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��14�154� <br /> fu1� flf all sums secured b}� ti��s Securi�y Ins�ruu�nen�. However, �his op�ian sha�l �o� b� exer�ised by Lender if <br /> ea�ercise is pra��bi�ed by federal�av�r as�f the date of�his Security�n��rument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this �p��an, Lender shail gi�r� Barr�vver n���ce �f a�c�l�ra�i�n. T�e not�ce sha�l pra�ide a <br /> period of not less than �he min�mum number of da�rs estab�ished by Appli�able Lavv fram the da�e the no��ce �s <br /> de�i�rer�d or ma�led �ithin v�hich Borrower musi. pay al� s�ms secu.�ed by �his Security �nstrument. �f Borro�ver <br /> fails to pay these su�s prior t� ��e e�p�ra�ion �f this perio�, Lend�r n�ay invQke an�remed�es permit�ed�by�his <br /> Secur�ty Insi.rument wi�h�ut further n�tice�r demand�n F3arro�v�r. � <br /> Borrnv�er's Right t� Reins�at�. �f Barro�uer mee�s cer�ain �anditions, Borrawer shal� have the righ� t� ha�e <br /> enforcement of this Security �nstrument disconti��ued at any time p�ior t��he earlier of: �a} S days �or su�h ather <br /> peri�d as A.pplicab]e Law may specify for reinstat�men��before sal��f�he�'r�per�y pursuant ta ariy power of sale <br /> con�ained in �h�s Secur��y Ins�rument; ar �b� e�t�y of a �udgmen� enforcing th�s �Secur�ty �nstrument. Those <br /> c�ndit�ons are that B�rr�wer: �a} pays Lender a1� sums wl�ich the� v�auld be du� under this Secur�t� �ns�rument <br /> and#:he�antrac�as if no acceleration had v�curred;�b}cures any default of any ather co�enants or agreemen�s;��� <br /> pays all expenses incurred�n enfor�ing�his Security�ns�rumen�,in�Iuding,bu�not limited�o,reas�nab�e a�t�rne�st <br /> fees�o �he extent permi�ted�y lav�; and�d�takes such ac�ion as Ler�der may reasanab�y re9u�re t� assure that the <br /> �ien of this Secur�ty Instrument, Lend�r's r�ghts ir�the Pr�perty and Borro�v�r's obligation�o pay the sums secured <br /> by this Securit~y �nstrun�ent sha1� canti�aue unchanged. Up�n r�ins�al�ement b� B�rrov�er, �his Security �ns�rumen� <br /> and the a���g���ons secured I�ereb�r shall remain fu�ly effec��ve as if no ac�elera�i�n had occurred. Hov���er, �his <br /> r�gh��o reins�a�e sha�X no�apply�n�he case of a�celerati�n under th�sectior�titled'TranSfer of the Property ar a <br /> �Ber�eficial xn�erest in �3orro�er. <br /> Ha�ardou��ub�tar�ces.B�rrower shall not cause or perm��the presenc�,use, disp�sal, st�rage, �r release of any <br /> Ha�ard�us Substances on�r�n the Pro�erty.Borrav�er sha�l nat da,n�r a�la�anyane else to da,anything affec�ing <br /> �he ProperCy that is ixa �io�ati�n af any En�ir�nr�en�a1 La�. The preceding tvv� s�n��nc�s shall no� apply �o �he <br /> presence,use, or s�orage an the Pro�e��y of sma1�quan�i�ies of Ha�ardau�Su�stances�ha�are generally reco�nl2ed <br /> to be apprflpria�e�o n�rY�al residential uses and�o maintenance of�he Pr�perty. <br /> Borrower shall prompt�y g�ve Lender written na�ice of any in�est�gation,cl�im, dex�and,lawsui�or�ther act�on by <br /> any governm�nta� or regula�ary agency or pri�a�e par�y �n�ol�ring the Pr�per�y ar�d any Hazardous Substan�e or <br /> Envirflnmen�al Law of v�h�ch Barrower has a��ual knowledge. �f B�rrawer �earns, or is n��if ed by any <br /> go�ernmenta�ar regu�a�ory author�t�,tha�any re�nava�or��her remediati�r��f any Ha�ardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Prop�rCy is necessary, B�rrower sha�l pr�mptly �a�e al� necessat�r remedi�.i actions in accardan�e vvith <br /> Environmental Lavv. � <br /> As used in�h�s pa�agraph, "��azarc��us Substances" are�hose subs�a�ces d�fined as toxic �r hazardous substances <br /> by En�ir��lmental Lavv and �he