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<br /> Hnme F�deral Sav�ngs&L�an Associat�nn af Horne Federal SaW�ngs& Loan Assvcia��on of
<br /> Grand �siand Grand I��and
<br /> ��� Snuth Lacust S�ree� z2� S�uth Locus�S�reet
<br /> �Space Aba�e This L�ne Fa�r�ecording Data}
<br /> L�AN�R���NAT�R NAME: L�sa N.�ayer
<br /> NMLS C)R�G�NAT�R IDENTIF�ER: 4946�9
<br /> � D�ED �F T1�UST
<br /> �3Y TI�IS D�ED [�F TRLTST)
<br /> T�IS DEED�F TRUST["Secur�#,y Zns�rument"�xs made on Ma rch 27,2��4. The gran��rs ar�Steve P S�ebbing
<br /> and I��mber�y R S�ebbang, husband and v�ife, �vhose ad�ress �s 9283 'W �ne --R Rd, �a�ra, Nebraska GS824
<br /> [rr���,�„���rrf� ��.x.rav`,er�s no�ne�essar�Iy th� same as th� P�rson or Persons �ho s�gn the Hvme Equi�y .Lane of
<br /> �
<br /> Cred�� Agreement� da�ed March �7s 2U14 �"�flntra�t"�. Tl�e abl�ga�ians flf Borrowers �vh� dxd noti sign the
<br /> C�n�ra��are expIa�ned further�n the sect�on ��t�ed Successors and Assigns Sound; Ja�n�and Se�era� Liab����y;
<br /> Accammvda��on Signers. The �rustee is Arend R. Saack, ,A►�torney whose address �s P.�. Box 790, Grand
<br /> �s�and, Nebraska 68SU2 �"Trus�ee"}. The benef�ciary �s Hame Federa� Sa�ings & Loan Ass�c�at�on �f Grand
<br /> �s�and, which is organ��ed and ex�s�ing und�r�he lav�s of�he Un��ed Sta�es�f Amer�ca and vvhose address �s Z2�.
<br /> South L�cUs� S�reet, �rand Is�and, Nebraska �S$U� �"LenderT'}. Steve P S�eb��n� and Kimberly R S�e�bing
<br /> have en�er�d inta a �on�ract w�th Lender as af March 27, 2U I 4, under�he terms af wh�ch Borrawer may, from
<br /> ��me t� t�me, ob�ain ad�ances not �o ex�eed, at any ��me, a ''{''�''�MA�IMUM PR�NCIPAL AM�UNT
<br /> [E�CLUDINr� PR�TE�T�VE ADVANCES)x'�Y of Ten Thousand and U�I�flU Do�lars ��J.S. $�U,��U.UU�
<br /> � �red�t Lim�t }. Any party�nterested in the d�ta�ls rela�ed t�Lender`s con��nu�ng�bligatian ta make ad�an��s ta
<br /> Barravver is advised�o��nsul�direc��y with Lender. �f no�pa�d ear�ier,the sums ovvi�ag under Sorrawer's�on�ract
<br /> w��h Lender�v�l� be due an Apri� I5, 2�T 3. T��s Secur�ty ��strument seGures to Lender: �a} �he repayment�f�he
<br /> deb�under�he Cfln�ract,�v��h in�erest, �nc�uding future ad�an�es, and all renewa�s,�x�ensions and modif��a�ions flf
<br /> th� Contract; �b} �he paymen� af a�l o�her su�ns, vv�th in.terest, ad�an�ed �o pro�ect the security of�h�s Secur��y
<br /> �ns�rum.en�under the prov�sxans �f�he se�tion����ed Protect�on fl�Lender's Rights.in �he Property; and�c} �he
<br /> perfarmance �f Borro�er's �ovenan�s and agreemen�s under th�s Security �ns�rumen� and the ��n�ract. Fflr this
<br /> purpose, Borro�ver, in c�ns�dera�i�n of the deb� and tlae �rus� here�n created, irre�aGab�y g�-an�s and �an�eys to
<br /> Trustee, 1I7 �"U.S�, ��th p�wer of sa�e, �he fo�lovWing des�ribed property �o�a�ed in ��ae County �f Hal�, State of
<br /> Nebrasl�a: .
<br /> Address: ��83�V�ne-R Rd,�airo,Nebraska 58824 �
<br /> Legal Descrip��on: �ee Exhibit"Ar'
<br /> T��ETHER �]VITH ail the �mprov�ments naw or hereafter erec�ed an the property, and al� easements,
<br /> appur�enances, and fxtures nov� or hereaft�r a par� of the pr�perty. Ail rep�acements and addi�ions shal� a�so be
<br /> cavered by �his Securi�y �ns�rument. Al� of t�e faregoing �s r�ferred �v in �h�s Securi�y �ns�rument as �he
<br /> '►Prope�-fiy."
<br /> B�RR�'�ER C�VENANTS �hat Borrawer �s 1a�vfuliy se�sed of the es�ate hereby can�eyed and has �he r�gh�to
<br /> grant and convey �he Pr�per�y and that the ProperCy is unencumbered, except for encumbrances Qf record.
<br /> Barrovver vvarran�s and wil� defend geperalXy the ��t1e �fl �he Property against al� claims and d�mands, subjec� �a
<br /> any encumbrances�f record.
<br /> Bflrrawer and Lender�ovenant and a�ree as fa��ov�s: �
<br /> Paymen�❑f Princ�pa�and �nt�res�; ��her Charges. Borrower sha��pramp��y pay�vhen due the principal�f and
<br /> �n�erest on�he de���v�ed under the Contrac�and�a�e charges�r any o�her f�es and�harges due under�he�on�rac�.
<br /> Q 20d4-2413 Cvm�rliance Syst�ms,Inc.$Eg3-2G85-2�I3L2.O.E�.712
<br /> Cvnsumer Rea�Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 � Page 1 of 5 www.camplian��systems.com
<br />