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��14�1�79 <br /> The proper�y is I��ated in ...Hal l.................................................. at ..................................... <br /> �County} <br /> ..2 8 D.7..N..Engleman.,Rd...................... ..Grand.Island.................., Nebraska ..6.8 8�3........... <br /> (Address} �City} �ZIP�ode} <br /> Together wxth al� rzghts, easements, appurtenances, roya�.txes, mzneral rxghts, �i� and gas r�ghts, a.l.� water and <br /> riparzax� right�, dit�hes, and Water stock and a11 exzsting and fu�ure impro�em�nts, structures, fix�ures, and <br /> rep�acements that may novc�, ar a�any txm��n t�.�future, be part of the rea�. estate des�r�bed abo�e (a�� referr�d <br /> to as "Pr�pe�y"). <br /> 3. MAXI�VIUM �BLIGATI�N LIMIT. The tota� pr�n�ipa� amount securec� by this Securxty �nstrum.�nt at any <br /> on� txme sha�X not ex�eed $ 5 0�.�.��..�.�................................... . This Ximitatxon of amount does not <br /> include zn��res� and other fees and charges �a1.�d�y made pursuan� to th�s Securxty �n.strum.ent. A�sa, thxs <br /> Iimitat�on da�s not app�y to ad�ances made under the terms of thzs Securzty �nstrum�nt to protect <br /> Berief�ciary's securzty and t� perform any nf the�o��nants contaxned�n th�s Securxty Xnstrument. <br /> 4. SE�URED DEBT AND�LJTURE ADVANCES. The t�rm "Secured Debt" zs defined as fo��ows: <br /> A,Debt xncurr�d under the terms af al.x promzssory nate�s}, �antra�t�s}, guaranty�i�s} or other �viden�e of <br /> debt descr�b�d �e�ow and al.X t�.ezr extenszons, ren�wal.s, mod'zf��at�nns or substztutzons. �You must <br /> spe�i�cally identify t�he debt�s� secured dnd you shouzd in�lude the finar maturity datQ of such de�t�s}.} <br /> Nat e Dated March �.7 2 414 In The Amour�t a f $5 0 n Q 0.�� <br /> Accruing At A Varia�le Rate Ti�ith A Maturity Date Qf March 25, 2�19 <br /> Said L�an In The Name�s} �f Soseph Mick Brown <br /> And Lari J Bro�an <br /> B. A�I future advances fram Ben�ficiary to Trustar or ather future ob�zgatzans of Trustar to Beneficiary <br /> under any prom�ssory note, contract, guaranty, ar a�her e��denc� of d��t ex�cuted by Trustor �n fa�ar <br /> of Benefic�ary after �his Secur�ty Znstru�m.ent wh�ther �r not �his Securi�y �nstrument zs specifiGal.Iy <br /> referenced. If more one person signs this Securzty �nstrum�nt, each Trust�r agrees that thzs <br /> Security Instrument wx�� secure aI.� future advances and futur� ab�zgatzons that are gi�en to or izacurred <br /> by any one or m�re Trus�or, or any ane or more Trustor and oth�rs. A�� futur� advances and athe�r <br /> future ab�zgatzons ar� secured by thzs Secur�ty Znstrument even thaugh al.� or part may not yet be <br /> advan�ed. A�l futur� ad�ances and other futur� obligations are s��ured as �f made on �he date of this <br /> Securzty �nstrument. No�hzng xn thzs S�curity Zns�rument sha11 canstztute a �ommitment ta make <br /> addzt�ona� or future laans or ad�an��s zn any amount. Any such �oznmitment must be agreed to zn a <br /> separate wrztzng. <br /> �.Al� other obl�gat�ons Trustor owes t� Benefxc�ary, which may later ar��e, to the extent not prahzb��ed by <br /> law, inc�udzng, but n�t Iimi�ed t�, ��a�zlitzes for o�erdrafts reXat��.g t� any deposzt account agreement <br /> b�tween Trustor and Beneficiary. <br /> D.Ax� addxtianal �ums ad�anced and expe�.ses �ncurred by Beneficzary for �nsuring, preservxng or <br /> a�herwzs� protecting the Praper�y and its value and any other sums advanc�d and expen�es incurred by <br /> Beneficzaxy under the terms of th�s Securxty �ns�rument. <br /> In the �vent tha�Benef�c�ary fails to pro�zde any required not�c�of the right of rescissxon, Benefzczary wai�es <br /> any subsequent securi�y �nter�st in the Tx�ustor's princxpal dwe�Xxng that is crea�ed by thzs Securi�y �nstrument. <br /> 5. DEEI3 �F TRUST ��VENA.NTS. Trustor agrees �ha� the ca��nants in th�s sectxan are mat�rzal. obligations <br /> under the Secured Debt and this Securzty Znstrumen�. �f Trustor breaches any co�enant zn thzs sec�ian, <br /> Benefi�zary may refuse �a make additional. �xtensions flf cred'zt and reduce the �redit limit. By not exercisin� <br /> either r�medy an Trus�or's breach, B�nef��zary da�s nat wai�e Be�ef�c�azy's righ��❑ �ater consider the ev�nt a <br /> breach zf xt happens aga�n. <br /> Payments. Trustor a�rees �hat aI.i payments under the Secur�d Deb� wzXX be paid wh�n due and in accardan�e <br /> with the terms of the Secured D�bt and th�s Se�urzty �nstrument. <br /> Pr�or Secur�ty Interests. W�th rega�rd to any o�her mortgag�, deed of trust, securxty agreement or oth�r �ien <br /> doCument �hat created a pr�or security int�rest or encumbrance an �he Praper�y, Trustar agrees ta make alI <br /> paym�nts when due and to perform ar cam.p�y wzth al� �a�enants. Trustor agrees nat to a.I.�aw any <br /> madifica�zan ar ex�ens�on af, nor�o request any future ad�an�es under ax�.y no�� or agreexnent securec�by the <br /> Iien document wxthout Benef�c�ary's prior v�r�tten approval.. <br /> C�a�ms Aga�nst T�tle. Trustor w��X pay a11 taxes �inc�uding any �a� assessed �o thxs Deed af Trus�}, <br /> assessments, X�ens, encumbrances, �ease payments, ground rents, utilz�ies, and ot�er �harges rela�i�.g ta the <br /> Prnperty when due. Ben�f�czary �rnay requ�re Trustor �a pra�ide ta Beneficiary copxes of a�� natxces that such <br /> amounts are du� and the rec�zpts e�idenczng Trustor's payment. Trustar wil� defend �z�le to the Praperty <br /> agazns� any c�a�ms that wouxd zmpair �he �xen of this Se�urity Instrument. Trustor agrees to ass�gn to <br /> Benefz�xary, as r�quested by Beneficzary, any rxghts, claxms ar defens�s Trustar may ha�e against partxes v�rho <br /> supp�y �abor or materials t�mazntain or zmprov�t�ie Propert�. <br /> 5ec�rity lnstrument-�pen-�nd-C�nsumer-N� �CE'-RE�T-N� 7121201 1 <br /> VMPCR7 6ankers SystemsT� VMP-C465{N�} t1�07).aD <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices C,�1 994,��1 1 p���2 og� <br /> � � � � <br /> � �- <br /> � � <br /> t <br /> � <br /> 4 <br />