foiia�v�ng substances: gasoline, �erosene, �ther�flamrr�able �r toxic petroleum <br /> praducts, toxic pes�icides and herbicides, �o�atiie s�lven�s, materia�s c�n�a�ning asbestos or for�naldehyde, and <br /> rad�aacti��ma�eria�s.As used in th�s paragraph, "En�r�ro.nmen�a�La�v"nieans federal�av�s and�av�s of the s�ate�f <br /> Nebras�a fha�reXate��hea��h, safe�y or env�r�nmenta�pratec�i�n. <br /> Acceieration; l�eme�ies. Lender shal� give n��ic� to �orr�wer pri�r �a acce�eration foilorr�ing Borro�ver's <br /> �reach of any coWenaY�t or�greeanent in this Security�nstrurr�ent ar th�e�on�ract under which accelerat�vn <br /> is p�rm�tted �bu� not prior�o acceleration unde� �he sectio� t�tl�d 7C`r�nsfer�f the 1'ruper�y or a Benef�cia� <br /> �n�eres�t �n �orrawer, �n�ess App�icable Law pro�ides �therw�s��. Th� notice�hal� spe�ify: �a� the default; <br /> ��} th� acti�n requ�red �o� �ure �he defaul�; (c} a date, no� �ess than the minimum number ❑f days <br /> es�ablished �y A�plica��e Law from th�date the no�ice is�i�e�to �orrawer, by v�h�ch the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d3 that f�iiure �❑ cure �he defau�� on or bef�re �he date �pecified in t�e �otice may resul� in <br /> accelera�ian of the 5ums s�cured 1a� this S�curi�y In�trument and sal� ❑f t�e Pr�perty. To the extent <br /> permitted hy �aw, �he natic� shal� fur��er inform Borrower�f�he ri�ht tn reins�ate after acc�ieratian and <br /> �he r�gh�to�ring a cvu�t acti�n ta assert�h�nom-existenc��f a defau�t vr a�y other de�ensQ af Borrower ta <br /> acceleration and sa�e. �f��� d�fauit is n�� cured an or �ef�r� �he da�e sp�cifi�d in the notice, Lender at �ts <br /> apti�rn may require immediate pa�men� in full ❑f ��I sum� secured by thi� Security �ns�rumen� v�vithout <br /> further demand an� may i��oke the pow�r of sa�e and an� other rer�edies perm�t�ed by Applicabl� Lavv. <br /> To the extent pe�rmi�ted by �aw, Lender shall be e�tit�ed �� co�lect al� expenses incurred in pursu�ng the <br /> rem�dies pr�vided in this Se�t�an, �nc�uding�bu� nat�i�ai�ed to, rea��nabl�att�rney�' fees and costs of title <br /> �VI���IC�. . <br /> If the power of sale is �n�vaked,Tr��stee shai� r�cord a no�ice of�efaul�t in each county �n which any part of <br /> th�Progerty i� laca��d and shal�mai��ap�es c�f such nati�e in �he ma��er prescribed by App�icabie Law to <br /> Bfl�rvw�r a�d to the ��her persans prescrihe� �y A�p��cab�e L�w.'Aft�r the time required hy App�icab�e <br /> Law, Tru�tee shall g��� pu�li� n�tice af saie �o �he Persons and in ��e �aan�er pres�ribe�[ by Applicab�e <br /> La�v. Trustee,v�vithaut demand �n Barr�wer,�ha�l seil th� Property at pub�ic auction tv �he highest bidder <br /> a��he time�nd place and u��der�h�terms designa�ed in the na���e of sale in ane or mare parcels and in any <br /> order Trus�ee de�erm�r�es. Trus�ee may pvs�pon� sa�e �f ai� or a�n� par�el of the Proper�y by pub�ic <br /> ann�uncement a�the�ime and place of any pre���us�y s�h�duled sa�e.Lender or i�s designee may purchase <br /> the Pr�per�t�at an�sa��. <br /> IJpon receip� af pa�Tment�f the price bid, '�'ru��ee sha�� d�l�ve�- �o th� purcha�er Trustee's deed c�n�eying <br /> the Praperty. T`he r�ci�als�n the'�`rustee's dee� shall ]be p���a fac�e e►��idence�f the truth flf the statements <br /> mad� therein. Tru�tee sha�l apply the prac��ds �f the sa�� �n the ����owing ord�r: (a� �o al� CoSts and <br /> expenses of ex�rcisi�g the pov►rer of s�ie, and �h� sale, i�c�udir�g �he�p�yment af�he Trustee's f�es actual�y <br /> C���fl4-?�13 Cornplian�e Systerns,�za�.8EBa-2d85-2a13L2.�.E1.712 <br /> Consumer Reaf Estate-Secu�ity Instrument DL?436 Pa�e 4 of 5�npliancesystems,cam <br />