<br /> ,
<br /> �ARRANTIES. Grantor, far itself, ��s heirs, persona� representa�ives, successars, and assigms, represents,
<br /> �aYrants,co�enants and agrees with Lender,Yts successors and assigns,as fnli�ws:
<br /> Performance �f �b�igat�ons. Grant�r pr•um�ses �� perf��rn a�� terms, cand����ns, and c�venants of�h�s
<br /> Securi�y Instrument and Related Documenfs in accardan�e v�th�1ie terms cvnfained�herein.
<br /> Defense and Title to Property.At the�i1ne uf execu�ion and del��very af this ulstrumen�, Grant�r is Ia�rfu�Iy
<br /> seised af the estate hereh� c�nve�ed and has �he exc�usive right�� m�r�gage, grant, c�nvey and assign the
<br /> Pr�per�y.Gran��r covenants�ha�the Pr�perCy is unencurnber�d and free of aII Iiens,e�cept far encumbran�es
<br /> �f recvrd acceptable �� Lender. Fur�her, Grantvr co�renan�s that ��•an�or w�l�v�rarrant and defend gen�ra�ly
<br /> the t�t�e �o the.P�:operty against any and aIi �lairns and demands �hatsoever, subject to the easements,
<br /> restr�ct�ons, or �ther en�umbrances af recard accep�able �� Ler�der, as may 1�e Iisted in �he schedu�e af
<br /> ex�ept�flns �fl c�verage in any abstra�t of title �r t�t1e �nsurance policy ansuring Lender's interest in �he
<br /> Proper�y.
<br /> �ond�tinn of.P��oper�y. �'rran�or prom�ses.at a�1 t�mes �v preserve and t� maintain the Pr�per�y and ever�
<br /> pa�-t thereof�n good repair, �vorking order, and condition and w�I1 fr�m t�me t� time, make aI1 needful and
<br /> proper repairs sv�hat the va�ue af�he Pr�per�shall n�t in any�ray be�mpaired.
<br /> Remova� of any Part bf the praper�y. Gran�or prvm.ises nn��o remove any pa.r�vf the Pr�per�r from its
<br /> presen�laca�ion,exc�pt:f�r rep�acement,maintenance and reia�at�on in the vrdZnary course❑f�usi.ness.
<br /> A�terations to the Property. Gran�ar pramis�s to a�hstain from the ca��iissi�n of any �aste on ar in
<br /> connection w��h�he Property.Fur�her,�rantor sl�a�l make n�material al�erat�ons,addi�ions or�mprovements
<br /> af any typ� wha�soe�er,��o the Pi aper�y, regardless of�rhe�her such alterations; add�tions ur imprv�r�ments
<br /> would increase �h� va�ue ❑f the Pra.perty, nor perrnit anyon� to do s� except for�enant�mprovemen�s and
<br /> comple��on �f i�ems pursuant t� appro�ved plans arid s�eci�cations, v�ith�u�Lender's prior wri�ten cons�nt,
<br /> v�hi.ch consenf may be v�ithheld b� Lender ��n�its sole discret�on. Gran��r wi�l comply vsrith a�l Ia�s and
<br /> regulations.of a��puhlic:authoi i�ies having jurisdic�ion��rer the Proper€�i�nclud�ng,wv��hout Iimi�a�ion,those
<br /> rela�ing to the use, occ�pancy anc�mauitenance th�reof and shall upon request pr�mp�Iy submi��� Lender
<br /> �e�Ydence af su�h c�mpl�ance. � _ �
<br /> Due on Sa�e-Lender's��nsent.Gran�or sha��not se1�,fiu-�her encumber or other�rise d�spose of,excep�as
<br /> here�n pra�xded, any �r all �f i�s in�eres� in any part �f�r a�I �f�he Pr�perty wi�hout first obtain�ng �he
<br /> wri�ten carisent �of Lender. If any en�umbran�e, lien, transfer or sale or agreement for �hese�is created,
<br /> Lender ma�declare�nediately due and payab�e,�he ent�re balance of the I�de��edness. ��
<br /> Insurance.�rantor prom�ses to keep the Proper�insur�d agaixast such r�sks and in su�h f�rm as may v�ithin
<br /> fhe sole discre�ion of Lender be acceptable, causi�ag Lender to �he named as �oss payee or if requested by
<br /> Lender, as mortgagee. �The insurance company sha1X be �hosen'by Gran�or�subj ect to Lender's appraval,
<br /> �hich sha1� no� be w�reasonab�y �ithhe�d. A�� insurance �p�I�cies must pro�de �ha� Lender �ili get a
<br /> minimum of 14�days na�ice pri�r�o Cancella�ion.At Lenc�er's d�s�re�.on,Grant�r may be requ�red to produce
<br /> receipts of paid�premiums and rene�nral p�l�c�es.If Grantor fa�1s to ob�ain�he requ�red c��ierage,Lender may
<br /> d��so a�Gran��r's e�pense.�rantor her��y d�rec�s each and e�ver�insur�r of�he Praper�r to make payment�f
<br /> loss��L�nder v�ith the prace�ds�o be app�ied, only a�Lender's�pti�n,t�the repair and replacement of the
<br /> damage ar loss ar�o�e applied ta the Indeb�edness with�he surp�us,if any,to�e paid by Lender t�Grantvr.
