<br /> An� appl�ca�ion df payme�.�s, insu�an�e proceeds, or M is�e�laneaus Proce�d� to principa� du� under th� Na�e
<br /> shall not e��end or postpone the due da�e, o� change the amaunt, of the Pe�iod�e Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds �or Escrow Items. Ba�r�ro�er �hal� pa� to Lender on �he day Per�odic Paymen�s are due under the
<br /> N�te, un��� �he Not� �� paid in full, a sum �the "Funds"} t� provide f�r pa�ment o�amounts due �or: �a} tax�s
<br /> and asse�smen�s and other i�ems wh��h can atta�n pr�ori�y a��r �his S�cu�i�� �ns�rumen� as a Iien o�
<br /> �ncumbrance on �he Praper�y; ��} leasehold payments a� g�ound rents on the P�opert�, ��an�; �c} premiums
<br /> for an� and a�l �n�uran�e requi�ed by �ende�r under See�ian 5; and �d} M o�tgage �n�uranc� premiums, i�any,
<br /> or any sums na�abl� by Bo�ro�v�r to Lender �n ��eu of�be �a�men� of NI o��aaae Insu�ance premiums �n
<br /> acco�dance w�t� the prou�s�ons o��ect��� 1a. �`hese ��e.�s are cal��d "E��ro�r �tems." At originat�on or at
<br /> an� t�m� during �he �erm o��he ��an, Len��� ma� requ�re tha�Communi�� A ssflciat�an D ues; Fees, and
<br /> A ss�ssm�nt�, ��a�y, be esc�row ed �y B orr�w e�r, and such dues, ��es and asse�sments sha�l be an E scro�r
<br /> �tem. Borrov��r sha�l proinp�Iy fu�nish �o L�nde� aIl n��ices of am�un�s to be pa�d under this S�e�ifln.
<br /> Bo��ower sha��pa� Lende� the Fund� for Escxow �tems unless Lender wa�ves Barro�rer's ob�zga�ion to pa�
<br /> the Funds �oz� any ar a�l E�ero� 7tems. Lend�r may �raiv� Borr�we�'s ob�igat�on to pa� to Lender Funds fo�
<br /> any or a�l E���o� Item s at any tim e. A ny su�h �aiver may o niy be �n w ri��ng. �n the event o f such w a�v�r,
<br /> Borra�e� sha�l pay �zxect�y, when and �vh��e paya��e, th� amounts due far any Es��row Items for wh�ch.
<br /> payment �f Funds has b�en �wa�ved by Lender and, if Lender requi�res, sha11 furnish t� I�ender re��ipts
<br /> �v�dencing such payment�v��h�n such �ime period as L�nde� may �equ��e. Borro�er's obligatz�n to ma�e
<br /> su�h pa�rni�nts and �� provid� re�ei��s shall ��r al�purposes be de�med to be �. c�ve�a�t ana� ag�eem�n�
<br /> cflnta.�n�d �n �his Seeurity �nstruznem�, as the phra�e "'�D�e�an� and agr�e�e��" is use� �� 5e����n g e ��
<br /> Ba�rower �s obl�ga�ed �o pa� Esc�ow ��ems direet�y, pursua�t�o � v�aiver, and Bor�ower �aiis �o pay �he
<br /> amount due �or an Esc�ow ��em, Lender may exe�cise �ts righ�s under Secti�n � and pay sucla amouIl� a�.�
<br /> B or�ow er shall then be obligat�d under S ection 9 �o rep�y ta Lend�r an� such amoun�. Lender m a� revoke
<br /> the waivex as ta an� or alI Es�raw Ztems a� any time b� a. na�iee g�ven in accardance w�th S�ction 15 and,
<br /> upon such revocation, Ba�raw�r shall pa� �o L�nde� aI1 Funds, and in �u�h amounts, that ar� th�n requ���d
<br /> under th�s 5ectian 3..
<br /> Lende� may, a�an� t�me, co�lec� and hald Funds �n an amoun� �a� sufficien��o permzt Lende��o apply �he
<br /> Funds a�the �im� spec���ed under RESPA, and �b} no�i� e�+ceed th� m a�imum am aun�a lender ca� requ�re
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shal� es��mat� �he amau�t o��un�s �u� on t�r� basis of cu��ent daia a�� reasonab�e
<br /> e��imates of expe�.�.i�ures of fu�ure ��cra�r Items o�ath�r�v�se xn accordance �v��h A�p��cabi� La�.
<br /> The Funds shali be held in an �nstitu�ian �h�s��dep�s�ts are i�sured by a ��de�al agenc�, instrumen�a�ity, ��
<br /> entzty �inc�ud�nb Lend�r, if Len�er is an inst��ut�o n �u ho se depo s�ts are sfl insured} o r in any F ed�ral H o m e
<br /> Lo an B ank. Lende� shal� appl� �he F unds to p ay th� E scra�v I��m s na la�e� than the t�m� �p�e�fzed under
<br /> RESPA. Lende� sba�l not charge Barrov�er fa�hold�ng and appl�inb the Funds, annua�l� analyz�ng the
<br /> escrow account, ❑r ❑erif��ing �he EscroW �t�ms, unl�ss Lend�r pays Bfl�ro�rer inte�es�on th� Funds and
<br /> App�icab�e Law perm��s I�ender �o make such a cha�ge. Un��ss an ag�re�m�nt�s made in wri�ing or
<br /> Appl�cable Law requires �nte��st to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall nat be required �o pa� Borr�wer an�
<br /> interest or earninas on �he Fund�. Ba�ro�er and Lender ea� ag�ee �n w�riti�g, baweve�, �hat��ter�s� shall b�
<br /> paz�i on th� Fu�ds. Len�e�- shai:� g��e �o �az���ve�, �i��out ch�rge, a� annua� aecoun���g a�th� �u��d� as
<br /> re�u�re�. �v RESP.�e
<br /> ���he�e �s a �urp�us of Funds h��d in esc�row, as def�n.ed unde�RESP�, Lender shali acc�uIlt�o �arrowe� �or
<br /> the e�cess �un�s rn accor�anc� �vi�b R�SPA. I��h�re xs a �hortage ��Fun�s he�d in escrow, a� de�ine� unde�
<br /> RESPA, L�ndex �hal� n�tify Bo�rrower as �equir�d by RESPA, and B�rrov��� sha11 pay to Lend�r�he amoun�
<br /> ne�essa�� to make up th� sh�rtage in accordance w�th RESPA, but in na more �han �2 manthly paym�nts. If
<br /> �here is a deficienc� �f Funds held �n esero�v, a� define�und�r R�SPA, Lender shal� not��� Borr�wer as
<br /> z�oo�$�o
<br /> N E8RA5 KA-Sir�g[e Fam i[y-Far�nie 1111 aelFreddi�1V1 a�L�HlFD R1UI l3�STRU M ENT FQrm 3028 T 141
<br /> V]UIP QQ VN1P6{H�3�13Q2J
<br /> VV alters ICl�w er Financ�af 5ervices Page 5 0��7
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