<br /> full of a�l sums secured hy �his �ecurity �nstrumen�. How�Wer, �his opti�n sha�� no� be exerc�sed by Lender xf
<br /> ex�rcise �s prohib�ted by fed�ra�1aw as af the da�e of this Security�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender exer��ses �h�s �ption,.Lender sha�� �i�e Borrower not�ce of acce�erati�n. T�� no��ce shal I provXde a
<br /> period of nat �ess than the minimum nu��nber of days establ�shed by Applicab�e Lavv fram the da�e th� no�zce �s
<br /> delivered or nlailed vvith�n which Borrower mus� pay all su�n.s s�cured b� this Securxty �nstrument. If Borrower
<br /> fails t� pay these sums prior t� �he expiration of�h�s period, Lender may invol�e any remedies permitted by �h�s
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�withau�further notice�r demand on Borrawer.
<br /> Borrow�r's R�gh� to Reins�ate. �f Bflrrower meets cer�ain condi�i�ns, Borrower shall har�e �he ri;�h� ta ha�e
<br /> enf�rc�men�of this Security Instrument discon��nued at an��i.me prior to �he earl�er of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> per�od as Applicable Lavv m.ay specify for reins�a�emen�)before sa�e af the Property pursuant�o ar�y pawer�f sa�e
<br /> conta�.ned in �his Security Instrument; o� �b} en�ry of a judgment enfarcin� this Security �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> conditions are �ha� Barrawer: �a} pays L,�nder al� sun-�s wh�ch then would b� due under this Security Instrumen�
<br /> and�he Contrac�as�f no acce�era�ion had occurred;�b�cures any defau��of any�ther co��nants or a�r�;em�n�s;�c)
<br /> pays all expenses incurred�n enforc�n�this Security �nstrument, in�lud�n�, bu�no� limited�o,reasonab�e at�orneys'
<br /> fees�o the e�ten�permitted by �aw; and (d}takes such act�on as Lender may reasonab�y require to assure�hat the
<br /> lien of th�s Securi�y Instrument, Lender's ri�h�s in�he Proper�y and Borrow�r's ab�i�a�ion to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by �his Securi�y Instrum�nt shatl c�n��nue unchan�ed. Up�n reinstatemenfi by Bflrr�wer, �his S��urity Ins�rum�nt
<br /> and t�e ob�i�a��ons secured h�reby sha�l rema�n fully effec�i�e as if no acce�eration had occurred. Howe�er, this
<br /> ri�ht�� reins�a�e sha��na�app�y in the case of acceleration under the sec�ion ti��ed Transfer�f the Property or a
<br /> Sen��c�al�n�ere5t in Sorrower.
<br /> I-�azardous SubStances. Barr�v�er shall no��ause or permi��he pres�n�e, use, disposa�, stara�e, flr release of ar�y
<br /> Hazardaus Substances on flr xn�he Praper�y. Borrovver sha�l not do,nor allovv anyone else to do, anythin�affec�in�
<br /> the Property �hat �s in vialation of any En�ir�nmen�a� Law. The preceding tvvo sen�ences shal� no� app�y to �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage an�he Proper�y of smal�quant���es of Hazardaus Subs�ances tha�a�e�eneral�y recfl�ni�ed
<br /> ta be appropr�ate to normal resident�a�uses and to maintenance of the Prope�.
<br /> B�rrow�r shail pr�mptly gi��Lender v�r�t�en natice af any inWesti�ation, cla�m, demand, �awsu�t or ather a�tion by
<br /> any �avernn�en�al or regula�ary a�ency or priva�e par�y involvin�th� Property and any Ha�ardflus �ubstance ar
<br /> Environmenta� Law of which Barrawe�r has actua� knawled�e. If Barrower learns, ar is no�if�ed by any
<br /> �overnmenta�or re�u�atory au�hor�ty,tha�any remo�al or o�her remediation of any Hazardous 5ubs�ar�ce affectin�
<br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borrovver shal� pra�np�ly take aIi necessary remedial act�ons in acco��dance wi�h
<br /> Enviranmenta�Law.
