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��14����5 <br /> �i��Pra�ide the Lender vvith a deed-in�-�ieu af forec�osure. <br /> (d}Trusts. Conveyan�e of a Borrower's�nt�res�in the Praperty�o a trus��vh�ch�s the <br /> requirements�f the Secre�ary, or conveyance of a trus�'s interes�s in the Property t�a Barro�er, <br /> sha11 not be consxdered a con�eyance for purposes of th�s Paragraph 9. A trust shall not be <br /> �onsidered an accupant or be cons�dered as hav�ng a pr�nc�pal residence for purpos�s�f�h�s <br /> Paragraph 9. <br /> 1�.No Def�ciency Judgments. Barrower shall have no persona�liabili�y for pa�ment of the debt <br /> s�cured by�hzs Securit�Instrum�.�nt. Lender may enforce�he debt on�y�hrough sa�e of the Propert�. <br /> Lend�r shall no�be permit�ed�o ob�a�n a defc�ency judgment against Borrovver if the Securi�y <br /> In�trument�s forecla�ede <br /> 11.Reinstatement.Barrov�er has a righ��o be reinstated�f Lender has requi�r�d immediate <br /> pa�ment-�n-full. This right app�ies e�en after foreclosure proceed�ngs are inst�tu�ed. To rex�.sta���his <br /> Securzty Instrument, B�rrovver sha11 c�rre�t�he condition vvh�ch r�su�ted in�he requ�rem�nt for <br /> immed�a�e paymen�-�in-fu11.Foreclosure costs and reasonable and cus�an�.ary a�torney's fees and <br /> expenses properly associated�ith the fareGlosure proceeding shal�be added�o�he pr�ncipal balance. <br /> Upon r�instat�ment by Borrawer,�his Secur�ty�nstrument and the obligat�ons that�t secures sha11 <br /> renla�n�n effect as if Lender had not required�m.mediate payn�e�.t-zn--full. Howe�er,Lender is n�t <br /> required tn��rm�t reins�ta�ement if: t�}Lender has a�cepted reinstatemen�after�he cammencement of <br /> forec�osure praceed�ngs within�wo years�mmediately precedxng�he commencement of a current <br /> f�reclosure proceeding, �ii)re�nstatemen�wi11 prec�ude forec�asure an differ�n�graunds in the future,or <br /> (iii}reinstatemen�v�rill adv�rse�y affect the prior�t�of the Security Ins�rumen�. <br /> 12. L�en Status. <br /> (a} Madifi�at�on. <br /> Barro�ver agrees�o ex�end�his Security�nstrumen�in accordance with th�s Paragraph ���a�. �f <br /> Lender determines tha�the original Iien status of�he Securit�Instrument�s j eopardized under <br /> sta�e �aw(�ncluding but not l�m�ted t�situat�ons vvhere the amount secured by the Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument equa�s or exc�eds the max�mum principa�amount stated or�he maximum period <br /> under which loan advan�es re�ain the same�zen priori�y in�tially granted��laan ad�ances has <br /> exp�red�and state�aw perm�ts�he�riginal �ien status�o be main�ained far future�oan ad�ances <br /> �hrough the execu�ion and recorda�i�n of one�r more documents,then Lender sha��o�tain title <br /> evidence at Barrovver's expense. If the�itle e�idence indica��s that�he proper�y�s no� <br /> �ncumbered U}�an�liens(excep�the F�rst Securit�Ins�rument descrzbed in Paragraph 13�a�, <br /> �his Second Security Instrumen�and any subordinate liens that the Lender determines wi�l also <br /> be sub�rdina�e to any futur� �oan advances}, Lender shall request the Borrav�er ta ex�cut�any <br /> da�umen�s necessary ta protec��he Iien sta�us of futur�l�an advances. Borrawer agr�es�a <br /> execute such documents. �f s�a�e law does not permit the origina� ��en status t�be extended�� <br /> fu�ure lflan ad�anc�s,Borrower w��1 be deemed to ha�e failed to have perfarmed an ob��ga�i�n <br /> under this Security Instrument. <br /> �b}Ta�Deferrai Pr�grams. <br /> Borrower sha11 not par��c�pa�e in a rea�estate�ax deferral program, �f any�iens created by the <br /> �ax deferral are no�subord�nate�o thi� Secur�t_y�nstrumen�. <br /> Page 5❑���. �ECM Secand Deed��'T�-ust � <br />
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