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��14�1��1 <br /> fui� of all sums secured by th�s Security Instrum�nt. Hov�e�er, th�s op�ion sha�l not �e exercxsed by Lend�r if <br /> exercise is prohib�ted by federa� Iavv as of�he da�e of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lende�r e�ercises this op�ion, Lender shall ��We Borrower no��ce of ac�ele�-at�o�r. The n�tice shall pr��ide a <br /> per�od of nat �ess than the minimum number of days es�ablished by Applicabie Law from the date �he no�ice �s <br /> deii�ered ar ma�led within which Borrower must pay a�l sums secured by this Securi�y �ns�rument. If B�rrawer <br /> fa��s to pay these sums priar t� �he �xp�ratian af this ��riad, L�nder rnay Xnvoke any r�med�es permitred by this <br /> 5ecurzty Instru�.ent withou�fur�her natice�r demand an Bor�ovver. <br /> Sorr�wer's Righ� �a Re�nsta�e. �f Borrovver meets cez�a�n conditions, Barrov�er shaIl have the �-��h� to ha�e <br /> enforcemen� of�h�s Secur�ty I�s�rumen� discon��nued at any �ime prior�a �he eari ier of: �a} S days �or such other <br /> periad as Appl�cable Lavv may spe�ify fflr re�ns�a�ement}before sale of�he Property pursuant to any �o�er of sale <br /> canta�ned rn �his Secur��y Instrument; �r ��} entry of a �udgmen� enf�rcing th is Security I nstrument. T�ose <br /> cond�tions are that �orrow�r: �a� pays Lender ail sums which then w�uld be due under this Security Instrumen� <br /> and the�or�tract as if no acceIeration had accurred; �b}cures any defaul��f any o�her cavenan�s or a�reements; �c} <br /> pays al� expenses �ncurred xn �nfarcing this S�curity Inst�ument, includin�, but na� lamit�d�o, reas�nab�e a�tnrneys' <br /> f�es t� the extent per�n��ted b� law; and�d� takes such actian as Lender �n.ay reasonab�y requ�re to assur� tha�the <br /> l�en of th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, Lender's ri�h�s in the Prop��-ty and Btirro�ver's ab�iga�ion to pay�he sums secured <br /> by th�s Security Ins�rumenfi shal� �antinue unc�ang�d. Upon reinsta�e��nen� by Barrovver, this S�curi�y �nstrument <br /> and the obli�a��ons secured hereby shall remain futly effecti�e as �f no acc�leration had occurred. Hnwe�er, �his <br /> r��ht to re�nsta�e sha�l not apply in�he �ase of acceieration ur�der the s�ction titled Transfer�f�he Prflper�y ar a <br /> Benef�c�al�ntere��in Borrov�er. <br /> Hazardous Su�stances. Borro�er shall no�cause or per�n��the presen�e, use, dispasai, stora�e, or re�ease nf any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances on�r in the Property. Borrower shali na�do,nor a�Iow anyone e�se to do,any�hin�affec��n� <br /> �he Property �hat is �r� vio�ation af any En�iro�men�a� Law. The preced�n� two sentences shall n�t apply to the <br /> presence, use,�r stora��on the Property af sma�l quantities of Ha�ardaus Substances that are�enera�ly reco�nized <br /> ta be appraprxate to narmal resxdential uses and to ma�ntenance of the Pr�perty. <br /> Borr�wer sha�l pramp��y�ive L�nder wr�t�en notice of any in�esti�atian,c�aim, de�mand, Iawsu�t�r other actian by <br /> any �oWerr�menta� or re�ulatory agency nr pr��ate party inv�l�in� the Property and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> En��ronmental Law of wh�ch Barrower has ac�ua� knowled�e. If Borrawer Iearns, or is notif ed by any <br /> �fl�ernmen�al or re�ula�ory authority,�hat any removal ar ather remediat��n of any Hazardous Substance affec�ing <br /> �he Proper�y �s necessa�-y, Barrower shalI p�-ompt�y take aII necessary rem�dia� ac���r�s in accordance with <br /> En�ironme�atal Law. <br /> As used in this para�raph, "Hazardous Subs�a�aces" are�hose subs�ances defined as�oxic �r hazardous substances <br /> by