<br /> ���� �F �'F�[���i
<br /> L��� I��: �������� {��r��iriu��} ���� �
<br /> a�r,�i ���r� �r�y �pp��I. 1�1�1��ther �r ��� �ny ��ur� ��t��� is i n������� ��� �� t}�� e���nt ��� �ar�hit�it��i �y ��v�, �l l
<br /> rea�or���I� ����r���� ��n�i�� in�ur� �rl��t i r� Len��r'� a�i r�i�n �r� r�e��s��r�r �� a ny tirrt� f�r t}�e �r�t���i�r� a� i�s
<br /> �nt�r��t�r��n� �nfar��rr��rrt�f it� ri�h�� �h�l! ���arrr� a ��rt�f�h� I r�d��t�dr���s �a�a��� �n��m�r�d ��� s I��l l ���r
<br /> in��r��t�t��� �l�t� r�t�fr�m�h� �l�t���#h�����nr�i�ur�ur�til r�p�i�. ��}��n��� ��v�r�� by this�ar��r��h in��ud�,
<br /> v��th��t ]ir�i��tian� h�w���r ��al�j��t�� ��� lirr�i�s ut��i��' �ppli���]� f��vr L��d�r's �tt�rn���' ���s ��d L�r���r's E���I
<br /> ��p�n���� �rvl�e�h�� �r n�t t��r� is � I��nrs�itr i n�l u�in� �tt����y�' f��� �n� ��p�ns�� ��r f��r�k�����y pra����i r���
<br /> {in�l��fin� ��-�r�rt�t� rr��diiy�r u������ny��at�r��ti��t2��r�r irtjunctian), �����l�f �n�I �n��nt��ipat�d ��st-�u�€�m�n�
<br /> ��il��ti�r� ��r�ri���r �h� �ast��s��r��rin� r���r��r �b��ir�ir�� ti�[� r�p�rt� {in�lu�i�� f�r��I��ure r���rt�}, �u�veyars'
<br /> r�p�r�s� and a��r�is�l f���, ti�f� Er�su�an��, �r��! €��s f�r tl�� �rU�fi��, �� t�i� ��t�r�� ��rmi���d �y ���ii��f�l� fa�,
<br /> 3rust�r�ls��r+r�l� ��y any c�ur����t�� in��I�li�i�n�a al l �tC��r�utr�s �r��i���i by I aw.
<br /> �i�h�� �f�r�,����. Tru�����h�ll 1�����I[�f the ri�t�t��t����ati����L�r�d�r a�s�t#�rth in�his���#i�n.
<br /> P�VIfERS AI�� ��LI�AT[�hl� �F TRE.IS7�E. T}���F�li�win� �ra�ri�i�ns r�l�tir�� �� �h� ��wer� and �k��i��ti�r�� ��Tru��e�
<br /> �r� ��rt��t]�is a e�d a�Tru�t:
<br /> ��r�nr�rs af Tr��t��. 1���i�!i'ta���� a!I ������ �f�r������ris�n� as � r��tt�r�fi E�v�r Tr������fna l! h�v�th� ���nr�r t�
<br /> t�l�� th� ��If��in� ���ian� wi�f� r��p���t t�th� �E���rty u��n tf�� �rvrEtt�n r�������f L�r��{�r and Tr��t�r: {�} a�in Er�
<br /> ��-��ari r�g �r��i �i[irr� a m�p �r �[at �� �h� i���I Pr���r��r �n�lud i�r� th� ���i��ti�n �� s�r���� a r �th�r ri�}��� t� #h�
<br /> p ub[i�i 4b) j�ir� �n gr�r��ir�� �rry ����m�n� �r �r�atir�� �r�y r�stri��i�n �n the F���! P����rt�r; ���i {�} a ai n in �ny
<br /> suf��rdir��ti�rt�r�#h�r��r��ment a�fi���i��tE�i� a����f Trust�r th�ir�t�r��t��L�n��r und�r fihi� a���i�f Tr���.
