<br /> full of a�l sums secured by thxs Security Ins�ru.ment. H�we�er, thxs ap�ion shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is proh�bited by federal law as af the date af�hrs Secur�ty Inst�-ument.
<br /> If Lender ��.ercises �his ap�ion, Lender s�a11 �i�e Borrower natice of�.cceiera�ion. The no�ice shall provide a
<br /> periad of n�t less �han �he minimum number of days es�a��ished �y Ap�p��cable Law from the date �he no�ice �s
<br /> de�i�ered or mailed vv�th�n wh�ch Barrower must pay alI sur�s secured �by th�s Security �ns�rument. If Borrawer
<br /> faxls t� pay these sums prxt�r to the exp�ra��on af this per�od, Lend�r may in�oke any remedies permi�ted by �his
<br /> Security�nstrun�ent vvith�ut fur�her n���ce or demand on Borrov��r.
<br /> Sarrower's Righ� �o Re�n��ate. If Borrower m.eets certain canditifln.s., Bor�rower shail ha�e �he ri�ht �o ha�e
<br /> enfarce�ent of this Security �nstrument discontinued at any t�m� prior to the earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> p�r�od as App�icab�e Law may specify for reinsta�em�n��befare sa�� of t�-�e Praper�y pu�suant to any pawer of sale
<br /> contazned in �his Secur��y Instrument; or �b} entry af a j�dgment eri;�nrc�ng th�s Securi�y Ins�rument. Those
<br /> c�nd�txans are that Borr�wer: �a� pays Lender ali sums v�hic:h the� wou_�d be due under this Sec�uri�y Instrumen�
<br /> and�he Contract as zf no acce�era�inn had occurred;�b} cures any defau���f any ather cfl�venants ar a�re�ments; �c}
<br /> pays ai�expe�.ses incurred in enfflrcin�this Security Instru�ment, �ncludin�,but nflt l�mited�o,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees�� the exten�p�rmitt�d by Iaw; and �d�takes su�h act�on as Lender�nay reas�nably requ�re to assure �hat�he
<br /> �ien of this Securi�y Irnstrument, Lender's rights in the Prap�rt� and Borrowe�r's ob�i�a�i�n�o pay the sums secured
<br /> by �his 5ecurity �nstrument sha1l continue unchan�ed. Upon re�nstate�ne�t by Bor�-ower, th�s Security �ns�rumen�
<br /> and the obli�ations secured hereby shalI rema�n fu�1y effecti��e as if no �.cce�erati�n had ��curred. HoweW�r, th�s
<br /> r��h��o re�nstate shall not apply �n the case of accelera�ion und��th� se��ton�i�I�d Transfer af the Praperty or a
<br /> Ben�fic�a���terest in �3�rrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. B�rrov�er shai�nat caus� or permit�he presence, use, disposal, stara�e, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Suhstances or�or in the Property. Borrawer sha�I no�do,nor a�low anyone else��da,any�hing affect�ng
<br /> �he Pro��rty tha� is �n �ia�atian af any En�ironmenta� Law. The preceding two sen�ences shall not apply �o th�
<br /> presence,use,or stora�e�n the Proper�y of sma�X quan�ities flf Hazardous Substances�hat are generally r�ca�nized
<br /> �o be appropr�ate ta normaI res�dentia�uses and to maintenance of�he Praperry.
<br /> Borrower shal�promptly�i�e Lender written no�ice of any inves�iga��on,c��ai�n,dernand, Iawsui�or other action by
<br /> any go�ernrnen�al or re�uiatory agency or pri�ate parry �nv�Ivin� the Property and any Hazardaus Su�stance or
<br /> Environ�nental Law of wh�ch Borrower has ac�uai know�ed�,e. �f �orrower learns, ar is n�tified by any
<br /> go�ernmen�al or regula�ory au�hority,�hat any rema�al or nth�r remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectin�
<br /> �he Prop�r�y �s necessary, Borrower shal� prompt�y take a�I necessary r�medial ac�ions in accordance wi�h
<br /> EnvironmentaZ Law.
