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��14�1��5 <br /> continu� to pa�t� Lender the amaunt af th�separatel�designated payments that were due �vhen the <br /> ir�surance coverage ceas�d to be in�ffe��. Lend�r will accept, use and re�azn th�se paym�nts as a <br /> nori-�refundable loss reserve�n lieu af Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall b�nan�refundable, <br /> natwithstanding the fact that the L�an is ultimately pard iri full, and Lender shall not be required ta pay <br /> Borrower an�r int�rest or earnings on such Iass reserve. Lender can no longer r�quire Ioss reser��pa�ments <br /> if Mor�gage Insurance coverage �in the am�unt and for the per�od that L�nder rec�uires�provided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender agaixz becames ava��ab��, is ob�ained, and Lender requires separa�e�y des�gnated <br /> payments taward the premiums for Mortgage Insuranc�. If Ler�der r�quired Mortgage Insuran�e as a <br /> condition of making th�L�an and Barrower was required to make separate��designated payments toward the <br /> premiums for Mor�gag�Insuranc�, Barro�er shall pay the premi.ums required to maintain Martgage <br /> Insurance zn effect, or to pr�vide a n�r��refundable loss reserve, untzl Lend�r's requ�rement for Mortgag� <br /> Insuran�e�nds in accordance with ar�y vvritteri agr�emen�between Borro�ver and Lender pra�iding for such <br /> termination or until t�rmination is requ�r�d by App��cab�e I�ativ. Nothing in this 5ection l� affec�s <br /> Borro�ver`s obligation to pay interest a��he ra�e prov�ded�n�he Note. <br /> Martgag�Insurarrc�rezmburses L�nder��r an�ent�ty that purchas��the No�e} for certain Iosses it may incur <br /> if Borrow�r does nat repa�r�he Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mor�gage Insurance. <br /> Martgage insurers eva�ua�e their tatal risk an aI1 such insurarice in force frflm time to time, and may enter <br /> into agreements wzth�th�r part�es tha� share or madify th�ir risk, or reduce Ioss�s. These agreemen�s are on <br /> terms and cond�tions that ar�satisfactar�to the mor�gage insurer and the other party�or parties}to these <br /> agre�m.en�s. Th�se agreernents may require the martgage insurer to make paym�nts using a.ny source of funds <br /> that�he mortgage insurer may have ava�lable�tivh�ch may znc�ude funds obtained from M�rtgage Insurance <br /> premiums�, <br /> As a result af th�se agreements, Lender, any purchaser af the Note, ano�h�r insurer, ar�y reznsur�r, any ather <br /> entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregozng, may rece�ve�directly or indirectly� amounts that derive from <br /> �or might be characterized a�} a port��n of Borra,wer's payments for Mortgage �nsurance, in exchange fnr <br /> sharing or madif�ing the mar�gage insurer's risk, or r��uGing losses. If such agre�ment provides that an <br /> affi��ate�f Lender takes a share of th�insurer's risk in e�change for a share of th�premiums paid to�he <br /> insurer, the arrangement is aften termed "captiv�r�insurarice." Fur�her; <br /> �a} ,A�ny such a�r�eme�ts will not affect�he amnunts that Borrow�r has a�rQed to pay for l�ort�a�e <br /> Insuranc�, ar any other terms of tY�e Loan. �uch a�reemen�s�vill no�increase�he amnunt <br /> Borrower will owe f�r 1Vlort�a�e Insurance, and they�vill no� entitle�orroVver�o any r�fund. <br /> �b� Any such a�reements w�ix no� aff�c��he r��hts Borro�ver has �if any�with respec��a the <br /> IVlort�a�e Insurance und�r�he�Iomeo�vners Protection Act af 199� or any other law. The�e ri�ht� <br /> may inc�ude the rx�h��o receive certain disclosures, to requ�s�and ab�ain cance�Ia�ion of the <br /> �Vlor��a�e Insurance, to have the 11�Iort�a�e Insuranc�term�na�ed automatically, andlor ta rece�ve <br /> a refund of any IVIor��a�e In�urance premiums that were unearned at the��me of su�h <br /> canceliatian or terminat�on. <br /> 71, ►4�ssignm er�t gf Nlisce[laneaus P�oceeds: For#eiture. All M�sc���aneaus Proc�eds are h�re�y ass�gned to <br /> and sha��be paid to Lend�r, <br /> If�he Prap�rty is damaged, such M�sce��aneous Pro�eeds sha11�e applied�o restora�zon or r�pair of the <br /> Property, if the restorat�on ar repair is economicall�feasible an�Le�.c�er's security is not Iess�ned. I]uring <br /> such repazr arid rest�ra�ion periad, Lender shall have the rxght to h�Id such Miscellaneous Pro�eeds un�i� <br /> L�nder has had an opportunity to inspect such Property t�ensure�he wark has be�n cflmpleted tfl Lend�r's <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Family-�anni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRLJM�NT Fnrm 3�7�8�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP��N�7��3�2] <br /> Waft�rs Kluw�r Finan�ial 5er�ices Pag�9❑f 17 <br />
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