<br /> full of a�l sums secured �y th�s Securxty Inst�umen�. Haw��er, th�s option shall not be exercis�d by Lender if
<br /> exercise �s prohi���ed by federa��aw as af the date af this Security�ns�rum�n�.
<br /> If Lend�r exer��s�s this ap�i�n, Lexnder sha�l �i�e Borraw�r notice of acceleratzon. The no�ice shall provide a
<br /> period �f no� less than the m�nimum number of days es�abiished by App�ica�le Law from �he �ia�e the n�tice is
<br /> del��ered ar mailed wi�hin vvh�ch Borrower mu�� pay aX� sums secured by �his Security Instrument. If Sarrower
<br /> faiis �o pay �hes� sums pr�or t� the expiratian �f t�is peri�d, Lender may in�o�e any remedies permit�ed by �his
<br /> Securi�y �nstrum.ent w��hout further n�txce or demand on BorrovWer.
<br /> Borrov�er's Righ� to Reins�ate. �f B4rrow�r meets cer�a�n conditions, Borrower shall ha�e the ri�ht �o ha�e
<br /> enforcement af this Security Instrument d�scontinu�d at any time prior to �he ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �or such othe�r
<br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for re�ns�ate�ner�t�before sale af the Proper�y pursuan�t�any po�ver of saie
<br /> conta�ned in this Se�urity �nstrument; or �b� entry of a �udgment enforcin� �h�s Secur��y Instru�m�nt. Those
<br /> cnndi�ions are �ha� Borrow�r: �a� pays Lender a�l sums whi�h then vvould be due under �his Security Ins�rum�n�
<br /> and�he�on�ract as�f no acce�era�ian had occurred;�b�cures any defaui�af an�o�her co�enants or a�reemen�s; ��}
<br /> pays aI] �xpenses xn�urr�d in enf�rcin�th�s Secui-i�y �ns�rru�nent, 1nC�L1C�In�,bu�no� 1 im xted to, reasanable att�rneys'
<br /> fees�a the extent perm�tted by �aw; and�d�takes such action as Lender may reasonab�y reQuire to assu�re�ha��he
<br /> lien of th�s Securi� instrument, Lender's ri�hts in the Property and Borrov�er's obli�at�an to pay the su�ns secured
<br /> by �his Secur�ty Instrumen� shall c�ntinu� unchan�ed. Upon reiris�a�emen� by Barrovver, �h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�
<br /> and the nbligations s�cured hereby sha�� remain fu�ly effect��e as if n� ac�e�eratinn had occurred. However, �his
<br /> ri�h��o r��nsta�e sha��not apply �n�he case of accel�rat�on under�he section titled TranSfer of�he Property or a
<br /> Beneficial In�erest in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Barro�ver shall not cause or permit�he presence, use, dispasal, stora�e, or re�ease of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on ar ixz�he Properry. Borrav�er shali no�do,nor a�Iow any�ne else ta do, anyth�n�affecting
<br /> �he Praperry that is �n vio�at�fln af any Environmen�al Lav�. The pre�edin� �vvo sen�ences shal� not app�y to the
<br /> presence,use,�r s�ora�e on the Property�f small 9uantxties of Ha�ard�us Substances�ha�a�e general�y reco�nxzed
<br /> �o be appropria�e to r�ormal resident�al uses and ta maintenance of the Prop�rty.
<br /> Borrov�er sha1�promp��y�iWe Lender writ�en notice of any�nv�s�i�ation,claim, demand, �awsu��or other actzan by
<br /> a�y gQ�ernmen�al or re�ula�ory agency �r pri�ate party in��ivin� the Proper�y and any Ha.�ard�us Substance or
<br /> Enviran�entai Law of which Borrower has ac�ual kn�vvledb�. �f B�rrower learns, or is r�otified by any
<br /> bo�ernmenta�or regu�at�ry au�hori�y,that any rema�al�r ather remediatian af any Ha�ardous Substance affect�nb
<br /> �he Property is nec�ssary, B�rrovWer sha�l �r�mp�ly take a�Z necessary rem.edial actians in acc�rdance with
<br /> Enr��ron�m�ntal Law.