<br /> As used in �h�s para�raph, "Ha2ardaus Substances" are those subs�ances def�ned as taxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by EnWiranmental Law and �he fo��owin� substances: �as�line, kerase�e, a�her flammable or �axic petroleum
<br /> produc�s, taxic pes��czdes and herbic�des, voiatile sa�vents, �na�eria�s con�a�n�n� asbestos or far�a�dehyde, and
<br /> radioact�ve m�a�erials. As used in this�ara�raph, "Environmental Law" m�ans federal laws and lav�s af the state of
<br /> Nebraska that rela�e��health, safe�:y�r enW�rara.�nental pr��ec�i�.n.
<br /> Accel�ratiom; Remed�es. Lender sha�� g��e noti�e t� Borrov►�er priv�• �a acce�eration fo�l��ving Barravver's
<br /> breach of�ny covenant or agreement in�his Securxty Inst�umen��r�he Contra�t under whzch acce�era�ion
<br /> is permitted �but not priar�o acce�eration ur�der the secti�n titled Transf�r af the Property or a Beneficia�
<br /> In�ere5� in lBorrower, unle5s Appl��a��� Law pro�id�s ot��rv►�ise�. The not��e shall �pecify: �a} �he d�fau��;
<br /> �b3 the act�on required tfl cure the defau�t; �c� a da�e, not �ess than t�e minimum number of days
<br /> �stabiished by Applicab�e Law from the da�e the not�ce i5 g��en to Borrower, b�v�hi�h the defaui� must b�
<br /> curQd; and (d� tha� faiture �o cure the defaul� on or befvre �h� da�� sp�ci�ed rn the na�ice may r�sul� in
<br /> acceiera��a� of the sums secured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� and sale of �he Proper��::�To �he extent
<br /> permi��ed by �aw, the notice sha�� furth�r inform I��rrow�r of�he right t� reir�state af�er acce�erat�o� and
<br /> �he r�ght�a bring a court act�on �o assert the n�n-ex�s��nc�of a defa��t or any other defens�of Borrower�o
<br /> acceleration and sale. If�he default is not�ured on or befare the da�`e spec�f��d ir� �he no�ice, Lender a� ��5
<br /> option ma� requxre �mmedia�e paymen� in fult of ail �ums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty Zns�rumen� withaut
<br /> fur�&�er demand and may �n�oke the power �f 5a�e and amy other r�medies perm��ted by App��cab�e Law.
<br /> To �he ext�nt permit�ed by �avW, Lender sha�Z be en��t�ed to e��lec� alI expenses xncurred �n pursuinb the
<br /> remedi�s pro��ded �n th�� S�c�ion, �n��ud�ng, but r�ot limi��d �o, reasonabie attorneys' fees and cos�s of��t�e
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the pov►�er of sale is in�ok�d, Trustee sha�� re�ard a no�ice ❑f defa�l# �n each c�un�y in which any part of
<br /> the Proper�y xs located and sha�l ma�� copi�s of such not�c� in ��e manner prescr�bed by Applicab�e Law�o
<br /> Borrawer and tfl the ather persons pr�scribed by Appli�able .Law. 1�fter the t�rne required by Appiicable
<br /> Law, Trust�e sha�� ���e public natice of sa�e ta �he per��ns and in �he manner prescribed by Applicable
<br /> La►w. Trus�ee,wi�hou�demand on B�rrower, shall s�li th� Praperty �� pubiic auc��on ta the highes� bidder
<br /> at the��me and place and under the��rms designated �n �he natice of sale in ane or more parce�s and �n a�y
<br /> order Tru��ee d�termines. Tru�tee may post�one saie of a�l or a.ny parcel of �he Pr��er�y by pub��c
<br /> announcem��t a��he��me and place of ar�y pre��ous�y s�hedule� sale. Lender or��s desibn�e may purchase
<br /> the Property a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymen� of the pr�ce bxd, Trustee shali d�li�er �o the purchaser Trus�ee's deed can�ey�ng
<br /> th�Property. Th� reci�als in the Trus��e's deed shall be p�-ima �acie���dence of the truth flf�he statemen�s
<br /> mad� ther�in. Trus�e� shal� app�y �he proceeds of the �a�e �n �he following order: �a� �o a�l cos�s and
<br /> exp�nses of�xercising the po�►�ver of sa�e, and the sa�e, �ncIudzng the paymen� �f the Trustee's fees ac�ua�ly
<br /> O?�a4-2�1�Cam�liance Systems,in�.8ES3-24BE-201�L2.Q.E1.7]?
<br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2Q36 Pa�e 4 af 5 www.com�Iiancesystert�s.com
<br />