- ��14�1947
<br /> ,
<br /> 'L�' TIES. Grant�r, for i�self, �ts heu s, pers�nal represen�a��ves, successors, and ass�gns, represents,
<br /> v�arrants,��venants and agrees wi�h Lender,I�5 511�CeS5�r5 aIl�'I a551�5,a5 f��IOWS:
<br /> P�rfnrmance of UbIigation�. Gran��r prom�ses tu perf�rm a�l �erms, condi�ions, and c��renants �f this
<br /> Se�ur�ty Insti-ument and Rela�ed Documenfis�accardance�ri�h�he terms cvn�aix�ed�herein.
<br /> Def�rise and Title t❑Property,At�he time of execution and delivery of�his instrument,Grantor is�a�fu�l�
<br /> seised of the estate hereb���n�e�ed and has �he e�c�us��e right�o mor�gage, gran�, c�nvey and assign the
<br /> Prvperry.Grant�r c�venan�s that�he Prvpel-�y�s unencumber�d and free�f aI��iens,except for encumbranc�s
<br /> �f record acceptai�le �v Lender. Fw.-�her, �ran�or covenants �hat �ran�or vwill warrant and defend generally
<br /> #he title �o the Property against any and a�l c�airns and demands v�hats�e�er, subject �o the easements,
<br /> restric�ions, or ��1ier encumhrances af recard accep�able �o Lender, as may be l�sted iri the schedule of
<br /> e��eptiuns to c��rerage. �n an� abstract ❑f�it�e �r t��le insurance po�ic}� insur�ng Lender's �nterest in the
<br /> Prvper�. . .
<br /> Cnnditian of Prvperty. Gran��r�promises,a� a1i�imes to preserve and to main�ain the Property and every
<br /> part�here�f in go�d repa�r, w�rking arder, and canditinn and vtrill fr�m time ta time, make aII needfu� and
<br /> proper repairs so�hat�he va�ue of the Pr�per�sha1�nat in any�ray be unpa�red.
<br /> Remova� of any Part of the Praperty. �rant�r prom�ses not tv remave an�part of the ProperCy fr�m its
<br /> present loca�ion,except:for rep�ace�nent,.maintenance and re�oca�ian in�he ordinar�course vf business.
<br /> Alterati�ns to the property. �rant�r pr�m�ses to'abs�ain fiom the c�mm�ss��n of any waste on ar in
<br /> cannection vvith�he ProperCy.Fur�her, Gran�or shal�mak�na mat�rial al�erat�ons,additians or improvements
<br /> of any type`vvha�s�e�er�� �he Proper�y, regardless af v�rhe�her such al�era�ions, addit�ans �r impr�vement�
<br /> v�r�uld increase �he �a1ue of the Proper�, nor permit any�ne t� �❑ s❑ e�cept for tenant impro�emen�s and
<br /> comple�ivn af items pursuan�to ap�ro�ed�p�ans arid specificat���s, with�ut_Lender's-prior�rr�t�en. consent,
<br /> vvhich consent may �be wYfhYield by Lend�er Yn its sale discret�on. Grantor �trx1l camp�y w�th a1I IavSrs and
<br /> regulati�ns of a��puhli�au�horit�es ha�ing jurisdic�iQn aver�he Proper�y in�luding,wifhout 1i.mitatian,those
<br /> re�atix�g t� �he use, �ccupancy and mai.n�enan�e �hereof and sha��upon rer�uest promptl� subm�t ta Lender
<br /> e�ridence af such ca�np�ia�.lce. �
<br /> Due on Sale--Lender's�an�ent.Grantor shall n�t se�I,fur�her encumber�r o�herv��se dispose of,e�cept as
<br /> herein provided, any or all �f its interest in any par� af or a�� �f the Proper�y v�ithout first flb�aining the
<br /> vc�ritten cans�nt �f Lender. If any encumbrance, l�en, transfer or sa�e or agreemen� f�r these �s crea�ed,
<br /> Lender may declare immediatel�due and payabl�,the entu e balance�f�he Indeb�edn�ss.