Env�ronmentaI Law and �h� fol�owin� substan�es: gasoliz�e, 1�eros�ne, other flammable or taxic petroleum <br /> produc�s, toxic pestxcides and herb�c�des, vn�atiie solven�s, ma�eriais con�aining asbest�s o�- formaldehyde, and <br /> radioacti�e ma�er�als. As used in this paragraph, "Environmen�a� Law" means federa� �aws and laws of the sta�e af <br /> Nebra�ka that rela�e to heal�h, safe�y or environmental�arote�tinn. <br /> Acceleratian; Rem�dxes. Lend�r sha�� g��e notice to Sorrower prior to acceleratxon fol�ow�ng Borrower's <br /> breach af any cove�ant or agreement in this Security �ns�rument or�he Can�ract under which acce�eration <br /> is perm�tted (but r��t pr�nr to a�celerat�an und�r the se�tian t��Ied Transfer of the Praperty �r a Ben�ficia� <br /> In�erest in Sorrow�r, unless Appiicabie Law pro�ides �therw�se�. The no��ee sha�l sp�cif�: �a} �h� defaui�; <br /> �b} �he actxon requ�red to cure th� defau�t; �r} a date, not �ess than fhe m�nxmum nu�nber of days <br /> . estabI�shed by Applicable Law from �he date�he no�ice is bi�en to Borrower, by which �he defaul� mus� be <br /> �ured; and �d� �ha� failure to cure �he d�faul� an or bQfo�re �h� da�� specified xn the nvtice may resu�t �n <br /> aceelera�ion of the sums seeured b� this Seeuri�y �nstrument and saxe of �he Property. To the extent <br /> permi�ted by �aw, the no�ice shaX� further inform Borr�wer vf�he rx�;h� to reinstate after a�ceiera��an and <br /> th� righ�to bring a cour�ac��an t�asser��he non--exis�e�ce af a defau�t�r any other defense af Borra�ver ta <br /> acce�erat�on and sa�e. If the defaul� �s nfl� cured on �r before the date specif�ed in �he not�c�, L�nder at it� <br /> op�ifln may require immedi��e paymen� �n fu�l of al[ sums secured by �his Secur�ty ins�rumen� withou� <br /> further demand and may �n►�oke the p�wer of sale and any o�h�r remedies permitted by Applicabie Law. <br /> To �he ext�n� p�rmitted by law, Lender shalI be en��tled to �ollec� all �xpen5es incurred �n pursuinb �he <br /> remedie5 provided zn this Sectian, inc�uding, but not limzted to, reasonab�e a��orneys' fees and cos�s of��tZQ <br /> e��denee. <br /> If�he pov�er of sale is �n�ok�d, Trustee shal� record a not��Q of defaul� �n each county in whxch an� par� of <br /> the Proper�y xs Xoca�ed and sha�l ma�t copxes of such no��ce �n �he ma�ner prescribed �y Applxcab�e Lava� to <br /> Borrower and �a the o�her persons prescr�bed b� App��cabie Law. Af�er �he �irr�e requ�red by Applicabie <br /> Law, Trustee shall give pub�ic notice af sai� �v the persons and in �he manner prescribed by Ap�li�ab�e <br /> Lavv. Trus�ee,w�thaut�lemand on Bnrrawer,shal�sel�the Property at pub�ic auction to the highes� bzdder <br /> at the�zme and place and under the�erms de�ignated in the n�t�ce af sale in one or more parcels and in any <br /> order Tru�tee determ�nes, Trus�ee may p�s�p�ne sale af a�i or any parcel of the Property by publxc <br /> announcernent at�he��rne and p�ace flf any previous�y schedu�ed sale, Lender or i�s desi�nee may purchase <br /> �he Pr�perty a�any saie. <br /> Upon rece�pt af�a�ment af the price b�d, T�-u��ee shall d�l��er t� �h� purcha5er Trus��e's deed con�eying <br /> �he Property. The recita�s xn �he TruSte�'s deed shal� be prima fac��evide�c�af the �ruth of the sta�emen�s <br /> made �her�in. Tru��ee shaIi app�y the �ro�eeds of �he sa�e �n �he fo��owing order: �a} to aZ� cos�s and <br /> exPenses o�'exercisinb �he povv�r of sa�e, and the sale, incxuding the payment of the Trus�ee's fees ac�ually <br /> 0 2��4-2013 Comp�iance 5ystems,1 nc.8�B3-SC�'?�20 i 3 L2.�.E 1.712 <br /> CQnsun�er Real Estate-Security lnstr•ur►�e�it D�.243G f'age�of 5 WwW.CpST1�7IIc�T1C�5y5'�ET?15.CQTI1 <br />