<br /> ��14�175�
<br /> All insurance policies r�quired�y Lender and renevvals of such palicies sha11��subj ect to Lender's r�ght�a
<br /> drsapprov� such policres, sha�l include a standard mor�gage clause, and shall name Lender as martgagee
<br /> andlor a� an additional loss payee. Lender sha��have th�r�gh�to ho�d the policies and rene�val c�r�ificates. If
<br /> Lend�r requires, Borrower shall pr�mptXy gzv��o L�nder a1.1 rece�pts of paid premiums and renev�al na�ices.
<br /> �f Borrower abtains any form of znsurance cov�rage, not�therw�se required b�Lend�r, for damag�to, �r
<br /> destruction of, �he Prop�rty, such p�lic�shal�inclu�e a�tandard m�r�gage clause and shall name Lender as
<br /> mortgagee andlor as an additronal loss pay�e.
<br /> In the e�en�of Iflss, B�rrower shall gi�e pram.pt nat�c��o the insurance ca�°ri�r and Lender. Len�er may
<br /> ma�e proof of loss if r�ot made pramp��y by Borrotiv�r. Unless Lender a�x�.d Borr�wer o�h�r�vise agree in
<br /> writing, any insuranc�pro��eds, vvheth�r or not the und�rlying znsuran�e was r�quzred�y L�ndery shal�be
<br /> appl�ed to restaratzon or repazr of the Proper�y, if the rest�ration or repair is��or�amically feasible and
<br /> Lender's secur�ty �s not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lend�r shall hav��he right to
<br /> hold such insurance proceeds un�il L�r�der has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to�nsure the
<br /> work ha�b�en compie�ed to Lend�r's satisfactiori, pravided�ha�such insp�ction shall be undertaken
<br /> promptly, Lender may disburse procee�s for�he repa�rs and re�toration in a sing�e payment or in a ser��s of
<br /> pragress payments a�the�vork�s comp�eted. Unless an agr�em�n�is made in writ�ng or App�zcabXe Law
<br /> requires interest to b�paid on such insuranc�proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> �nterest�r e�rr�ings an such proce�ds. Fees for pu���c ad�ust�rs, or other�hird par�ies, retained b�r Borrov�er
<br /> shall not be paic�aut �f the insuran�e pro�eeds and shall b�th� sole ob��gation of Borrower. If th�restorati�n
<br /> or repazr�s nat economi�al�y feasible�r Lender's securit�would b�Ie�sened, the insurance proc��ds shall b�
<br /> app��ed to the sums secured by this Security Ir�strument, whether or not t�ien due, with the exc�ss, if any,
<br /> pa�d t�Borrawer, Such insuranc�proce�ds sha1�be applied in the ord�r�rovided fox in Section�,
<br /> If Borrow�r a�andons the Property, Lender may files negotia�e an�s�ttle any availabl�insurance claim and
<br /> r��at�d matters. If Borrower d�es r�ot respond within 3�days to a na�ice from L�nder�hat the insurarice
<br /> carrier has affer�d to sett�e a claim, then Lender may negatiate an�settle the claim. Th� 3�-day per�od�vill
<br /> begin�vhen the natice�s givenP Yn�ither event, or�f Lender acquzres the Property under 5ectzon�2 or
<br /> atherwise, Barravver hereby assigns t�L�nder�a} Borrower's r�ghts to any znsurance proce�ds in an amount
<br /> not ta exceed the amnun�s unpaid under the Note�r th�s Securzty�nstrument, ax�d�b} any a�her af
<br /> Borro�ver's rights ��th�r than the r�gh�t�any refund af unearned premzums pa�d by Borra��r}under aII
<br /> insurance palicies coverzng�h�Prop�rt�, insofar as suc�r�ghts ar�app�icable ta the coverage of th�
<br /> Property. L�nder may use the insuran��proc��ds ei�her to repair�r restore th�Proper�y or to pay amounts
<br /> unpa�d urzder�he Not�or this Security Instrum�nt, whe�h��or n�t then due,
<br /> �. ��cupanc�. B�rrower shall accupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrawer's pr�nc�pal res�dence
<br /> within�� days after th�execution of this S�curit� �nst�ument and shal�continue t� occup� �he Property as
<br /> Borr�wer's principal r�sidence f�r at�east o�.�y�ar after the date of occupancy, unless L�nder otherw�se
<br /> agr�es in�vriting, �vhich�ansent sha��not be unr�asonably�vi�hheld, or unless �xt�nuating circumstances
<br /> e�is�which ar�beyarzd Borra��r's �ontrola
<br /> 7. ��ese�►�at�on, nllaintenance ahd Pratection vf the F'roperty; inspec�ions. B�rrow�r shall not destray,
<br /> damage or impaYr the Prop�rty, a�low the Property to de�erxorate or commi.t�vas��on�he Proper�y. Whether
<br /> ar not Barrower i�residing �n the Proper�y, Borrow�r shall main�ain the Proper�y in ord�r�o prevent�he
<br /> Property from deteriorating ar decreasing in value due to its condition. Lrnless it is determined pursuant�o
<br /> 5�ctzon 5 that repair or r�storation is nat economicall�feasible s Borra�ver shall promptly repair the Praperty
<br /> �f damag�d to avoid further d�terioratian or damage e If insurance or condemnat�on proceeds are paxd�r�
<br /> cor�x�ectior�v�itY�damage to, or th�taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be r�spflnsibl�for repairing or
<br /> restoring th�Property flnly if Lender has released proceeds for suc�purposes, Lender n�ay d�sburs�proceeds
<br /> NE6RA5KA-Singfe Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFC3RM INSTRUMENT �arm 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMF'� VMP6{NEy{�3p2y
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Page 7❑f�7
<br />