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��14�175� <br /> {�� "Lender" is EQUITABLE BANK <br /> Lender is a Sav�ngs Bank <br /> orbanized and e��s�ing under�he Iaws of THE STATE �F NEBRASKA . <br /> L�nd�r's address is 113 N L�CUST ST P4 BaX 16n GRAND ISLAND NE 688�2-D16� <br /> L�nd��r �s the bene�ic�ar�r under�his S ecurrt�r �nst�rum en�. <br /> �U} "Trustee" �s �QUITABLE BANK <br /> �E} "Note`� means the prami��or� note s�gned by Bo�r�rawe� and dated M�rch Z$, �U14 . The Note <br /> s�at�s tha�Barrow�r owes Lend�r FQUR HUNDRED TH�USAND T�Q HUNDRED ANQ o��100 <br /> D ol�ars �U.5. $4D0,200.�� } p�us inter�st. B orra�v er ha� prom ised �o pa� �his de�t in r�gular <br /> F erio dic P aym ents and to pay �he debt in fu�� no�la�er than Ap r�1 1, 2044 . <br /> f F� 'rP�operty" n�eans the prape�t� tha�rs described b�lo� und�r the heading "T�ansfer o�Rzghts in �he <br /> P�oper��," <br /> {�} "Loan rr r�eans the deb�e�idenced by the No�e, pius i_n�e�est, any pr�payment charges and �ate �harges due <br /> under the �❑��, and a�i sums due and�� t�is S�curi�� �m�trumznt, plus xn�erest. <br /> gH� E'R iders°` m eans al� ��der� �� this S ecurity �nstrum en�that a�� e�ecuted by B or�ow er. T h� �ollow in� R�de�rs <br /> ar� to be exeeuted by Bar�o�er [check�o� as applicab�e]�: <br /> �Adjustable Rate Rid�r 0 Condomin�um Rider � 0 S�cond Home Rider <br /> 0 B al�oon R�der 0 P�anned LI nit D evelopmen�R�der � �.-4 Family Rrder <br /> 0�'A R ider �B iw ee��y P aym ent R ider ��the�r�s} Lspecif�] <br /> �[} ?'A��lieable La�E' �.eans ail con�ro��in� app��cable f�derQ�, s�a�e and loeai sta�u�es, ��guia��o��, �rd�nances <br /> and ad���is�ratx�� �u��s and orders ���a�ha.�e the �f�e�� Qf�aw j as �e11 a� aIl app�icable f�nal, no�-appeala�le <br /> ju�zc�a� ap�nzonsa <br /> �J� �'Comm uni�y Assoc�ation �ues, F�es, and Assessm ents=' means a�� dues, fees, asse�sments and other <br /> cha�ges that ar� impo�ed on Bo��ower �r the Prapert� byT a eondam�nium associa�ion, �omeown�r� <br /> assoczation or simila�r organ�za�ion. <br /> ��� "E[�e�ronic Funds Trans�er'r mean� any transfer o�funds, o�her than a transaction �riginated b� check, <br /> dra��, ar similar paper instrument, whieh is inrtzat�d �hrough an electronic te�rm�nal, �e�ephanic ins��ument, <br /> computer, or maa�e�ic ta�e so as �a order, i�s�r�c�, o� au�ho��ze a financial instx�uti�n to debit��r credi� an <br /> acco un�. S uc� ter�. �-n��udes, �u��s no�l�mrte�. to o po r�.�-of-sale transfers, au��m ated �e�l�r�achine <br /> ��a.nsac��ons, ��a�sf�r� �ni����ed b� �e�ephflne, �vire t�ans�e�s, am� au�omated �leari�g�o�se trans�e��. <br /> �L� �'Escr�w [ter�s'p mea�.s �hose i�ems thai are descr�be� �n Se����n 3. <br /> (�[} "�1 iscel�aneaus Proceeds" means any compensa�ion, se����m�n�, award o�damages, or proceeds paid by <br /> an� thi�d party �othe� �han insu�ance proceeds paid und���he co�erages desc�ribed. in Sect�on 5} �or: �i} <br /> damage to, o� destruc�x�n of, th� Prope�t�; ��i} �ondemnatzon ar ❑�h�r taking of alI or any part af the <br /> Propert�; ��i�} c�nv��ance �n I�eu of c�nd�mna�ion; or �iv} misrepr�sen�a��ons of, o� om�ssions as to, the <br /> va�ue andlor condit�on �f�he P�operty. <br /> z4ao�s�a <br /> N�BRASKA-5i�g1�Fam�[y-Fannie N1aeIF'feddie Mac U1�fFQRM luSTRlJIUIE�[T Form 3428 1103 <br /> VMP 0 VMP6(l�E}{�3�21 <br /> VII ol�ers KI�'w er�ina�icial 5ervi�es �ag�2 a�17 <br />