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��14�1791 <br /> fuil of a�Z sums secured by �his Security Instrumen�t. Howev�r, �his apt�on shall no� be �xer�ised by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is p�roh�bited by federal �aw as of the date of this Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses th�s flptian, Lender shali �ive B�rrower notice �f acceiera�ion. The �o��ce shall prav�de a <br /> period af no� less than the m�n�mum number af days establ�shed by Applzcable Law from the da�e �he no�ice is <br /> delivered or mailed wi�rhiri which Barrow�r mrust �ay a�l sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rurnen�. If Barrower <br /> fails t� pay these suxns prior �o �he expi.ration af th�s p��ri�d, Lender may in�oke any ren�edies permit�ed by this <br /> Security Instrument withaut fur�her no�i�e or demand on B�rrower. <br /> Borrower's Righ� �o Reins�ate. If Ba�r�-ower meets cerra�n cond��ions, Bnrrower sha�l ha�e the �i�ht to ha�e <br /> enforce�ment of this Secur�ty Instru��nent disc�n�inued a� any �ime pr�or�o �he ear�aer flf �a} 5 days �or such o�he�- <br /> period as App�icabie Lav�may specify f�r�re�.nstaternent3 before sa�e of th� Praper�y pursuant�o any p�wer of sa�e <br /> cfln�ained in th�s Security �nstru�nent; or �b� entry �f a �ud�m�nt enforcin� this Se�ur�ty �nstrument. Those <br /> candi�i�ns are �hat Borrovver: �a� pays Lender all sums vvhich then would be due under this Secur�� Ins�rumen� <br /> and the C�n�:ract as if no acce�eration had occurred;�b}cures any defau��of any other co�enants ar a�ree�nents;�c} <br /> pays a�I expenses incurred in enforcin�this Security�ns�rument, inc�udin�,but nat l�mi�ed��;reasonabl�attorneys' <br /> fees ta�he exten�pe�-m�t�ed by lavv; and�d}takes such ac�i�n as Lender may reasonab�y reau�re to assure�hat the <br /> �xen of th�s Security�ns�rument, Lender's right� �n the Proper�y and Borrovv�r's flb�igation�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by �his Secur�ty Instrumen� shal� can�i.�.ue unchan�ed. Upon reins�atemen� by Borrower, this Security I ns�rument <br /> and the obii�a�ions secured hereby shal� remain fully effec�i�e as �f no acce�eration had ��curred. However, th�s <br /> ri�ht to re�nstate sha�I not apply in the case af acceleration under the section tit�ed Transfer of the Prop�r�� or a <br /> �3enef�ciaZ In�erest in Sorrower. <br /> Hazardous Substances. Borrawer shal� nfl�cause or permit�he presence, use, dispflsa�, s�ora��, or release of a�y <br /> Hazard�us Substances�n�r in�he Property. B�rr�wer shal�not da,nar al�ovv anyone e�se to da,anyth�n�affectin� <br /> �he Proper�y that is ir�r �iola��on of any En�iror�men�al Law. The precedin� two sen�ences sha�1 nat apply �o the <br /> pres�nce, use, or storag�on�he Property af sma�l quantities�f Hazardaus Subs�ances that a�-e�eneraliy reco�ni�ed <br /> ta be a�propriate ta normal resxden�ia�uses and tfl m.a�ntenance of the Property. <br /> Borravver shal�promptiy give Lender writ�en no��ce af any inves�zgatian, claim,demand, Iav�suit or�ther action by <br /> any �overn�nen�al ar re�u�atory a�ency or pr��a�e party in�olvi�� �he Pr�perty and any Hazardous Su�s�an�e �r <br /> Env�ronmentai Law of wh�ch Borravver has actual knawledge. If B�rr�wer learns, ar is notif ed by any <br /> �av�rnmenta� or re�ui.atary author��y, that any re�no�al or ather remedia��an of any Hazardous Substance affec�in� <br /> the Property xs necessary, Borrawer shal� promptXy �ake a�l n�cessary re��ed�a� a���ons in ac�ordan�e wi�h <br /> En�ironmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this para�raph, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are �hflse subs�ances def�ned as toxic or ha�ardous substances <br /> by Envzronm�nta� Law