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��14����5 <br /> notice�f breach to B�rrow�r. �owever,Lender or a judicia�ly appo�nted recei�er may do so a�any time <br /> there is a breach.Any applica�ion of ren�s sha��not cure or wai�e any defau�t ar inva�idate any other <br /> right or remedy of Lender. Th�s assignment of rents af�he Praper�y sha��terminate when�he debt <br /> secured hy this Security Ins�rument is pa�d in fuX�. <br /> ZU. Foreclasure Pracedure.If Lender re�uires imm�d�ate payment-�n-fu�l under Paragraph 9, <br /> I..�ender may in�oke the povver of�a�e and any other rem�edie�p�rmitted by app�icable law. Lender <br /> sha�l be entit�ed to�ol�ect al�egpenses incurred in pursuing the remed�es provided�n this <br /> Paragraph 2�,in.cludingy but not l�mited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title e��dence. <br /> If the power of sale is �n�oked,Trustee shai�recard a notice of defau�t in each county in vvh�ch any <br /> part of the Property is located and shall rnai�copies af such natice�n the manner prescr�bed by <br /> appiicable lavv to�orrower and to the ath�er persons prescribed by appiicab�e law.After the time <br /> required by app��cable�aw,Trustee sha��gi�e public notic�of sale ta the persons and in the <br /> manner prescribed by app��cabie��w. Trustee,withaut demand on Borrower,sha��sell the <br /> Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time arid place and under the terms <br /> de�ignated in the notice of sale in one or more parce�s and in any order Trustee determines. <br /> Trustee may pastpone sale of a�l or any parce�of th�Property by pubiic announcement at the time <br /> and place of an�pre�ious�y�chedu�ed sa�e. Lender or it�designee may purchase the Property at <br /> any sa��. <br /> Upan rece�pt of payment of the price bid�Trustee shall de�iver ta the purchaser Trustee's d�ed <br /> con�e��ng the Property.The recitals in the Truste���deed shali be pr�ma fac�e evidence af the <br /> truth of the statements made therein.Trustee.shall app�y the proceeds of the sa�e in the foll�vving <br /> order: (a)to al�cast�and expenses of egerc�sing tbe povver of sale�and the sale,inc�uding the <br /> payment of the Trustee's fee�a�tually�ncurred and reasonab�e attorneys'fees as per�rn�tted by <br /> appl�cal�le�aw; (b}to aYl sums secured b�this Security Instrument; and �c}an�e�cess to the <br /> person or per�ons lega��y�ntitled to it. <br /> �1. Lien Pr�ority.Th�fu�l arnount secured by this Secur�ty�nstrument sha1�ha�e a l�en pr�or��y <br /> subordir�ate only to�he fu�l amoun�secured by the F�rs�Security Instrument. <br /> 22.Ad j ustab�e-Rate Feature.Under the Note,�he initial s�ated in�erest rate of�.90�°/o wh�ch accrues <br /> �n the unpaid principal balance�"In�tial Interest Rate"�is subj ect to ch.ange,as described below. When <br /> the�nter�st rate chang�s,�he ne�v ad�usted zn�terest rate w�ll be app��ed to�he�otal outstanding pr�ncipal <br /> balance. Each adjustmen��o the interest ra�e wi11 be based upon the average of inter�an�offered rates <br /> for one-month U.S. d�l�ar denom�na��d deposi�s in the London N�arket�"L�B�Ryy�, as published in The <br /> Wa�� S�reet Journa� �"II1��Xss�p�us a margin. if the Ind�x is no longer avai�ab�e,Lender wiil be requzr�d <br /> to us�any index prescribed by�he Depa.rtmen�of H�using and Ur�an I]eve�opment.Lender w�l�g�ve <br /> Barro�er no�ice of new��dex. <br /> Lender will perform�he calculations descr�bed�elow�o determ.�ne the new adj usted interest ra�e. The <br /> in�erest ra�e may change on May 1,Z�14 and on the fir�t day of each�ucceeding month. "Change <br /> Date" means each da�e �n which the in�eres�rate could cha.nge. <br /> The value af the Zndex will�e de�ermzr�ed, us�ng the mas�re�en��nde�f gure availab�e th�rty�3�}days <br /> before the�hange Date�"�urrent�ndex"�. Before each�hange Dat�,the new interes�ra�e will be <br /> �a�culated by adding a margin�a the�urrent�nde�. T�.e sum of the marg�n p�us the�urrent Inde�v�r��l <br /> b�ca��ed the "�a�eula�ed�n�eres�Rate" for each�hang�Da�e. The Ca�cu�ated Interest Ra�e wi��be <br /> �ompar�d to�he ir��erest rate in effect immediate�_y pr��r to the curren��han�e Date �the "E��s��n� <br /> Page S vf 11 HECM Second D�ed 4f Tn�st <br />
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