<br /> Tr��t��. Tru�t�e ���1� m��t �[I ���lifi���ians �equir�d f�r Tr��t�� �n�i�r ap�li��l�l� 1�v�. [r� ��c�a�i�n �a ��� �i�l��s
<br /> �r�d remecli�s s�t �r�rth �����, wi�h r�����t �� �ll �r �ny }�ar� ��r th� �r���rty, �k�� T�ust�e ��ha[� h�v� th� ri�[�� ��
<br /> ��r��l��� �y r�ati�e ar�� ��]�, �r�d L�n�l�r �hal! h�v� tl�� ri�ht t� f�r��l��� �y ju�ii�i�l f�re�l�s�r�, �n �i�her ��s� ir,
<br /> a���rd�r���v�Eth�n�l���I��fu11 ��t�r����'�vi���] b�appli�abl�l��r.
<br /> �����ssar Trust��. L�r��l�rf �t �.�r�r��r's �ptia�r rn��fr�rri �im�����me appaint �s�������r Tr�st���� an��rust��
<br /> ����ir�t�Ci �r�r��r �f�i� D���] of Trust b� an in��rument �x��ut��i �r�d ��f�n�w]��l�ed h� �.�n�l�r �r�� r���r�i��i in �h�
<br /> af�i�� �f tf�� r���r��r �f H A�L �o�,r�ty� �t�t� �f N�b r��l��. The �ns�rur'r't�r�� �h�]I ��nt�in r i n ad�iti�r, ta �ll ����r
<br /> mat#�rs r��uir�d by ���t� [�vwr, th� n�m�s af t�� �ri�i r��l �����rt Tr�s���� �nd Trust�rr tl�e ���&� �r�� p��� ��r
<br /> ��rr��ut�r s�r���rn r��r�r�n��} vtirC��r� tl�is a��� ��F Tr��� i� �e�ard�d, �rrd th� n�rn� �n� ���r��� ��f ��� su���s��r
<br /> tr�s���� �n�th�ir��trUrr��rr��h�ll ���x��ut�d �r��f�c[�r,�v�rl����� �y�I[�h� ��r��fa�iarE�s un�er�his ���� ��Tr�st�r
<br /> tl��ir �u������r� �n in�ere�t. T�e su���s��r�r�s��er u�rith�a�at ��r�v�y�t��� ���h� Pr�p�rty, sh�l[ su�����i t� ��I �F��
<br /> �it�er povwr�r� �r�d d�tti�� ��n�err�r� ���n t[��T�u�t�� in thi� a��� �f�ru�t�n� k�y��pli�ab[� ���nr� Tl�i� pr��edur� f�r
<br /> �����itu#i�n�f Trust�� s}��11 ��v�rr�t�tl�����l��i�n�f all��h�r�r�vi�i�n�f�r��h��itv�i�n.
<br /> N�T[�E�. Any n��i�� r���tir��l �� b� �iv�n �nd�r tl�i� L���� �f Tr�[s#r in�ludin� wifih�ut Eirt�it�ti�n �ny n��ice a���f�u�t
<br /> �r�� �rry r���i�� �f��1� ��a I� �� �iv�r� irt v,rfiti n�r a n� s I���I �� e�f��tiv� v���r� ��t��l ly��l iv�r��r �rv h�r� ��tu��ly r����v��
<br /> b�r�e�e����imiE� �u�l��s�ti��rv�ris� r��uir�� �y lav�r�, w��r� d�p��it�r� wi�h a nati�n��ly r����r�i��d �v�rni���ca�rrier, �r, ff
<br /> rrr�i I��r �nrh�n��p�sited in the �J r�Et�d ��at�� m�i!� ��fi rst c�as�, c�rti�i�� �r r��is��r�� m�i I ���t�+�� �r��ai�� €i�r��t��tQ
<br /> �h� add��s��� �l��v�� n���th� ���innin� �f t[�is ���� �f Tru��. �I[ ���i�� ��nati��s �f f�r��E���r� �rr�rn th� hold�r �f
<br /> �r�y �i�n �r I�i�h h�s p rio rity ��r�� t�is ����1 ��Tr�r�� �h�l[ be s�r�t �� L�r�d�f's ���r��s r �� �havvn r���r t}�� b��i nnin� �f
<br /> �1�i� ���d �f Trust. Any ��r�y m��r ��a n�� i�� �ddr��� fa r n�ti��s �nd�r this ���� �f Tr��t k�y ���ri n� fa rm�� �rv ritt�r�
<br /> nat��� �� th� ath�r p�rti��r ����if�irt� th�t �h� �urpa�� �f tl�� r��ti�� �� t� �h���� �h� p�rty's ���1r��s. F�r r���i��
<br /> �ur����s, Trc��t�r a����� �� k��p Len��r in�f�rrt��� �#�I[ tirrt�� ���r�s��rts cur��r���d�r���. �r�l��s ��h�rvxris� pr�vid��i
<br /> �r r��uir�� ��r lav�� i�F th��r� i� rr��r� tl��n �n�Tr���arr ar�y n�ti�� �iv�r� �� L�n��r t� �n��Tru�tor i� �l��tr���! t� b� r���i��
<br /> �i�r�r�#��11 Tr����r�.
