<br /> . ��14�1954
<br /> �1 �SCD L�AI� � 5�40��95D
<br /> {D� "Trustee"IS LS i TI TLE C4�iPA�Y.
<br /> �E°� "�IERS"is ll�ortgage Ele��ronic Registratian Systems, [nc.�IER�i�a separat�car�pvrativn thafi is
<br /> actin�s�lely as a n�minee far Lender and Lend�r's su�cessors an�assi�ns.�AERS is the benef�c�ary
<br /> und�r th�s Se�ur�ty Instr�m�nt.�IER�is organ��ed and�xist�ng under the la�rs af Delar�are,and has
<br /> an address and te�eph�ne number af P.E]. Bvx 2U2�, F1'tn�; I�1lI 4854�-202G�t�1. �888} �79-{�E�S.
<br /> �F� `�N�st�"means�th���am�ssar�n ote s�g n ed�y Barro�ver and da��d �ut� 1�. 2 D 14.
<br /> The Note states tha�Bvrrow�r ov�res Lender **o� xu�'n�n sr�vE�rrY THou�.� ,� �0/1�4
<br /> ***********�*�******�*�**�*�******�*�***********�*�**�*****�***��*�**��****
<br /> �*****�r*******��*******�r****�***�*�r************�*****#**�r***�****��r*� ❑D�I�YS
<br /> �U.S. $i T o.000.OQ �p�us�nter�s�. B�rrov�er has pram Ese�d tfl pay th is debt in re�ular P�ria��c
<br /> Pa�menfs and�a pay the debt in full nat lat�r than 1�1PRIL 1. �v��.
<br /> �G]`�Prop�r�"`means the�raperty tha�is descr�bed belv�under th�head�ng`�Tr�nsfer of l��ghts in the
<br /> Prvper�rs"
<br /> �H)=`Loan�'m�ans�h�de�t�videnced by#he iVa#e, p�us interes�, any pr��a�ment char�e�and Iate
<br /> charges du�unde��he Note, and ail sums due under this Security�ns�rumen�� plus int�res�.
<br /> [I� `�R�d�rs"means al�Rid�rs t�this S�curity�nstrum�nt that are�xecu�ed by Barrv�ver.Th�fa�lawing
<br /> R[d�rs are t�be ex�cut�al by Borrower [ch�ck k��x as appl�cabie�:
<br /> 0 Adjustable Rate Ri�er 0 Candv��n�um F�id�r C�Secvnd Hon�e R�der
<br /> C7 Bal[v�n R�der C.7 P�ann�d Uni�D��r�[opm�nt F�ider 0�th�r�s} [s��cif�]
<br /> 0�-4 Fami[y Rider 0 B'rwre�k�y Payment Rider
<br /> 0'�.A. Rider
<br /> �J} �`,A►ppl�c��le Lar�r"m�ans alI control�ing applicabl�f�dera[, stat�and Ic�ca[statutes, re�uia�vns,
<br /> ❑rdinanc�s and adminis�rati�e rul��and vrders�that hav�the eif�ct vf la�n►}as vveN�as ai!app[icab�e finai,
<br /> non-appeala�le ju�icial gpinions.
<br /> �K] f`Commun�t�Asso��at�on Duvs, F��, �nd Ass�ssments"m�ans all dues,f��s, assessrr�en�s
<br /> anr� vther charg�s that ar� imposed vn B�rrow�r or the Prapetty by a candaminium assvcia�ion,
<br /> hameo►nrners assaciation or sim�lar organ�za�ion.
