� � ��14�1945
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> C�t�SS C�LLATERALI�ATI�N. It �s the�expressed in�en� af Grantor t� cross colia�eralize all flf i�s
<br /> Indebtedness-and ob�igations �o Lender, h��s�ever arising and whenso�ver incurred, excep� any �h�igativn
<br /> e��s��ng or arisxng against the pr�ncipal dwe�I�ng of an�Gran�vr. ,
<br /> 'VyARR.ANTIES. �ran�or, f��• itself, i�s heirs, personal �representatives, success�rs, and assigns, represents,
<br /> warran�s,co�enan�s and agre�s vvi�li Lender,i�s successors and assigns,as foliows:
<br /> Performance af �bligatians. Grantor pramis�s t� perform a�l� �erms, condi�iflns, and cavenan�s of�his
<br /> Se�uri�y Instrument and Related I]ocumen�s�n accordance�i�h�he terms cvntained�herein.
<br /> Defense and Tit��tu_praperty.At�the_�une.of execu��an and de�ivery of�his�nstr�.unen�, Grant�r�s la�rfu�ly
<br /> seised�f the estate hereby c�n�eye.d and has the exclusive right,�u mo�-�gage, grant, convey and assign the
<br /> Pr�pe�-�.Grantor_co�enan�s�hat�he Prvper�y is unen�umbered and free�f a111iens,e�cept for encu.mbrances
<br /> of record a�ceptable t� Lender. Fur��er, Gran�or��ovenan�s that Gran�or w��l�varrant and defend general�y
<br /> the title ta the Pr�per�y :aga�nst any. and aIi �Iaims and demands v�ha�s�e�rer, su�hject t� the easements,
<br /> restricti�ns, or ���er encumbrances-of r�c�rd a�ceptabie tu Lender, as,may be Iisted in the s�hedule of
<br /> e�ceptions tv �o�verage. in any abstract of ti�Ie or title insurance policy �nsuring L�nd�r's interest in the
<br /> Proper�.
<br /> �onditi�n of Prope�•t�. Gxantvr promises at aIl t�mes t� preserve and�� maintain�h� Pr�per�y and every
<br /> part thereaf iri good repair, �orkv.ag arder, and cvnd��ion and�i�1 frflm tune to t�me, make all needful and
<br /> prop�r repairs s��hat the value af��e Propert�sha�l nat in any way be impaired.
<br /> Remova� of any part of the PropeY•ty. �ran�flr promis�s not to rem��e any part Qf the Pr�perty fr�m its
<br /> present 1�cat��n,,e�cep�:f�r repla�ement,maxntenance and relocat�an in�h�ordinary cou.rse af busYness.
<br /> -A�terations ta the Property. Gran�or promises �� abs�a�n fram. �he c�mmission �f any was�e on ar in
<br /> cannection wi�h the Pr�per�y.Fur�her, Grantar sha��make n�materia�al�erations,additians�r impr�vements
<br /> af any t�pe wha�s�ever�o �lie Prvper�y, regardless af�t�rhe�her su�h alteratians, addit�vns �r impro�emen�s
<br /> 4
<br /> v��u�d �ncrease �he va�ue of�he Praper�y, n�r permit anyan�t� do so e�cept for�enant impr��rements and
<br /> comp�etion of i�ems pursuant�� appr�ved plans and spec�ficatifln.s, vvi�hout Lender's pri�r written ��nsent,
<br /> which cansent;may be.v�.��hhe�d by Lender in i�s s�le discre�ion. Grrantor v�ill Gomply �?�r��h al� 1av�s and
<br /> regu�atians of�a��publi�authori�ies ha�ring ju.r�sdictian o�rer the Pr�per�y including,withaut�imitatian,�hose
<br /> relating tv �he use, �Gcu�allcy and maintenance �hereof and sha��upon reques�pr�mp�ly submit t� Lender
<br /> eviden�e�of such�omp�iance. .
<br /> 17ue on Sale-Lender's Consent..�rant�r sha�l nat seli,further encumber ar�thervvis�disp�se af,ex�ep�as
<br /> herein pra�ided, any or aII of i�s i��erest in any par� of ar all �f the Proper� w��hout �rst �b�aini.ng the
<br /> �ri�ten consent af Lender. If any encumbrance, �ien, trarisfer �r sale �r agreemen� fflr these �s crea�ed,
<br /> Lender may dec�are immediately due and pa�able,the entire ha�ance�fthe Indebtedness.