and the fol�ow�n� substances: �aso�in�; kerosene, o�h�r flammable or �oxiG pe�rol�um <br /> products, toxic pesticides and herb�cides, volat�le salvents, ma�erials conta�ning asbes�as ar formaldehyde, and <br /> radroac�i�e ma�er�a�s. As used in this para�raph, "Environmen�ai Law"means federa� �aws and Iaws �f�he state of <br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate�o hea��h,saf�ty ar environmenta�pr�tec�ion. � <br /> A�celeratx�n; Remed�es. Lender sha�� give not�ce to B�rrv�er prior to accelerat�an fotlowing Borrower's <br /> breach af any co�enan�or agreement in th�5 Se�urity Instrument ar the�o�trac� under wh��h acce�erat�on <br /> �s permi��ed (bu� no� prior�a accelerat��� under�h�section ���led Transfer of�he Pr�pert� or a Benef�cia� <br /> In�erest in Borrower, un�ess AppZ��able Law pro�ides o�herwise}. The nvtice shal� sp�cify: �a� �he defauZ�; <br /> ��} �he ac�ion r�quired �o cur� #he defau��; �c3 a date, not Iess than �he m�n�murn number of days <br /> e5tablished �y App���a�le Lae�v from �he da�e thQ natice is gi�en to B�rr�v�er, by which the defa��t must be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa�Xure ta cure �h� defau�t on or before the �ate �pecified in th� no�ice may result �n <br /> acce�erat�or� of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sa�e �f the Property. To the exten� <br /> perm�t�ed by law, the n���ce shatl fur�h�r inform Borrawer of the right ta r�xnstate af�er acce�eration and <br /> �he right to bring a caur�action ta assert the non-existence of a defaul�or an�a�her defense of B�rrawer to <br /> accelera��an and sale. .If the defau�t �� not cured on or before the date spec�f�ed in �he na�ice, Lender at its <br /> optian may requ�r� �mmediate paymen� in fu�l af alI sums secured b� fh�s Securi�y Instrumen� wi�hau� <br /> furthe�r demand and may �nvake �he power of sale and an� other remedies perm�t�ed b� Applicab�e Law. <br /> To the extent perm�tted by �aw, Lender sh�ll �e ent�tXed ta c�i�ect aZ� �xpenses incurred �n pursu�ng the <br /> remed�e5 p�ovided xn �h�s Sec��on, includ�ng, but not l�mxt�d t�, reasonab��at�orneys' fees and costs of�i��� <br /> e�xdence. <br /> If�he power of sa�e �s invo�ed,Trus�ee �ha�� re�ard a not��e of defau�t �n ea�h county in which any part of <br /> the Pr4per�y is iocated and sha�� mail copies of such not�ce in the manner prescribed by A�plicabi� Law to <br /> Borrower and to the o�her p�rs�ns prescrxbed by App�icabie Law. After the time reyuxred by Ap�licab�� <br /> Law, T`ru��ee shail gx�e publ�c nv�ice of sale to �he persons and in �he manner prescribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trus�ee, without demand on Sorr�wer,shall se���he Propert� a� pub��c auc�ian to the highest b�dd�r <br /> at�he�ime and place and under the terms des�gna�ed ir�the na��ce af 5ale�n one or mor�par��ls and in any <br /> arder Trustee determ�nes. Trus��e may pas�pone sale of at� or any parc�i flf th� Prop�rty by publ�c <br /> announcement a�th���me and p�ace of any pre�iously sch�dul�d saIe. Lender ar�ts designee ma� purchase <br /> �he Prflperty a�any sale. <br /> Upon rece�p� af paymen� of�he price b�d, T�us�ee �haX� deti�er to �he purchaser Trus�ee's d�ed ��n�eying <br /> �he Praper��. The reci�a�s �n the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima fac�e e��d�nce of�he truth of the�ta�emen�s <br /> mad� �herein. Tru��ee shax� apply �he proc�eds of the sale �n �he foilow�ng arder: (a} �o aIl c�s�s and <br /> expenses of exercising �he pawer �f sa�e, and the sale, xnc�ud�ng the payment of�he Tru�tee's fe�s ac�uai�y <br /> �24a4-2D13 Campliance Systems,lnc.$EB�-185D-2413LZ.0.E1.712 <br /> Cvns�mer Rea]Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL203G Page 4 aF5 www.c���pli��� <br />