- ��14�194�
<br /> .
<br /> �R�SS C�LLATERAL�ATI�N. It �s �he e�pressed �ntent af.Grant�r t� cross co�lateral�ze aiI �f ��s
<br /> Indebtedness and ��l�gati�ns t� Lender, ho�rs�e�er aris�.ng and wh�ns�ever incurred, excep� any �bligati�n
<br /> exis��ng or ar�sing against�he�prxnc�pa�d�elluag of any Gran��r. _ .
<br /> WARRANTIES. Gran�or, f�r i�self, i�s he�rs, persona� representatives, suc�essors, and assigns, represenfis,
<br /> wa�-rants,ca�enan�s and agre�s v���h Lender,its suc�essors and assigns,as follvv�s:
<br /> Performance af �bligations. Grant�r pra�nises �o perf�rm aI1 terms, c�nditivn5, and co�venan�s of#his
<br /> S'ecurity Instrument and Related I7ocuments in acc�rdance w��h the terms contained�her�in.
<br /> Defense and Title to Prnperty.At�he�ime uf ex�cut�on and deli�rery of�his in�trument, Grantvr is Iavvfully
<br /> seised�f the es�a�e hereb� c�nveyed and has�he exclusive r�ght,ta mortgage, gran�, c�nvey and assign the
<br /> Pruperty.Gran�or cnvenan�s that�he Proper�y is unencumbered an�free of a���iens,e�cept for encumbrances
<br /> of record a�ceptable�o Lender. Fur�her, Grantflr covenants tha� �rantor v�r.��l warrant and defend generaliy
<br /> �he t��le ta �he Prapert� agains� any and a�l ciairns and demands wha�soe�er, su�j e�t ta the easements,
<br /> restr�c�i�ns, or a�ther er�cu.mbr�.nces of recvrd acceptable ta Lender, as may be �isted �.n the schedule �f
<br /> e�cep�ions ta co�erage. �n any abstract of t��le �r title insuran�e pol�cy �nsuring Lender's in�erest �n the
<br /> Prv�erty.
<br /> r .. . �. . �
<br /> Cond�tinn of Property. �1=antor_promises at aI1 ti�n�s �� preserve and�o mair�tain t�ae Proper� and every
<br /> par�thereof in goad repair, �ork�ng �rder, and conditi�n and v�ill from ti_me tn time, make a�1 needful and
<br /> proper repairs so�ha��he value of�he Property sha��nat�n any v�ray�be 3mpa�red.
<br /> Remnvai of any Parf of the Property. �rantar promises n�t ta remove any. par� of the Prvperty fr�m i�s
<br /> present.I�ca�ivn,excep�for r�placement,main�enance and re�oca�ion in�he.ordinary cuurse af husiness.
<br /> A�terations fo the Property. Grantor pr�mises to abs�ain fr�m �he cam-missi�n of any �aste on �r in
<br /> �
<br /> connection�ith�he Prope�-ty.Fur�h�r,Grantor shal��ma�e n�mater�a�al�era�ians,addrtions or impr��ements
<br /> �f any type �rha�soever t� �he Property,regardless of�vhether such ai�era�i�ns; additions or �mprovements
<br /> vvauld in�rease the value of the Praperfiy, nor permit anyone �a do so e��ept for�enant impr�v�ments and
<br /> comp�e�ion af i�ems pursuant�v appr��ed'p�ans and spec�fications, �i�iout Lender's pri�r written consent,
<br /> which c�nsent may be wit�ihe�d by Lei�der in i�s s�l� discretivn. �rantor �i�1 c�mp1� vv��h al� 1a�s and
<br /> regulations of al�public author�ties having jurisdic�ian vver the Prvpe�-Cy including,v�i�hou�l�imi�a���n,th�se
<br /> re�a�ing�o �he use, oc�upancy anc�ma�ntenance �.lereof and shall upon re�ues�promp�ly submit t� Lender
<br /> . ,
<br /> e►v�dence of such c�mpi�ance. � � � .
<br /> , .
