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��14�1577 <br /> fu�� af a�� sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstru�nen�. How��er, �his option shall na� b� exerc�sed by Lender �f <br /> exercise�s prohibited by federal lavv as of�he da�e of this Securi�y Ins�rumen�. <br /> If Lender exerc�ses th�s optian, Lender shal� ���e Borrower notice of acce�eration. The no�ice shai l provide a <br /> per�od �f not I�ss than the min�mum number of days estab�ished by Applicable La� from the date �he notic� �s <br /> delivered or ma��ed wi�h�n wh�ch Sorrovver must pay al� sums se�ured by �his Securi�ty Instrument. If Borrower <br /> fails �fl pay these sums prior �� �he expira�ian of this period, L�nder may invok� ar�y remedies permi��ed by this <br /> Se�urity Instrument w�thout fur�he�r n��ice ar demand�n Borrower. <br /> �orrower's Right �o Re�ns�a�e. If Barrov�er meets �ertairi condi��ons, Borrower shall ha�e the ri�ht ta have <br /> enfarcemE.�nt of this Security Instrunlent d�scnn��nued a� any time priar�o the eariier af: �a} 5 days (or such o�he�- <br /> period as Applicab�e Law may spec�fy for r�ins�atement�before sa�e flf�he Proper�y pursuant t� any p�wer of sa�e <br /> con�ained in this Security �nstrumen�; or �b} entry of a �ud���nent �nf�rcin� this Secur��y Instrument. Those <br /> cand����ns are �hat B�rrav►rer: �a} pays Lende� all sums wh�ch �hen v�ould be due under �his Security Instrument <br /> and the�an�rac�as if nfl acceleration had o�curred;�b�cures any defaui�of any other co�enants�r a�reements; �c} <br /> pays al�expenses incurred i.n enforcin�th�s Securi� instrument, in�lud�n�, bu�no� Iimited to, reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to the extent permitted by �av�; and �d� �akes such action as Lender may reasonab�y reQuire to assure�hat the <br /> lien af th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�, Lender's rights in the Property and Borr�w�r's obli�at��n �ti pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security Instruznent shall cant�nue unchan��d. t]pon re�nstatement by Borrower, �his Secur�ty Znst�Umen� <br /> and the o�l��atians secured her�by sha�l �re�ain ful�y effec���e as if no acceieratian had accurred. H�we�er, �his <br /> ri�ht to reinstate shal�not apply in the ca��of acce�era�ion under the sec�io�t����d Transfer of�h� Property or a <br /> Ben�f���a��nteres�in garrower. <br /> Ilazardous Substances. Borrower shail no�cause or permit the presence,use, d�spasal, stora�e, �r re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous Substances�n or���he Property.Borrotiver shal�not da,nor all�vv anyane else ta doy ar�ythin�affec�in� <br /> �he Property tha� is in �io�ation of any En�xronmental Law. The prec�din� �wa sentences shal� not app�y �o the <br /> presencey use, ar s�ora�e�n the Proper�y of small quant�t�es af Ha2ardous Substances�hat are�eneral�y reca�nized <br /> to be appropr�a�e to n�rmal resident�al uses and�o ma�ntenance�f the Praperry. <br /> Borrov�er shal�pramp��y��We Lender wr�t�en not�ce of any inve���gat�on,claim,dernand, �awsuit or other act�on by <br /> any �overnmenta� or �-e�ulatary a�ency ar private par�y �n�olving the Proper�y and any Hazardou� �ubstan�e or <br /> Er�vironmen�al Lav� of v�hi�h Borrower has actual knowled�e. If Barrower learns, or is notif ed by any <br /> �overnmental or re�ulator}�authority,tha�any rem��al or other remed�at�on�f any HazardQus Subs�ance affec��ng <br /> the Praperty is n��essary, Borrawer sha�� prampt�y �ake a�� necessary remed�ai ac��ans sn accordance w�th <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this para�raph, "Ha2ard�us Subs�anc�s" are those substanc�s defned as tnxic or ha.