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��14����7 <br /> �a]Mod�ficat�on. <br /> BQrro�v�r agrees to extend�h�s Seeurity Instrumen�in a�cardance with this Paragraph �2�a�. <br /> If Lender determines�hat�he orig�nal��en s�a�us af the Secur�ty Ins�rumen�is jeopardi�ed <br /> under state�aw�including but no���m��ed to si�ua�ions where the amount s�cured by the <br /> Security�ns�rument equa�s or exceeds�he ma.x.imum principal amount s�a�ed or the <br /> max�mum period under which�oan ad�ances retain the same l��n prior�t�initia��y granted to <br /> l�an advances has expired}and state lav�r�erm�ts the original lien sta�us to be maintained for <br /> futur�loan advances through the execu�ion and recordatzon of one ar mare documents,the�. <br /> Lender sha1�ob�a�n t�t�e e�idence at Borrower's expense. If�he��tle e�idence�nd�cates�hat <br /> �he prap�r�y is not encumber�d by any liens �e�cept this Security 7nstrument,�he Se�ond <br /> Se�urity Ins�rum�nt described�n Paragraph 13�a�and any su�bordina�e�iens�ha�the Lender <br /> det�rmines wi1�a�so be subordina�e to az�y fu�ure loan ad�anCes�,Lender sha�l request the <br /> Barrower ta execu��any doeuments necessary to protect�he��en sta�us of future 1�an <br /> advances. B�rr�wer agrees�o execute such dacuments. If s�ate�aw does na�p�rm�t the <br /> orig�na� ��en status to be ex�ended tn future loan ad�ances,Borro�ver v�ill be d�emed to have <br /> fa�led to have performed an obl�gation under�his Security�nstrumen�. <br /> �b�Tag Deferral Programs. <br /> Borrower shal�n�t participa�e �n a real es�ate ta�deferral program, if an��iens�reated by the <br /> tax deferral axe r�ot subordina�e to thxs Security Instrum�nt. <br /> (c)Pr�or Liens. <br /> B�rrower sha�l prompt�y discharge any li�n�hich has pr�ority a�er th�s 5ecur�t��nstrument <br /> un�ess Barrovver: �a}agrees in v�rit�ng to the paym�n�of�he o�Iigation secured by the lien��. <br /> a manner acceptab�e�o Lender; �b�contes�s in g�od faith the��en by,�r defends aga�nst <br /> enforcemen�of�he lien in,lega�pro�eed�ngs which�n the Lender's opinian operate�o <br /> prevent�he enf�rcem�nt of the lien or forfeitur�of any part of the Proper�y; ar[c�secures <br /> from the ho�der of the��en an agreement sat�sfac�ory to Lender subordinat�ng the lien�a a�� <br /> amounts secured by this Security�nstrum�nt. If Lender determi�.es tha�any par�of the <br /> Proper�y �s sub�ec�ta a�ien vvhich may at�ain priority o�rer this Security Instrumen�,Lend�r <br /> may give Borro�ver a na�ice iden�ifying the lien. Borrawer shali satisfy the�ien or�ake one or <br /> more of�he acti�ns set for�h abo�e w�th�n �� day�of the giving of not�ce. <br /> 13.Relat�onship to Secand Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> (a) Second Security InStrument.�n order ta secure payxnents v�h�ch th� Secretary may nlake�o or <br /> on behalf of Barrovv�r pursuant�o Section 25 S�i)�1)�A} of the Nat�onal Housing Act and�he L�an <br /> Agreement,th�Secretary has required Barrov�rer to ex��ute a Second N�te and a Second Security <br /> Instrumen�on the Proper�. <br /> (b}Re�at�onship of F�rst and Secand Security InStruments.Payments made by�he Secretary <br /> shall nat be in��uded in the debt under�he No�e un�ess: <br /> ���Thzs Security�nstrum�nt is assigned�o the Secre�aryy or <br /> �ii}The Secr�tar_y ac��p�s re�m�ursemen�b_y th�Lender f�r all pa_yments made b_y the <br /> Page 6 af 12 HECM First Deed�f Tnxst <br />