<br /> Due on Sale--Lender's Consent.Gran�or shal�n�t se11,further encumber or��her�se dispnse�f,except as
<br /> herein provided, any ar a11 �f its �nterest in an�r par� af or a�1 af�he Prape�-� v���h�ut �rst ohtaining the
<br /> written ��nsent vf Lender. If any encumbrance, 1�en, transfer or sa�e ar�agreemen� for these is created,
<br /> Lender may dec�are immediately due and pa�ab��,the entire�alan�e of�he Indebtedness.�
<br /> Insuranc�.Gran��r proinises to keep�he Proper��.nsured-against su�h risks and in such form as may wi�hin
<br /> the sole c�rscre�i�n of L'ender�e acceptab�e, caus�ng Lender ta be named as l�ss pa�ee or if requested by
<br /> Lender, as mar�gagee. 'The insurance cornpan� shall be chasen-b}� Gra��or subjec� t� Lender's appr��al,
<br /> . which shai� not be unreas�nabXy wi�hheld. All insurance pa�icies must pr��ride �ha� Lender v�il� get a
<br /> minimum of lU days n�tiGe prior t�cance�lation.A�Lender's discretion,Gran��r n�a�be required t�produce
<br /> receipts af paid premYu�ns and rene�a�po�ici�s.If Grantor fails t�o�tain the required coverage,Lender may
<br /> do so at�rantar's-expense.Grant�r hereby direc�s each and e�ery insurer of�he Pr�per�y tu make pa�ment vf
<br /> 1�ss t�Lender��vi�h�he proceeds�Q be appT�ed, �nly at Lender's op�ion,���he repair and replacemen�of the
<br /> damage or Ioss or ta be applied�a�he Indebtedness�vith�he surplus,�f any,to be paid by Lender to Gran�or.
<br /> Payment of Taxes� and �ther App�icable Charges. �rantar promises to pay and t� discharge liens,
<br /> en�umbrances,�axes,assessments,lease pa�nen�s and an���her�harges relat�ng ta�he Property when Ie�r�ed
<br /> �r assessed agains�Grantor or�he P�:operty.
<br /> �n�ironmental LawS and Hazardou� or Toxic Mater�a�s. Grantor and eve1� t�nant ha�re been, are
<br /> presen�ly and sha�I �ontinue �n 1a� in stric� comp�ian�e v��th an� app�icab�e �ocal, s�a�e and federal
<br /> �nvirvnmenta�laws and regu�ations.Further,neither Grant�r nor any tenan�shall manufacture,stare,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose of hazardous or toxic materia�s as may b� defined hy any s�ate or federa� Iav� �n the
<br /> Praperry,. except �� �he extent �he e�is�erice of such materials has been presently d�sc�osed in �riting �o
<br /> Lender. �rantor v�i11 xmmedrately no�ify Lender in vs�ri�ing of any asser�i�n�r G�aim made by any party as to
<br /> �1ae poss�b�e �violati�n af app�ica��e state and federa� envirvnmen�al �avs�s �ncluding �he l�cat�on of any
<br /> hazardnus ar�oxic lnaterials on�r abau��he Proper-�y. GrantQr�ndemn��.es and holds Lender halmless fram,
<br /> withou�1�mi�ation, an� liab��ity �r expense �f v�ba�sve�er nature uacu��ed d�rec��.y ar indirectly aut �f vr in
<br /> cann�c��on viri�h: [a�any env�ronmen�al�avsrs aff�cting a11 or an�part�f�he Proper-�y�r Grant�r;�h}the past,
<br /> present or future existence of an�hazard�us mater�als in, on, under, abou�, �r emanating frvm or passing
<br /> thraugh the Prope�-ty or. any pa�.-�there�f or any pr�per� adjacent �here��; (c� any pas�, present or future
<br /> hazardous ac�r�ity at or in connection wi�h�he Pr�per�or any par�thereof; and �d}the nan�vmpl�ance by
<br /> Grantor ur Grantor's fai�ure ta�Qmp�y ful�y and t�me�y v�rit�i en�ir�nmen�al lav�s.
<br /> Financ�al Information.Gran�ar agr�es to supply Lender such�nanciai and�ther informatian concerning its
<br /> affairs and �he sta�us of an� of��s assets as Lender, frvm �ime ta time, may reas�nably request. �rant�r
<br /> fur�her agrees to perm�t Lender �o �erify acc�unts as �ell as to inspec�, copy and t� examine the b�oks,
<br /> recards and�ies af Gran�ar.
<br /> �2���-2�13 Campliance Systems,Inc.CBAE-3793A-2013L2.O.E1.555 �
<br /> �ammercial Real Estate Security Instrument-DLA�Q7 Pa�e 2 af 5 w�r�v.camp{iancesystems.com
<br />