<br /> 1wII����.�,A�IiE�U� PR��IS��[1I�� �h��r�l[�v�it�� mi���l[�n��u� pravi�i����r� �p�t't�f th�� ����i�#Tru�t:
<br /> A��n�lm�n#�. �f�i� ����i�f Tr���r t���the�witt� �r�� f��l���� D���m�n��r ��n�titut��tl�� �r�t�r� �ar���rs��n�iin� and
<br /> ��r��m�r�� ���he �arti�s �� �� ��� m�t���� ��t ��r�h i� th�� ���d �f Trust. �l� �1t�r��i�n �f a r �m��drr��t�t#� �his
<br /> a��d �f Tru�t�k��l l �� �f��cti�r� u r�E��s �iv�r� iri w ritir�� �n� si�n�� f�y�h� �a�y�� ��rti�s ��u�ht#� b� �h�r��d a r
<br /> baund b�the al��r��i�r��r�r��r��lm�nt.
<br /> Anr�ual F����r��. If tk�� Pr���r�y i� us�d �F�r �Ur���es ath�r tl��n 3r�s�arts resi�f�r���, Trust�r sh�l� f�rnish ��
<br /> L�n�i�r� �pQrt requ�s't, � ��rtifE�d st�t�r��n� �� n�t �peratin� ir���r�� r���iv��[ fr�m �h� P�-aperty durirr� �rr��t�r'�
<br /> �Or�v��u� #i s�a I �+��r in �u�h �a rm ��� d�t�i! �� L�n�l�r �h�ll r��uire. ""C1l��t a��r�ti r,� ir���m�" sh�91 m�an �l l ��sl�
<br /> r���i pt��r�m�I�� �'����rty��s��I E ��sh��p�n�itur�� ���I�i t� ��nn���E�n vtir it[���� �p�rati�r��f th�]�f���rty.
<br /> ���ti�n H���lin��. ��}�ti�n h���in�s ir� t��s ���� �f Trust �r� f�r �anv�r�i�rr�� ��r����� �nly �n� ar� nat �� t��
<br /> u�ed ta int�r�r���r�l�f�r��th�� �r�vi�i�n���tl��� ����] ��Tru�t.
<br /> �I�r��r. Ther� s h�l l �� n� rrt�rger a��I�� i r�t�r�st�r�st�te �r����� by t�nis ���d �#T�u��vv itf� �r����h�r i�t�r�st�r
<br /> ��t�t� in th� �r��O�rt� �t ���tim� ��I� b�ar��r�h� b�r��fit�f L�n��r in an� ���a�ity{ �rvit]��ut t[�� v�rritt�n �an��n�
<br /> �f L�r��i��.
<br /> �av���ing L�w. T��� ����I �f����� �i[I �� ��varne�l l����c��ral l��r�r ��p[i��ble ta L�nder �r��l, �� th� �xt��� n��
<br /> ����m����l b�f�deral lawt�h� I���af th�St��� �f N��raSka with�Ut r����c]t�its��n�Fli�#,s af!aw pr4v��iar�s. Th�i�
<br /> ���d��Tr��t has#���r��G�ept��b�r���der iri t1���t����f[��br��1��.
<br /> �h�i�� �f ��n��. lf �her� is � f�wsu�tr T�ust�r ��r��s �pQn L�n�er's r�q��st t� �r�k�m i�t� th� �ur���i��i�n ��t��
<br /> c�urts ��}���I ��ut�tyf S��t���N�br��1�a.