<br /> � . ; .
<br /> Insurance.Gran�or promises�o keep�he Pr�perty�nsured agauast such risks and�n such fvrm as may v�ith�n
<br /> � the sole d�scretivn of Lerider be accep�able, causing L�nder to be named as �oss pa�ee or �f reques��d by
<br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. =The �nsurance c�mpany sha�1 be chosen �y Grant�r su�j ect to Lender's appro�val,
<br /> �hich shall na� be uni eas�nably wi�hheld. AlI insurance po�icies mus� pr�vide �hat L�nder wi�� get a
<br /> minimum af 1�days n�tice pri�r t��ance�Iation.At Lender's discretion,Gran��r ma��be required��praduce
<br /> receipts of paid premiums and renewa�p�licies.If Grantor fails tv��btaYn the requ�red cvverage,Lender may
<br /> da sv a�Grantor's e�pens�. Gran�ar hereby dire��s each and e�ery insurer of�he�Proper�y�n make payment of
<br /> lass�o Lender v�rith the�r�ceeds to be app�ied, an�y at Lender's o�ation,to the repa�r and rep�acement vf the
<br /> damage or loss�r t�be�applzed to�he Indebtedness v�rith the surplus,if any,��be paid�y Lender�o Grantar.
<br /> Payment ❑f Ta�es and �ther App�icabxe Charg�s. Grant�r pr�mises to pay and �o discharge liens,
<br /> encum�rances,ta�es,a55�55171Ell�S,lease paymerits and any o�her charges rela�ing t�the Praperty�hen�evied
<br /> �r assessed against�rrant�r ar�he Prv�er�}r.
<br /> �nv�r�nmentai �aws and Hazardous �r Toxic Materia�s. �ran�or and e�ery tenant have been, a�-e
<br /> presen��� and sha1� continue to be rn strY�� cQmpl�ance v�r�th any app�icab�e ���al, sta�e and`federa�
<br /> en�ir�nxrien�a�1a�s and�regula�i�ns.Further,nei�her Grantor nvr an�tenan�sball manufactures st�re,handle,
<br /> d�scharge or dispose of ha.zard�us or t�xic ma�erials as may be de�ned by any state ar federal �a� on the
<br /> Proper�y, exc�pt to �he extent the exis�ence of sucl� mater�a�s has been pr�sently discl�sed in vsrriting to
<br /> Lender. Gran�or�nri�l_i�ri�nediately no�ify Len�er in wri�ing�f a.ny assert�on or cla�m nlade by any par�as to
<br /> �he poss�b�e vi�Iatian of appl�ca�le s�ate and federa� en�u onmental 1a�nrs inc�uding the 1o�a�i�n ❑f any
<br /> hazardvus Qr tQx�c mat�rials on�r about the Property. Grran�or uademn��es and hv�ds Lender harmless from,
<br /> vv��h�ut Iim�#ation, an� �iahil�ty or e�pense �f�ha�saeWer nature �ncurred d�rectl� ar �ndirectly ou� of vr in
<br /> connectian vv�th: (a�any�env�ronmentai lav�s afFecting a�l or any part�f�he Pr��er�y�r Grantor;(�b)the pas�,
<br /> pr�sent ur future ex�s�ence of an�hazardvus�mat�rials in, on, under, abou�, or emanat�rig fi om ar passing
<br /> thrvugh the Prope�-�y or any pa�-� ��ere�f ar any property adjacent thereto; �c� an}� past, present �r future
<br /> hazardous acti�i#y at or in connection v�ith�he Prvper�y ar an�par��hereaf; and �d� �he noncamp�ian�e by
<br /> Grantor�r Grantor's fai�ure to camply fully and��xn��y�r�th en�iranmen�allavvs.
<br /> Financial Ynformation.Grantor agrees�o supply Lender su�h financial and o�her inf�rmat�on c�ncerning Yts
<br /> affairs and th� s�atus of any of its assets as Lender, fi vm �ime t� time, may reasonably request. Grantar
<br /> fu�.-�her agrees to perm�� Lender �o verify accounts as well as to inspec�, cvpy and t� e�amine the b�a�s,
<br /> rec�rds and��es of Gran�or.
<br /> �2��4--2�13 Compliance Systems,Inc.CBAE-6724-2013L2.U.E1.655
<br /> Cammercial ReaI Estate Security Ir�strument-DL4�07 Page 2❑f 5 www.camp�ian�e�ystems.com
<br />