<br /> Insurance.Grantor promises t�keep the Proper.�y i�sur�d against such risks and in such f�rm as may�vi�ixn
<br /> the sole discre�ion of Lende�be accep�ab�e, causing Lender tfl b� named as �oss payee or Yf r��uested by
<br /> Lender, as m�r�gagee. �The xnsurance company sha11 be chasen��y Grantor subj ec� to L�nder's approval,
<br /> which shall not �e unreasonably withheld. All insurance pv�icies mus� provide that Lender wi�� get a
<br /> minimuna af 1U c�ays notice pr�or�o cancellati�n.��Lender's�d�scret��n,�rantor may l�e required f�praduce
<br /> re�eip�s af paid premiums and renevt�al po�icies.If Grantor fai�s to ob�ain the required co�erage,Lender may
<br /> d�so at Gran�ar's e�pense.Grantor hereb�d�.rec�s each and e�ery�nsurer of fhe].'r�per�y to make payment of
<br /> � ��ss t�Lender vt�i�h the proceeds�o�be app�ied, un�.y at Lender's�p��on,t�the repair and rep�acement of the
<br /> damag�ar loss�r�o be applied ta�he Indebtedness v�ith the surp�us,if any,��be paid�by Lender to Grantor.
<br /> Pa�ment of Taxes and �ther App�icab�� Charges. �`rrant�r prom�ses tv pa}� and tu discharge Iiens,
<br /> encum�rances,taxes,assessments,lease payments and any�:�her charges relating�o�he Pr�perfiy when�evied
<br /> ar assessed against Gran�ar or�he Prvperty.
<br /> Environm�ntal Laws and Hazardaus ar Toxic Materi�l�. �ran��r�and every �enant have �een, are
<br /> presen��y and sha1� cvntxnue ta be in str�ct compliance v�ith any applica�le 1oca�, s�ate and federa�
<br /> envirvnmen�al�a�s and�regula�ions.Fur�Iler,nei�her Grant�r n�r an�r tenant sha�I manufa�ture,s�ore,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose of hazardous ar tfl�.ic ma�erials as ma�be defined b�r an� state or federal la�v �n�he
<br /> Property, except ta �he ex�en�=:�he ex�stenGe �f such materials has b�en presently disclosed in wr-itirig to
<br /> Lender. Gran�or vvil�immediate�y nQtify Lender in writYng af any asser�on or�1aun made by any par�r as to
<br /> the possible �i�la�ion of app7icable s�a�e and federal enviranmental laws inc�uding th� �ocati�n �f any
<br /> hazard�us�r toxic ma�erials�n or ab�ut�he Pr�pert�. Grantor indemni�ies and h��ds Lender harmless fr�m,
<br /> �i�hou�Ximitatian, any �ia�ility or expense af v�rhatsve�ver nature uacurred direc�ly or ind�rec�ly �ut �f�r in
<br /> c�nn�ction with: �a�any envir�ilmen�a�Iaws affec�ing a�l or any part of the Property or Gran�ur;(b)the pas�,
<br /> present or future e�is�en�e of any ��azardous materiais in, on, under, a�aut, or emana�ing fram �r passing
<br /> through �he Proper�y or any pa��t thereof ar any proper�y adjacent there��; [c} any past, �resent or future
<br /> hazardous a�ti�ity�at or in �onnectivn�ri�h�h.e Praperty or any par��hereof; and (d� �he nonc�mp�iance by
<br /> Grantor or Grantor`s failure to comply fu�ly and t�mely�vi�h environmental laws.
<br /> Financia�Information.�rant�r agrees t�supp�y Lender su�h financial and o�her infarm.ation concerning its
<br /> affa�rs and the status af any of Yts assets as Lender, fr�m time ta time, may reasanably request. Grantor
<br /> fur�her agrees to perm�t Lender tv verify ac��unts as we11 as to �nspe�t, copy and t� e�amine the boaks,
<br /> rec�rds and.fi1es of Gran��r.
<br /> Len�er's�tight to Enter.Lender or Lender's agents sha11 have the righ�and access ta inspect the Property at
<br /> a�1 reas�nable �imes in �rder �� at�end �� Lender's i.nterests and ensure camp�iance �ri�h the terms flf this
<br /> Securi�}r Instrument. If the PraperL�r, or any par� thereof, sh��I requi�•e �nspecti�n, repair �r maintenance
<br /> �nrhich Grantor has failed t� pro�ide, Lender, after reasonab�e no�ice, may enter upan�he PrQper�y to effect
<br /> ��0��-2D13 Compliance Systems,�nc.CBAE-8EOQ-2fl13L2_d.E1.655
<br /> Cammer�ia�Rea!Estate Security Instrument-DL40U7 Page z vf 5 www.cnmp�iancesystems.cam
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