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<br /> Home Federal Sav�ngs& L�an Assacia�ion of ��me Federa�Saving�& Loan Associatian of
<br /> �rand Island �rand Ysland
<br /> 22� Sou�h Lo�us�S�re�t 2Z1 Sou�h LocuS�Stree�
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, NE 68�01 �RAND�SLAND, NE 68$D�
<br /> �
<br /> (Space AboWe This Line Far Recordin��ata} .
<br /> L�AN �RIGINAT�R NAME: Chrxs Ka�kie
<br /> NMLS�R��INAT�R�DENTIF�ER: 494�5�
<br /> 1)E�D �F TRUST
<br /> TH Z S DEED �F TRUST �"Security Instru�nen�"3 is made �n M.ar�h 7, 2414. The gran��rs are RI�HARD I�
<br /> K�SSACK and CYNTH�A L KISSACK, HUSBAND AND WIFE, whose address is 2517 S AUGUST ST,
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, Nehraska 68��1-7531 �"Borrnwer"}. Barrower �s not necessari�y �he same as �he Person or
<br /> Persons w�o sibn �he �ome Equ��y Line of Credi� Agreement, da�ed March 7, 2a�4 �"Can�ract"}. The
<br /> abl��a��ons of Barrowers who did no�sign�he Contract are exp�a�ned fur�her �n the section�it�ed Suc�es�ars and
<br /> Assigns �34und; Join� and SeWeral Liab�tity; Accomm�da��on Sxgners. The �rustee is Arend R.. Baack,
<br /> Attarney whase address is P.�. Box 794, Grand Is�and,Nebraska 58802 �"Trus�ee"}. The beneficiary is Horne
<br /> FedQral Sa��ngs & Loan Assoc�ati�n of Grand Island, wh�ch is �rb�.nized and exxst�ng under the Iav�s of the
<br /> Un��ed S�a�es of Ame�ica and whase address is 2�1 South Lo�us� S�reet, Grand �siand, Nebraska 5SS�1
<br /> �"Lender"}. R��HARD L K�SSACK and �YNTH�A L KTSSA�K ha�e en�ered �ntfl a�ontrac�wi�h Lender as
<br /> of Mareh 7, ZU�4, under the �erms af which Barrawer may, from time�a time, ob�ain adWances not to exceed, a�
<br /> any ti�ne, a "YYMA��MVIV� PR�NC�PAL AM�UNT �EX�LUDIN� PR�TECT�VE ADVANCES���'x af
<br /> Twenty-one Thousand Fi�e Hundred and 4QI100 Dol�ars �t].S. $21,50�.0�} �"Cred�� L�m�t"�. Any par�y
<br /> interested in �he de�ails rela�ed to Lender's continuing abliba�ion ta mak� advances to Borrovver is adv�sed t�
<br /> consult direct�y w��h Lender. �f n�� paid ea�lier, �he �u�ns owing under Borr�vsrer's Con�raC� wi�h Lender wi�l be
<br /> due on March 15, �U19. This Security Instrumen� secures to Lender: �a} �he repayment of the debt under the
<br /> C�ntract, wx�h �nteres�, inc�ud�ng fu�ure adWances, and aI�renewals, ex�ensions and modificat�ons of�he �ontrac�;
<br /> �b}�he payment of all a�her sums, �vi�h in�erest, adWanced�o protec�the secur�ty af�his Secur��y Ins�ru�nent under
<br /> the pra�isions of�he sec�ion �itled Proteet�fln of Lender's Righ�s in the Property; and �c} the performance af
<br /> Borrovver's cavenan�s and abreemen�s under�h�s Security�ns�rument and the Con�ract. For�his purpose,Borrawer,
<br /> in consideration af�he debt and �he trust here�n created, irrevocably gran�s and conveys to Trustee, ir� trus�, wi�h
<br /> pawer of sa1e,�he fallowinb described proper�y�acated in�he CaUNTY of HALL, Sta�e af Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 25I 7 S AU�UST ST, GRAND�SLAND,Ne�raska 65841 w7531
<br /> Le�al Description: L�T TW� �2}, IN ED'L�ARDS SUBDIVIS�QN, IN THE �ITY �F GRAND
<br /> T�GETHER �ITH al� �he impr�vemen�s navv or hereaf�er erected on the proper�y, and ali �asements,
<br /> appurtenances, and fixture� navv or hereafter a par� of the propert�. A�1 rep�acements and additians sha�l also be
<br /> c�vered by this Security Instrument. Al� of �he foregoing is referred to in �his Securi�y �ns�rument as �he
<br /> "Properfiy."
<br /> B�RR�WER �aVENANTS �ha� Borrov�er is lawfully se�sed of�he es�ate hereb� con�eyed and has�he r��h��a
<br /> �rant and con�ey the Praper�y and tha� �he Praperty is unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of record.
<br /> Bnrrower �arrants and �i�l defend beneraIly the ti��e �o �he Property abains� alI �laims and demands, subj ec��o
<br /> any encux-nbrances af record.
<br /> Borrflwer and Lender covenant and a�ree as follaws;
<br /> Paymen�of Pr�n�ipaI and In�erest; []�her Charges. Borrower sha�l promp�ly pay when due�he principal of and
<br /> in�erest an the deb��wed under the Can�rac�and la��charges ar any other fees ar�d charbes due under the C�ntract.
<br /> ��D44-201�Compliance Syster-�-�s,Inc.�EB�-30EB-?41�L2.O.El.712
<br /> Cansum�r•Real Estate-Secursty Instrum�nt DL?��G Pa�e 1 of 5 www.campfiancesystems.com
<br />