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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn . � �� � o <br /> � oz � � o�' � � <br /> �, z� � � �z � � <br /> '� �� �' � _� � z <br /> � ,�� o c�, y� � cn <br /> rnm rn �� � � <br /> rn� o � � � C <br /> �o � � � � <br /> W� <br /> �� <br /> om � � z <br /> o� � � � <br /> C�] Z <br /> � <br /> TH�S �NSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: AFTER REC�RDIN� RETLJRN T�: <br /> H�me Federal Sa�ings& Loan Ass�cia�ion of Home Federal Sa�ings& Loan AsSocia�iQn of <br /> �rand Is�and Grand Island <br /> 22� S�uth Locus�S�ree� 2�� S�u�h Locust Street <br /> GRAND ISLAND, NE 6S8U� �RAND ISLA�D, NE�SSO� <br /> �Spacc Aho�e This Line For Recording Data} <br /> L�AN flR�GINAT�R NAME: Chris Kask�� <br /> NMLS C�MPANY ZDENTIF�ER: 446443 <br /> NMLS�RIGINAT�R IDENTIFIER: 494�58 <br /> 1��EI) �F TR.UST <br /> �PREAUTI-��RI�ED t�P�N EN�D} �REI)IT -FUTUR� ADVAN�ES ARE SE�UR�I] <br /> BY THIS DEED �F TRUST] <br /> TH Z S DEED �F TRUST �"Securi�y �nstru�r�en�"� is made on March 1 Z, ��14. The �rantars are BRADLEY J <br /> MUND�RF and SALLY T MUND�RF, Hi�SBAND AND ''�YFE, wh�se address is 237 S PLUM �T, <br /> GRAND �SLAND} Nebraska �SS�I-7S84 �"Borrawer"�. Borrowe� �s no� necessarily the saine as �he Pers�n or <br /> Persons wha sign the Hame Equi�y L�ne af Credit Agreemen�, da�ed Mar�h 12, 2D14 �"��ntract"�. The <br /> obli�ations of Borravver� whfl did no� sign �he �ontract are explained furt�er in �he sec�ifln titled Suc�essors and <br /> Assibns Sound; Ja�n� and Se�eral Liabi�i��; Accommvda�ian Signers. The trustee is Arend R, gaack, <br /> A��orney whose address is P.a. Bax 79�, Grand Is�and,Nebraska 68S�Z �"Trustee"�. The benef ciary is Home <br /> Federal Sa�ings & Laan Assoc�ation of Grand �sland, v�hich is or�an��ed and exis��nb under the laws of the <br /> United Sta�es of A�r�erica and whose address �s 221 South Uocus� Street, Grand xs�and, Nebraska 68���. <br /> �"Lender"�. BRADLEY J MUND�RF and SALLY T MUND�RF ha�e en�ered into a Contrac�wi�h Lender as <br /> of March �2, 20I 4, under the terms flf which Barrawer may, from�ime ta time, ob�ain ad�ances no�to exceed, at <br /> any time, a �'�'�MA��MUM PRINCIPAL AMUUNT �E�CLUDING PR�TECT�VE ADVANCES}��� af <br /> Four Thousand Fi�e Hundred and OU1�4� DolIars�U.S. $4,SU�.fl�}�"�redit Limi�"}.Any�arty in�eres�ed in th� <br /> deta�ls reiated to t,en�er's cantinu�n� ab�igation to make ad�ances �o Borrovver is ad��sed�a consul�directly w��h <br /> Lender. I f nat paid ear�ier,�he su�r�s owin�und�r B�rrovver's Contract w��h t,ender wi l�be due on Mar�h �.5,2��9. <br /> This Security �nstru�ent secures �a Lender: �a� the repayment of �he debt under �he Cantrac�, v�i�h 1i1��r�5�, <br /> �pC�L1C�lp� future ad�ances, and al1 renewals, ex�ens�ons and modifca�ions of the C�ntract; �b� the paymen� of ai1 <br /> o�her sums, wi�h interest, ad�anced to protect the securi�y of this Secur�ty Ins�rumen� under the pro�isYons of the <br /> section �itied Pra�ection of Lender's R�gh�s xn th� Proper�y; and �c� the perfor�nance af B�rrower's ca�enants <br /> and a�r�emen�s under �his Securi�y Instrumen� and the Can�rac�. For �h�s purpose, Bor�-ov�rer, in consideration of <br /> �he deb� and the trust herein crea�ed, irre�oca�ly �ran�s and conveys �a Trustee, in trus�, w��h power of sa1e, the <br /> follow�n�des�ribed property Iocated in the C�UNTY af�IALL, S�ate af N�braska: <br /> Address: 237 S PLUM �T,GRAND ISLAND,Nebraska�SSU1-78$4 <br /> Legal Descrip�ion: L4T FYVE �5�y �N SL�CK �N� (1�, IN K�EI-�LER PLA�E, AN ADDYTIQN TC) <br /> T�E C�TY C]F GRAND ISLA�D,HALL C�UNTY,NEBRASKA <br /> TOG ETHER VV�TH a�l the impraWements navv or hereafter �rected on �he prapex�y, and al� easements, <br /> appur�enar�ces, and f x�ures nov� or hereafter a part of�he propert�y. All repiacernents and addi�Yans shall also be <br /> covered by this Security �nstrument. A�1 af the fQr�going is referred to in this Security Instrum�nt as the <br /> "property." <br /> B�RR�WER ��VENANTS �hat B�rrowe� is lawful�y seised of�he es�a�e h�reby cflnveyed and has �he r�ght ta <br /> �ran� and canvey �he Pr�per�y and that the Proper�y is unencumbered, excep� far en�umbrances af record. <br /> Borraw�r warrants and wi�l defend generally �he �it�e �o the Proper�y a�a�nst al� claims and demands, subject ta <br /> any encumbrances�f record. <br /> Borrower and Lender ca�enant and a�ree as fol�ows: <br /> Payrnent of Principa�and In�erest; �ther Charges. Borrnv�er sha1l promp��y pay when due the pr�ncipa] af and <br /> in�erest on the deb�avved under�he�on�ract and late charges�r any o�her fees and charges due under the Con�rac�. <br /> ��aa�-�a�;Compfia�ice Syste�7�s.Iri�.�EB�-S['C2_Z4i�L2.�.�],7I? <br /> C�nsui�ler Real ESFate-Secisriiy l�zstru�nent DL2�3G Pa�e i vf 5 <br />