<br /> As used �n��.�s para�raph, "Hazardous S ubs�an�es" are those subs�ances defined as tflx�c or ha�ardnu� substances
<br /> by Env�ronmental Law and the following substances: gasol�ne, ker�sene, o�her fla�nrr�able or toxi� petroleum
<br /> produc�s, toxic pes�icides and herbic�des, vola�ile solvents, mate�ials containin� as�es�as ar formaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oac�i�e mater�als. As used in�his para�raph, "Environmen�ai Law" means federal Iaws and laws of�he s�a�e af
<br /> N ebraska that re la�e�o heal�h,safe�y ar environmen�a�pro�ection.
<br /> Accelera�ian; Remedies. Lender shall gie�e no���e �o Borrovr��r prior �o acceieration follnwing Borrow�r's
<br /> breach of any covenan�or agreemen�in thzs Security Ins�rument ar�he Con�ract under vvhich �c�e�era�ion
<br /> is �ermitt�d �but n�� prior to ac��lera�ion under�he �ec�ion tx�led Transfe� of�he Proper�y or a Ben�f�cral
<br /> �nterest in �3orrov�er, un�ess Ap�l�cab�e �a� �roWides otherwise�. The n�t�ce shall specify: �a� �the defau�t;
<br /> ��� the ac�ion required to cure �he d�faul�; (c� a dat�, no� less �han �he min�mum number of da�s
<br /> established by Applxcable Law frarn �h�date�h� no�xce is gi�en to Borrower, by which the defauIt must be
<br /> cured; and �d} �hat faiiure to cure �he default on or before the da�e specif�ed in the notice may r�sult in
<br /> ac�e�eration of �he 5ums se�ured by �ni� Security �nstrument and sale of the Pr�perty. Ta the ex�en�
<br /> perrnititied by law, the no��ce shaI� further rnf�rm Borrower of the ribht �o reinstate after accel�ra��an and
<br /> �he r�gh��� bring a court act�on to asser��h� non�-existence of a default or any a�h�r d�fense of Borrower to
<br /> acce�era��on and sa�e. �f�he defaul� is na� cured ❑n �r befare the da�e spec�fied in �he not��e, Lender a� �ts
<br /> option may requ�re �mmediate paymen� in ful� nf aIl sums secured by this �ecur�ty �nstrum�n� w�fhou#
<br /> fur�her demand and may �n�oke the power of sale and any o�her rem�d�es perm�tted by Appl��a�le Law.
<br /> Ta �he exten� permit�ed by law, Lender shal� bQ entitled �o coiiect a�� expenses incurred �n pursuin� �he
<br /> rem�dies provided in this Sectifln, �nc�udxn�, bu� na� �im�ted to, reasonab�e a��orneys' fees and c�s�s of�i��e
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> �f�he p�wer of sale is in�aked,Trustee shall recard a no�ice of defau�t �n �ach coun�y �n which any part of
<br /> thQ Praperty is loca�ed and shall ma�� �apxes of such no�ice in �he manner pre�cribed by Applicab�e Law ��
<br /> I3orrower and �o the other persons prescribed by App�icab�e Law. Af�er �he time required by App�xcable
<br /> La�v, TruStee shali gi�e public notice of sale �a �he per5ons and �n �he manner prescribed by App��cab�e
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,w�thout demand �n Borrovv�r, sha��se��the Property at pub�ic auction ��the highes� bidder
<br /> a��he t�me and piace and under the terms designat�d in�he not�cQ of sale in ane or more parcel�and �n any
<br /> arder Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Trustee may po5�pane sa�e of aii or an� parce� of �he Proper�� �y public
<br /> announcement at�he��me and plaee of any pre�iously scheduled�a��.Lender or i�s designee may purchase
<br /> the Proper�y a�any sale.
<br /> Upon re�eipt of payment of the price b�d, Trus��e sha�� deiiver to �he pur�haser Trustee's deed convey�ng
<br /> �he Pr�per�y. The recita�s �n the Trustee's de�d shail be prima fac�e e��dence of�he�ruth af�he statements
<br /> made thQre�n. Trustee shall app�y �he pro�eeds of �he �a�e �n �he follor�ving �rder: �a� to aII cos�s and
<br /> Qxpenses �f exercising the �ovver af sa�e, and the saie, �ncIuding the paymen� af�h� TruSteets fees actua��y
<br /> �26�4-24]3 CampIiance Systems,Inc.8EB3-9FA2-2�I3L2.O.E1.712
<br /> C.Qnsu�er Real Estate-Security Instru�nent DL2�3G Patie 4 of 5 www.complian�esyste�ns.com
<br />