<br /> Any app�ication of payments, insurance proceeds, o�Miscel�aneaus Prnce�ds ta princ�pal due under the Note
<br /> sha11 not extend or postpflne the due da.�e, or change the amount, of�he Peri�dic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for�scrow Items. Borrower shali pay�o Lender�n the day Periodic Paymen.ts are due under the
<br /> 1Vate, un�xX the Note is pai.d in fu�i, a sum��ie "Funds"}to pro�ide fnr payment of amounts due for: �a}�axes
<br /> and assessm�n�s�nd o�her i��ms which can a�tain priar�ty o�er this Security Instirumen�as a 1��n ar
<br /> encumbrance on the Proper�; �b}�ease�.ald pa}�m�nts or ground rents on�he Proper�y, if any; �c}premiums
<br /> for any and ali insuranc.�required by I.ender under S�ction 5; and�d} Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payab�e by Barrawer ta Lender in lxeu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums�n
<br /> accordance v�rith the prnWisions of Seetion 1�. These�tems are ealled "Escrow�tems." At origir�,at�on or at
<br /> any�ime during the��rm of�he Loan, Lender ma.y require that Commurut�Associat�c�n Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed by�rrovver, and such dues, fees and assessments shal�b�an Escrow
<br /> It�m. Borrower shali promptly furnish ta L�nder aii no�ices of amaunts to be paid under�s Sec�ion.
<br /> Borrawer shal�pay Lender the Funds for EsGrov�r I�ems unless L,ender wa.i�es Borrower's oialxga�ian�a pay
<br /> �he Funds far any or a1I Escrow I�ems. I.�nder ma��vai�e Borrnwer's ab�iga�ion t�pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any or a11 Escraw Ztems a�any ti.me. ,Any such wax�rer ma.y on�y be in writing, In the e�en�of su�h wa.i�er,
<br /> B�rrower shall pay dxrectxy, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items far which
<br /> payment of Funds has been wai�ed by L�nder and, xf Lender requires, sha11 furnish to Lender re�eipts
<br /> e�idencing such payment�vi�hin such time perifld as Lender may require, Borrawer's obligat�an to make
<br /> such pa�ments and to pro��de re�eipts sha.lx for all purposes be deemed ro�ae a ca�enan�and agreement
<br /> contau�ed in this Security Xn�trumen�y as th.e phrase "co�enant and agre.�ment" �s used in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Ztems directly, pursuan��o a v�vai�er, and Barrvv�rer fai.�s�o pay the
<br /> amount due far an Escrow Item, Lender may e�er�ise r�s rights under S�ctinn 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borrower shaii then be obX�ga�ed und�r Sect�on 9 to repay to Lender any such amount, Lend�r may re�oke
<br /> the wai�er as to any or a1X Es�row Items at any time by a notice g���n in accordanc�with Sect�on 1 S and,
<br /> upon such revoca��on, Borrower sha�1 pay ta Lender a11 Funds, and in such amvunts, that are then required
<br /> under this Sect��n 3.
<br /> Lender may, a�a.ny tim�, collect and hold Funds in an amoun� (a} sufficient to perm�t Lender ta apply�he
<br /> Funds at�he time spe�ified under RESPA, and(b}not to e�.ceed the maximum amoun�a�ender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha.Ii estima�e rhe amount of Funds due an�he basis of�urren�data and reasonable
<br /> estimates of�xpendi�ures vf future Escrow Items or�therwise in accordance with Applicab�e Law.
<br /> 'I`he Funds shail be he�d in an institution whose deposi�s are insured by a federai agency, instrumenta�.�ty, or
<br /> entity �inciuding Lender, if Lender�s an institu���n vvhose deposits a.re so�nsured}or in any Federal Home
<br /> Laan Bank. Lender shall appiy the Funds ta pay the Escrow�tems no later�han�he time spec�f ed under
<br /> R.ESPA. Lender shal�not charge B�rrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing�he
<br /> escrow accour�t, or verifying the EsGrov�Items, unless Lender pays�rrov�rer interest�n the Funds and
<br /> Applrcable La.w pernuts Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in wr�t�ng�r
<br /> Applxca.ble Law requ�res interes�to be paid on�he Funds, Lender sha1�not be r�qu�red to pay E�rrower any
<br /> �n.terest or earnings on the Funds. Borro�er and I.�nder can agree in�v�rr�ting, hawe�er, that interest sha1�be
<br /> paid on�h.e Funds. L�nder shall gi�e to Borrower, without charge, an annual accaunti�.ng of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If�h�re is a surplus af Funds held in escrov�r, as defined under R�SPA, Lender shal.�ac,�aunt to Barrow�r far
<br /> the excess fund�in accordance w�th RESPA, If�here is a shar�age of Funds hexd in escraw, as defin.ed und�r
<br /> RESPA, Lender shal.I notify Borrawer as requ�red by RESPA, and Borrovver sha1�pay to Lender the amount
<br /> necessary to ma.ke up the shortag�in accardanc�wi�h RESPA, but�n no mare than 12 mvnthl.y payments. �f
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funds h�Id in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha11 no�ify Borrower as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN[�ORM 1NSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPE{NE�f1302).a�
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