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��14�1�9� <br /> �C} "Lender" is Ho�� Fed�ral Sa��ngs ar�d Loan Assn �f Grand I s�and <br /> Lender�s a 5a�i n�s and L�an <br /> flrgan�zed and ex�sting under�he Iav�s of T�e State of �Vebraska . <br /> L�nder's address �s �Z l Sout h L��ust St �rand I s 1 a nd NE 588fl 1 <br /> L�nder is th�beneficiar�und�r this Securit�r �ns�rumen�. <br /> ��3 "Trustee" is Arend R Baack, Attorn�y <br /> �E� "N ote" means the promissor�nate s igned�y Borro�r�r and dated M�r G� �6, 2�14 . 'I�he Note <br /> stat�s that Borrower awes Lender N I�ETY FD�R T��USAND E IGHT HU�VDRE❑ AND D�I 14� <br /> Da��ars �[l.S. $94,8a�.0� }plus in��r�st. Borrawer has promised ta pay this debt in reguiar <br /> Periodzc Paym.ents and to pay the deb� �n fu��no��ater than Ap r�1 l, �444 . <br /> tF� "Praperty" means the property tha� is described below under the heading "Tran�fer�f R�ghts �n the <br /> Proper�y," <br /> �G� "Laan" �neans�he de��e�id�nced�y�he Na��, p�us in�erest, any prepaymen��harges and late Gharg�s due <br /> und�r the Nate, and a�l sums due under this Secur�ty�ns�rument, p�us �n�eres�. <br /> �F�� "Riders" m�ans a�l Riders to�his Se�ur�ty Instru�xz�nt that are�xecut�d by Borr�wver. The fo��ow�ng R.iders <br /> are to be execu�ed��Borr�wer[ch�ck box as app�icab�e�: <br /> � Adjustab�e Ra�e R.ider � �ondom�.n�um Rider � Secnnd��m�Rider <br /> [T] Ba�lo�n Rider � Planned Un�t Devel�pment R.zder � �-4 Fami�y Rider <br /> �] VA Rid�r � Biweekly Payment R�der � Qther�s} �spec�fy� <br /> ��� "App�icab�e Law" means a�� cantro���ng app��cable fe�era�, state and��ca1 s�a�u�es, regulations, ord�nances <br /> and adrninistrati�e ru�es and ard�rs �that have the effec�of�aw} as wel� as a�� app�icab�e�nal, non-appea�a��e <br /> judicial opini�ns. <br /> 4J� "Cammunity Assvciation Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means a11 due�, fees, assessments and other <br /> charges�ha�are �mposed on Borrower or the Property by a condomin�um assaciation, home�wners <br /> assaciation or similar argan�zation. <br /> �I!� "Efectronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transacti�n ari��nated by check, <br /> draf�, or s�m��ar paper instrument, which is �n�tiated through an electronic termina�, te�ephonic �nstrument, <br /> compu��r, or magnet�c tape so as ta arder, �nstruct, or auth�rize a�nanc�a� �nstitutian to debi�or cred�t an <br /> accaunt. Such term inciudes, but is nat ��mi�ed�o, poznt-af-sa�e tran�fers, autamated teller machin� <br /> transac�ions, transfers ini�iated by telephone, w�re transfers, and au�omated clear�nghouse transfers. <br /> tL� 'T Es�row �tems" means th�se items tha�are describ�d in Secti�n 3. <br /> 4M� "Miscellan�ous Proceeds" means any compensatxon, s�t�l�men�, av�ard of damag�s, �r proceed�pa�d by <br /> any�h�rd par�y �other�han insuranc�proceeds paid under�he caverag�s de�cribed�n Section 5} for: �i} <br /> damage�o, �r d�structian of, �he Pr�per�y; �ii} condemr�atian or n�her�aking of a�l or any par�of the <br /> Proper�y; ����} conv��ranc�in��eu�f candemna�ian; ar�i�}misrepresentations of, �r omzsszons as��, the <br /> value andlor condi�ian of the Pra er� . <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFqRM�NSTRUMENT �orm 3�28 1J0� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�j 4�30�y <br /> Wvlters Kiuwer Finan�iaf Ser�ices Pag�2 of�7 <br />