<br /> �L� "Electron�c Funds Ttansfer"means any transfer vf fundss other�han a�ransactivn�r�gina�ed by
<br /> check, draft= vr s`rmilar pa�er ins#rument�vvh�ch is in�tia#ed throu�h an�lectroni��terminal,�e��phoni�
<br /> inst�umen#, �vmpute�, or magn�tic�ap�sa as�v vrder, ins�u�t, or au�thari�e a finan�ia[ in�titu�ian tv
<br /> d�bft or credi�an acc�unt.Such�erm includ�s,�u#is nvt lim�ted ta,��int-c�f sa�e�ransf�rs,autamated
<br /> t��ler machin��ransact��ns,fransfers initiafi�d b���l�ephon�,vvi��transfers,and automated clear�nghause
<br /> transfers.
<br /> �1��"E�cro►�r it�ms"means th�se i�ems that are described in Sec�ion�.
<br /> �N��`l�l��ce��ane�ous Pr�e�ds"m�ans any c�mpensa�i�n,�etdem�nt,avvar�c���amage�,ar prrsceeds
<br /> �aid by any third party�vther than insurance pcoc�ds paid under�he c�verag�s r��scr�be�in��c�vn
<br /> 5�f��: �i�damage tr�,or de�truc�ic�n af,th�Prvper�y; �ii} cand�mnation�r o�her�aking�f alI Qr any�art
<br /> of the Pro�erty; �iii}cvnveyanc�in�ieu of condemna�an;or�i�}misre�ares�ntations�f,ar omiss�c�ns as
<br /> to,th�vaiue and�or condi�an of the Pr�periy.
<br /> [��`��artgage Insur�nce"m�ans�nsuranc�pr��ect�ng Lender agains#the nanpaymen�af,or defaujt
<br /> fln,the L�an.
<br /> �P) �`P�r�o�d�c Pa�ment"means th�re�u�arl�schedu�ed amoun�due fc�r�i}pr�ncipal and inter�st under
<br /> the Nvte, plus �ri} an�amoun�s under Secti�n�cf this S�curi#y In�t�ument.
<br /> {C�]"RESPA" m�ans �he Real E��ate Settlem�nt Proc�dures Act ��2 U.S.�, §2�4� e� seq.} and �ts
<br /> �mpl�m�n�ing reguiativn, Regula��n X�24 C.F,R. Part 1 D24}, as th�y migh�b�amended from time t�
<br /> #ime=or any additional ar succe�sor legisla�i�n�r r�gulation that gov�rr�s th�same�ubject maiter.As
<br /> used in this S�curity�ns�rument, "RESPA3'refers to al�requirem�n�s and res�ricfivns that are impQsed
<br /> �n regard to a`�fed�ral�y related mar�gage laann even�f#he Loan doe�n�t qua��fy as a"federally related
<br /> mortgag�Ivan�' under F�ESPA.
<br /> �R} "Suc�essor in[nt�r�st of Borrc��re�f3 m�an�art�par�y tha#has fiaken t��le to th�Prt�per�y;whether
<br /> or not�hat party has assume� Borrovs►er's��ligations und�r the Nvt�and��r�his S�curit��rtstrumen�.
<br /> Th� �eneficia�y vf fhis S�curity [nstrumenf is i1�ERS �s�[el� as nvmine� for Lender and L�nd�r's
<br /> su���ssor�an�ass�gns}and the suc�essvrs an�l assigns�f�IIIEF�S.This S�ur'r�y Instrument�ecur�s
<br /> ��L�nd�r: �i�the r�paym�n�vf the Laan, and all rene�ra�sf �x�ensions and madi�catians�f�he Note�
<br /> and �i�}�he perFarmanc��f Borraw�r's�vvenan�s and agreemenr�s under this Se�urity lnstrument an�
<br /> the Nat�. For this purp�se,Borro�re�irre�racably grant�and con�eys tv Trust�e, in�ru�t,vv�th po�rer of
<br /> Initiais:
<br /> NEBRASKA-�ing��Famijy-Fann��14111a�1Fredd�e t�lac UNIFURM IN�TRLIMENT Farm 30281�C�i
<br /> C3n�ine Docurnents,[nc, P�C�� � of l l NEE EED 12�2
<br /> a�--a�-Zoi� i�:o�
<br />