Return to: Five Points Bank
<br />Attn: Teri Fredrickson
<br />518 N Eddy St
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />)
<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Feb. 14, 2017
<br />GJ Z
<br />I1 p
<br />U
<br />WHEREAS, the undersigned, Five Points Bank, a Nebraska Corporation, as Trustee,
<br />under the Deed of Trust dated June 16, 1999 and October 26, 2005, executed by James J O'Neill
<br />and Judy K O'Neill; Husband and Wife, as Trustors, in which Five Points Bank is named as
<br />Beneficiary, and the undersigned as Trustee, which was recorded in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Instrument No. 0200510887 on the 3rd day of November,
<br />2005, and as Instrument No. 99- 106137 on the 17th day of June, 1999 and
<br />WHEREAS, said undersigned, Five Points Bank, as Trustee, has received from Five
<br />Points Bank, as Beneficiary, written request to reconvey the real estate described in the Deed of
<br />Trust above mentioned as follows:
<br />The Easterly Sixty -five (65) feet of Lot One (1), Block Eighteen (18), Packer and Barr's Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. AND The Westerly 55' of Lot One
<br />(1), Block Eighteen (18), Packer and Barr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />Said request to reconvey reciting that all sums secured by such Deed of Trust has been fully paid;
<br />NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with such request and the provisions of such Deed of
<br />Trust, the undersigned as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or
<br />persons legally entitled thereto, the estate now held by said Trustee hereunder.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Deed of Reconveyance, at
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, this 3rd day of April, 2014.
<br />By: David Cunnin
<br />Title: Vice Presid
<br />The foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this 3rd day of April
<br />2014, by David Cunningham. Vice President of Five Points Bank, a Nebraska corporation, on
<br />behalf of said corporation as Trustee.
<br />Notary Public
<br />C� �
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