<br /> Payment af Taxes and Uther Applicable �harges. Grantor prumises to pay and �a discharge Iiens,
<br /> encumbran�es,�axes,assessments,�ease paymen�s and any o�her charges relating�a the Property�vhen Iev�ed
<br /> or assessed against Gran�ar ar the 1'raper�y.
<br /> Environmental Laws �and I�azardous �r Toxic Materiais. Grantar and e�rery tenan� have been, are
<br /> presen��y and sha1� con�inue �o be xn s�i�ct compXiance v�th; any app�ica�le �oca�, sta�e and federa�
<br /> en,viranmen�allaws and regu�a�i��s.Further,neither Grantor.n�r any tenan�sha�1 manufacture,stare,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose af hazardous or to��c materia�s as may be defined hy any s�ate or federa� lav� �n the
<br /> Properry, e�cept �� the� ex�en� tlie e�rs�ence of su�h ma�erials has been �resen�ly d�sc�osed �n v�riting ta
<br /> Lender. Gran�or��1��nlmedia�e�y��a�ify Lender in�v�rr�ting of an�asser��on�r clailn�made by any party as to
<br /> the p�ssible �vrala�ion of app�icable s�a�e and federal enviranmental lav�s includi�g �he �ocat��n vf any
<br /> hazardous or taxic ma�erials �n�r a�aou�fhe Pr�per�}r. �rantar�n�em�u�es and holds Lender harmless from,
<br /> v���hvu� l�mitation, any �iabil�ty or e�pense of v�ha�soe�er nature �ncurred directly�r ind�rectly out of or in
<br /> evnnee�ian�nr��h: �a}an�environmenta�lav�rs.affecting a11�r any par��f�he Pr�pe�-�y�r Grantor;(b}�he past,
<br /> present or future e�is�ence �f any hazardvus ma�erials �n, on, under, abaut, or emanating from ar passing
<br /> through the Prope�-�y or a�1y par�there�f or any pr�per�y adjacent �here�o; �c� any pas�, present or future
<br /> hazardous ac�ivity at or in connectiun wi�h�he Pr�perty or any part thereof; and �d}fhe noncompliance�y
<br /> Grantvr or Grant�r's failure to comp�y fu�1y and�ime�y���h en�ir�nmental laws.
<br /> Financiai Infnrmat�on. Gran�or agrees��supply Lender such financial and other vlformation concerning its
<br /> affairs and �he status af any of Y�s asse�s as Lender, from time to time, may reasonably reques�. Grantor
<br /> furt�.ier agrees tQ permi� Lender t� verify a�c�un�s as v�e�l as �o inspect, copy and to e�amine the bvoks,
<br /> records and fil�s of�rantvr.
<br /> Lender's Righ�to�nt�r.Lender ar Lender's agents sha��have�he r3ght and access t�uaspec��he Pr�perry at
<br /> aIl reasona�Ie times in order ta attend �o Lender's interes�s and ensure cvmpliance �ith �he tertrLs of this
<br /> Secur��t�r Instrument. If�he Praper�y, flr any part thereof, sha�1 requ�re inspec�ion, repa�r �r ma�ntenanc�
<br /> �rhich�ran�flr has failed t�provide, Lender, after reasonable notice, may�nt�r upon�he PrQperty t� effec�
<br /> �2�❑4-?Ui3 Campliance Systems,inc.CBAE-C1F0-2�13L2.O.E1.655
<br /> Cvmmercial Rea!Es�ate Se�urity Instrument-DL4UQ7 Pa�e 2�f 5 ►�vw.compliancesystenns.cvm
<br />