<br /> �V�1�l�i�r��i��L�nd��-. Lend�r�1��11 r����� ���rr���t� h��� �+r�i�red a r�y ri�l�ts ����r thi� a���] �f Tr�s��nl�s� �u�l�
<br /> vvai�er�s g i�r��ir� v�riti r�� �n� s i�r���l �y L�nd�r. [�� d�l�y�r�m i��i�r, �r�tl�� p�r�a�L�r�d�r ir� �x���i�in� �n�r ri�h�
<br /> �halE �p�rax� �� � �v�iv�r�f sucl� ri�}���r�r��at[��r r��h�. �4 waiv�r�y L�r�d�r�f � �r�vi���n �f#hi� D��� ��r Tru�t
<br /> s��l] r�a� �r�j udi�� or ��ns�itu�� � u�r�iv�r ��f L�r���r'� ri�hfi �th�rv�ri�� �� ��m a nd �tri��t ��rr�pl i�n�� vwri�h th��
<br /> �r�visi�n ��r �ny �ther pravi�i�� ��f tl�i� a��d �f Tr�s�. 11l� pr�a� v�r�iv�r i�� L�r�d�r, r��r �ny �aur�� �f t���lir��
<br /> be�v�r��r� L��d�r �nd Tr�s��rr sh�ll ��n��itute a w�i�r�r �f �ny �� L�r�r��r's ri�E��� or �� �r�y �f Tr�sst�r'� �bfi���i�ns
<br /> �s t� �n� ��t�re tr�n�a�ti�ns, 1l1�}��r���r�r th,� ��r�s�n� �� ��n�l�r i� r���,ir�� u r�d�r tl�i� D��� �f Tr�st{ th� gr�r��i r,g
<br /> a�F �u�l� ��r���r�t E�� L�r�d�r ir� �n�{ �nst�nc� sh��l r��� c�r��tit�t� ��ntin��r�� ��nsent�� s�t����u�r�� �n��an��s wh�re
<br /> ���h ��ns�n�is r�quir�d an�f ir��Il �a��s��a����ns�nt m�y��g r�r�t�d �r�rv ithh�ld i r�th���l�d���r��i�n��L�r���r.
<br /> ���►�r��i�ity. l�f a ��r�rt �f ���r,��t�r����r���li�ti�n �i�,�� �ny �r��i�i�r� �� this a��r� a�r Tru�t�� �� iGl���l, inv��i�, �r
<br /> un�nf�r��a�[� �� t� �ny �i rcurrtst�r���f fi�at �in�in� ��a[� n�� m a i�� ��� ��ff�r��i�� �ra�r�s io n ill e��l r i n�ral�d� �r
<br /> ur��r�f�r���bl� �s t� an� �th�r �ir�um�tan��_ I� ���s i�l�, th� �ff���i n� �r�vi�io� �1��l6 �� ��r��i��r�� rn��ifi�� ��
<br /> th�� i� �a��ome� l��a[, v�li� �r�d �r���r���k���. [� tl-�� af�F�n��r�� �r��i�iar� ��r�n�� �a� s� rn�dE�Fi��f it sf��l� b�
<br /> ��nsid�r�d ��I�t�d �r�rr7 �C�i� ���d �f Trust, l.�r�l�s� �th�r�ris� re�{ui���i E�� la�rvr th� �I����li�yr inv�li�i�y� �r
<br /> ur��r�f�r����i[i�y �f any �ra�ris i�n ���l�i� ���� �f Trttst sl�all r,at �ff��t�h� 1���li�y f v�l i�f ity �r �r�faE����i�ity �f �ny
<br /> �tf��r p r��i���n�f t1�E� ���d �f Tru�t.
<br /> �u��es���s �nd Ass i�ns. �u����t�� �r�� �i rr�it�ti an� �tat�d i n this a��+� ����ust �r� tr�r��f�r af Tr�st�r'� ir�t�r�str
<br /> �hi� L����C �f Tru�t sh a I� �� �i n�in� �p�r� a n� i n�r� tc� tl�� ��r�efit �f ��n� �arti�s, th�i r ��������r� �r�d �ssign�. lf
<br /> �v,rr��rs�i� �f th� Pr���r�y b���m�� v�st�� ir� � ��rs�r� �th�r�ha n T�����r� L�r���r, v�ritf��u� n�ti�� �� Tru�#�rr ��y
<br /> ���[ v�ith Tru���r`s �u����sar�v+�ith r���r�n��t�t�ti� ���d �f`�'r��t�n�!fi�te lr����t��n��� C�y�r1r����r f��b��r�n�� �r
<br /> �xt�r�s i�r��nrith���r�[��si r�g Trt�st�r fr�m th���Ei��ti�r�s���C�i� ������Tru�t�f]iabil it�����r�h� 1 n��l��e�lr��s�.
<br />