<br /> As used in�h�s para�raph, "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" are �hose substances def�n�d as�axic ar hazardous substances
<br /> by Env�ron�ra.ez��a� Law and the fal�owin� substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, other flammab�e or toxic petro�eum
<br /> praduc�s, �axic pestic�des a�d herbicides, �ala�ile solvents, materials containin� asbestos or form�aldehyd�, and
<br /> radxoac�z�e mater�a�s. As used in this paragraph, "En�ironmen�al Law"means federal laws and�aws flf the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that re�a�e�o heaith,safety or en��ranmenta�pro�ectian.
<br /> Acce�era�i�n; Remedies. Lender 5hali g��e notice �o Borrower prior to acce�era�ion fal�o�v�ng Bflrrower's
<br /> breach vf any co�venan�or agreemen��n this Se�ur��y�nstrument or the�ontrac� under whi�h acc��era�ian
<br /> is permi��e� �but not prior t� accelerat�on under the section �i�Ied Transfer�f the Proper�y or a Benef�ciaZ
<br /> Interest in Sorrower, unless Applicab�e Lav� pro��des o�herwise). The nat�ce 5ha1� specify: �a} �he defau��;
<br /> �b� th� ac�ian requxred to �ure the defau��; �c} a date, not �ess �han the m�n�mum number of days
<br /> estab��shed by Applicable Law from �he date the notice �5 given �a Borrawer, ��which �he d�fault mus� be
<br /> cured; and �d} �hat fai�ure to cure the default on ar before the da�e spec�fied in �he not�ce may resu�t �n
<br /> acce�erat�on of the sums s�cured by th�s �ecur�ty Ir�strumen� and sa�� �f �h� Property. To the extent
<br /> permi��ed by �aw, the n�ti�e shal� further inform Borrav�ver of the right to reinstate after a�ce�era�ion and
<br /> �he r�gh��o br�ng a cour�act�on ta asser��he non--ex�s�er�c�of a defau�t or any other d�fense of Sorrower tfl
<br /> ac���eration and sale. If�he defau�t is nvt cured. on or �efore the date specif�ed �n the n��iee, Lender a� i�5
<br /> optian may requ�r� immed�ate Paymen� �n fu�� of al� sums secured b� thi� Security �ns�rument wxthou�
<br /> fur�her de�nand and may xnvak� �he power af sa1Q and an� other remedies permit�ed by Appx��abie Law.
<br /> Ta �he extent permi�ted by �aw, Lender sha�� be enti��ed �a eol�ect a�� expenses incurred in pursu�ng �h�
<br /> remed�e� pro��ded in this Sect��n, xncluding, but nat �xmited tv, r�asanab�e at�orneys' fees and costs �f titxQ
<br /> evid��ce.
<br /> If the pow�r of sale is �n�ol�ed,Trustee shall r�cord a not�ce of defauXt �n each county in wh�ch any par� vf
<br /> �he Property is �oca�ed and shall ma�l capies of such not��e in the rnanner prescr�bed by App�icab�e Law�o
<br /> Borrovc�er and �o the ather persvns prescr�bed by App�icable Law. After �he �ime required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, TruSt�e s�all gx�e pu�li� no�ice of sal� �a �he persons and in the manner prescrxbed by App�x�able
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,withou�d�mand an Barrower,shai�se���he Proper�y a�pub�x� auct�on t� �he highes� bidd�r
<br /> at the�ime and pla�e and under the terms des�gnated in the not�ce af sale in one or more parce�s and �n an�
<br /> ord�r Trus�ee determin�s. Trus�ee may postpone sale of ai� or any parce� of the Proper�y by publie
<br /> announcenaen�at the�ime a�.d place of any pre��ously scheduled sa�e. Lender or�ts des�gnee ma� purchase
<br /> the Property at any sale.
<br /> - Upon rece�pt af�ayment of the pri�e b�d, Trustee shall d�l�ver tv the purcha5er Trust�e's deec� cvnve��ng
<br /> the Property. The reeita�s �n the Trustee's deed shal� be pr�ma facie e�xder�c� �f the truth �f the s�atements
<br /> made therexn. Trustee shal� app�y the proc�eds of �he sate in �he fo�low�ng order: �a� to al� costs and
<br /> expenses of exerc�sinb the paw�r of sale, and the sa�e, inc�ud�ng �he payment of the Trus�e�'s fees actua�ly
<br /> C�204��2�i 3 Compliance Systems,Inc.8EB3-3QEB-2�13L2.�.E�.712
<br /> Consutner Real Estate-Sec�zrity Instrument DL203G Pa�e 4 0�5 www.complian�Gsystems.com
<br />