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<br /> the real property described is lacated in HALL C�IJNTY,I1IEBRASKA and being s�t for#h as fallaws: .
<br /> In cansid�rat�an of the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the parties heret� agr�e as follows
<br /> �notwithstanding anything ta the contrary contained in the Note or 5e�urity Instrument�: _
<br /> �. Borrower agrees that certain amount� owed will not be capitatized, waived, or addressed as part of this
<br /> Agreement, and wii� remain ovved until paid. These amounts owed are referenced in the Ca�er Letter to
<br /> this Agreement,whi�h is incorparated herein,and ar��o be paid�rrith th�return of this executed Agree�nent.
<br /> If these amounts awed are n�t paid vvit�i the return af�his executed Agreement,��en Lender tnay deem th�s
<br /> Agreement�oid.
<br /> 2. As �f, JANUARY 1, 2D14 the amou.nt payahle under the Note and the Secur�ty Instrument �the "Unpaid
<br /> Princ�pal Balance"} is U.S. $?T,34Z.44, cor�sistir�g af the arnaunt�s} l�aned to Borrower by Lender, plus
<br /> capitalized interest in the amount of U.S. �U.UO and other amaunts capitalized, which �s �imi�ed to escrows
<br /> � and a�y �ega! fees and related fore�:losure costs that may ha�e bee�. accrued for wark cnmpieted. This
<br /> L]npaid Principal Batance has b�en reduc�d by the contemporaneaus HUD Partial Claim amount of
<br /> �1,23q.94. This agreemQnt is conditioned on the proper execution and recording of this HUD Parttal
<br /> C`�aim.
<br /> 3. B�rr�wer pram�ses ta pay the Unpaid Principal Balance, p�us int�rest, to the ord�r�f Lender In#erest wiil
<br /> be charged or� the Unpaid Principal Balance at the yearly rate of 3.25UD°/u, from JANUARY 1, 2��4. T�le
<br /> Borrower promises to make m�nthly payments of principal and interest of U.S. $33�.G�, beginning on the
<br /> 1ST day of FEBRUARY,Z��4,and continuing thereaf�er on the sarne day�f each su�ceed'tng martth until
<br /> principai and interest a�e pa�d in full. If on JANUAItY l, �U44 �the "Ma#urity Dat�"), the Borrower s�ill
<br /> owes amounts under�1�� Note and the Secur��y Instrument, as amended by �hts Agreement, Borrower wiil
<br /> pay these am�unts in full an�he Maturity I�ate.
<br /> 4. If ail or any part of the Prop�rty or any interest i�. i� is sn�d or�ra.nsferred �or if a beneficia� interest in the
<br /> Borrower is sold or transferred a�id�he B�rrower is nat a natural pers�n} with�ut the Lender's prior vv�-itten
<br /> consent,tl�e Lender may require im�nediate paymen#in ful��f a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> If tl�e Lender exe�•cises t��is option, the Lender shal� gi�e the BQrrower notice of acce�eration. The notice
<br /> shall provide a periad nf not less than 3U�ays fram the date the noti�e is de�i�ered or maiied wxthin wh�ch
<br /> tlle Borrawer must pay all sums secured by tliis Security�nstrume��t.If the 8orrower fails to pay.these sums
<br /> prior to the expiration of this peri�d, the Lende�• may in�oke any remedies p�rmitted by this Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument wit��out further notice or deYnand on the Borrawer.
<br /> 5. The Borrovver agrees to make and execute such ot��e�documents or papers as may be necessary or required
<br /> to effectuate the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
<br /> 6. The Barrow�� also v►riil camply with a!1 other cov�nants, agreem�nts, and r�quir�me�.ts of the Secur�ty
<br /> Instrume��t, i��cludir�g withQut�imitat�on,the Borrower's co�enan�s and agreements to make all payments af
<br /> taxes, insurance premiums,assessments,e�crow items, impounds, and ali other payments that the Borrower
<br /> is obligated ta make under the 5����rity Instrument;however,the follQwing�erms and provisi�ns are fore�er
<br /> We��s Far�o Custom F�iUU Loan Mvdit'ication Agreement ��g���I�IN��������I������������������
<br /> IOa32�13 77 i� .
<br /> First�m�rican Mortgage Ser�ices � Page 2 -
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