For this purpose, Borrovver, in cansidera�ion nf
<br /> �he d�b� and �he �rust here�n created, irrevocably �ran�s and con�eys ta Trus�ee, �n trus�, v�ith power af sa�e, the
<br /> ffl�lowinb descr�bed pr�per�y loca�ed in�he C�UNTY af HALL, S�ate af Nebraska:
<br /> Address: l�15 S B LA�N E ST, G RAN D ISLAND,Nebraslca 6SSU3-��l 5�
<br /> Le�al Description: Lf]T �NE �l}y IN BL�CK �NE �I}, IN SEL AIR ADDIT��N TC� THE C�TY �F
<br /> T��ETH ER W I TH a�i the improvements now or hereafter erected on �he properry, and al I easements,
<br /> appurtenances, and fixtures nav� or hereaft�r a part of the propetrty. All replacements and additions shali also be
<br /> ca�ered by �his S�curity Inst�umen�. A�l of �he fore�oang �s r�ferred �o in this Secur�ty Instrumen� as the
<br /> ,rPrflper�y.�►
<br /> B�RR�WER ��VENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of�he estate hereby conv�yed and has th� right�a
<br /> bran� and con�ey �he Prape�-�y and tha� �he Prape�-ty is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> BQrrower vvarrants and v�i�l defend �enerally �he ��tle �a �he Praper�y a�ainst a�l claims and demands, subjec� �o
<br /> any encumbrances af rec�rd.
<br /> Borrov�er and Lende��ovenant and a�ree as folIov�s:
<br /> Payment of Principa� and �n�eres�; ather�harges. Borrower shall promp��y pay when due�h�principal �f and
<br /> in�erest fln the debt owed under�he Con�rac�and late charbes or any ather fees and char�es due under�he Con�r-ac�.
<br /> �2004-201;Com�liar�ce Systems,Irsc.S�B3-AC04-24]�L?.4.E].7]?
<br /> C�ns�me�-Real Estate-Sec��rity lnstrzrmer�t DL2DaG Pa�e 1 of 5 www.comp[iancesyst�ms.com
<br />