�ardaus subs�ances <br /> by En�iron.mental Lavv and th� faliaw�n� substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, other f�ammabie ar �ox�c petro�eun-� <br /> produc�s, �axzc pesti�ides a�d herbicides, �ala�ile s���en�s, materials canta�nin� asbestos or f�r�na�dehyde, and <br /> radioactY�e materza�s. As used �n thrs para�raph, "Environ.menta� Lavv"means federal laws and Iaws of�he state af <br /> Nebraska tha��-ela�e�a heal�h, safe�y flr en�ir�nmen�al protec���n. <br /> A�celeration; Remedies. Lender shal� give no�ice to Sorrower pr�ar to acceieration fa��ow�ng Sorr�wer's <br /> breach of any ca�enan�ar agreemen�in this Security Instrument or the�on�rac� under which ��celera��vn <br /> i� permitted �but not pri�r ta accel�ra�ion under�h� sectian fit�ed Transfer of th� Proper�y or a Beneficial <br /> �n�erest �n Borrower, un�ess App���able Law �ro��des otherwise}. The nat�ce shall sp�cify: �a) �h� defau�#; <br /> �b} �he act�on requ�red �o cu r� the d�fau�t; �c} a da�e, not less than the m�n�m um n u m ber of days <br /> estab��shed by Applica��e Law from �he date the no�ice �� gir�en �a Borrower, �� which �he def�u�t must b� <br /> cured; and �d� tha� fa��ur� �o cur� the dQfa��� on or before �he da�e spec��ied in the na��ce may resu�� �n <br /> acceleration of the sums secured by th�s S��urrty Ins�rument and sale of �he Praper�y. To the ex��nt <br /> permi�ted by law, �he nat��e shail fu rth�r infarrn Sorrower of�he righ� ta re�nsta�e af�er acce�eration and <br /> the r�ght tfl bring a court act�on ta asser��he nfln�-exis�en�e af a default or any other defense of�orrower t� <br /> acceleration and saie. �f�he defau�� �s not cured on or befvre thQ date spe��fied in the not�ce, Lender at �ts <br /> option may r�quire xmmed�a�e paymen� in fuI� of a�I sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstrumen� vvithaut <br /> further demand and may �n�oke �he power of sale and any other rem�dies permitted by App��cable La�v. <br /> T� �he ex�ent permitted by �aw, Lender sha�� �e �ntitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the <br /> remedies prv�xded �n this Sectian, includ�ng, but not Iimited to, reasonable a��orneys' fees and costs of����e <br /> e��dence. <br /> �f the power of�ale i5 in�oked, Trustee shall reCord a notic�of default in each coun�y xn which any par� of <br /> the Proper�y i� loca�ed and 5ha11 mail capies�f such no�ice in �he manner pr�scrxbed by Applica�ie Law�a <br /> Borrower and to �he other per5ons prescrxbed by Applicabte Law. After the time required by Ap���cable <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� ���e pubiic not�ce of saie �� the persons and in the manner prescr�bed by Applicab�� <br /> Law. Trustee,w�thou�d�mand an Borrawer, sha�l seil�he Pr�p�rty at publ�c auc�ion ta �he highes� bxdder <br /> at th�time and p�ace and under�he�erms de�xgnated in�he notice of sa�e in one or mare parce��and �n any <br /> �rder Trustee de�ermxnes. Trus�ee may post�one sale af all or any parce� of �he Praper�y by pub��c <br /> announcemen�at�h���rne and pZace of any previous�y scheduled sa�e. L�nder or i�s desi�nee m�y purchase <br /> �he Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt af payment of�he pr�ce bid, Trustee shall del�ver to the purchaser Trus�ee's deec� con�ey�ng <br /> the Property. The recitals in �h�Tru�tee's deed shalI be pr�ma facie e�idence flf th� �ruth of th�statements <br /> mad� ther��n. Trustee sha�l ap�Iy the proc�eds of the sal� in the f�l�owinb arder: �a� to ai� costs and <br /> expense5 of exerc�sing th� power of sa�e, and the s�Ie, inciuding �he paymen� of the Trustee's �ees a�tuaily <br /> C�2a44-2�[3 Compliar�ce Systems,Inc.8ES3-OD�1-2Q l'a L2.0.E I.7 i 2 <br /> Coz�sumer Real Estate-S�cur�ty Instrument DL2�3G Pa�e 4 of 5 www.cQr��pfiancesystems.corr� <br />