��14�15�3 �
<br /> i
<br /> Loan No: �0�27437� ��ont�nued} Pag� 4
<br /> which Lender deems in Lende�'s sale discret�on �a be suf�Fi�ien� fiv cu�e th� de�ault and therea�fter cantinues and
<br /> completes a�l reasonable and necessary steps suf�icient to produce compliance as savn as reasonably practical.
<br /> R1GHT5 AND REMED[ES QN❑EFAULT. Upon�he❑ccurrence of any E�ent❑�Defaulfi and a�any time fihereafter, Lender
<br /> may exercise any ❑ne or more of fihe fallowing righ�s and remedies, jn additivn�a any❑�her righ�s ❑r remedies provided �
<br /> by�aw:
<br /> Accelerate �ndebtedness. Suhjec� t❑ any requirement under app�icable law to pro�ide notice of defaul� and
<br /> vppor�unity to cure, Lender shall ha�e the right a��ts optian ta declare the en�ire Indebtedness immedia�e�y due and
<br /> payabfe, including any p�-epaymen�penalty�khat Borrower wauId be required�a pay.
<br /> �
<br /> Callect Rents. Lender shaI� ha�e th� righ�, wi�hou� no�ice to 6orrow�r ar Granfior, �❑ �aICE p055@55IOn vf �he ,
<br /> Pr�perty and �ollect �he Rents, including amvun�s past due and unpaid, and app�y the ne� proceeds, a�e�- and
<br /> abo�e Lender's CD5�5, against the �ndebtedness. ln �furtherance ❑f this righ�, Lende�- shall ha�e all the righ�s i
<br /> p�o�ided fvr in the Lender's Right �a Recei�e and Col�ect Ren�s S�ction, aba�e. 1-� �he Rents are callected by ;
<br /> Lender,�hen Grantor irrevacak�Iy designates Lender as Grant�r's a�torney-in-tact�tv endarse ins�ruments received in
<br /> payment fihe�-eo�in the name ❑f Grantor and�o negotiate the same and collec��he proceeds. Payments by tenants
<br /> or other users �❑ Lender in respanse �v Lender's demand shall sat�s�y the vhliga�ions �or which the paymen�s are '
<br /> made, whefiher ❑� na� any proper grounds for �he demand exis�ed. Lender may ex�rcise i�s righ�s under this ;
<br /> subparagraph e�ther in person, by agent, or fihraugh a recei�er.
<br /> �#her Remedies. Lender shall ha�e a�� ��her �ights and remedies pro�ided in this Assignment vr the Note ar by
<br /> law. •
<br /> ;
<br /> Electivn o#Remed3es. Election by Lender�o pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursuit❑f any❑ther remedy, and j
<br /> an elec�ion to make expenditures vr�a take a�tivn to per-�orm an❑b�igation of Grantar under�his Ass�gnment, aft�r j
<br /> �rantor's failure to perform,shall nofi af�Fecfi Lender's righfi�to declare a de�aul�and exercise its remedies. ;
<br /> f
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. l� Lender�nstitutes any suifi ar aGtion to enfvrce any o�the terms o��his Assignment, �
<br /> �
<br /> Lende�- sha�� be entit�ed ta recover such sum as �he cour�t may adjudge reasanab[e as at�arneys' fees a�t�ial and I
<br /> u�nn any appeal. Whether or nat any cour� action is in�ol�ed, and �o �he extent n�t prvhibi�fied by law, aII
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lend�r's opinion are neGessary a� any �ime far �he pro�kection of its
<br /> interest ar the enforcemen�of its righ�ts shall i�ecame a part�f�he Indebtedness payab�e on demand and shaIl bear ;
<br /> �n�erest at the Nate ra�e fr�m�he da�e of the expendi�u�-e unt�I repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include, �
<br /> without limitation, hawe�er sul�jec��o any limits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' fees and L�nder's legal a
<br /> exQenses, whether or nv� there is a lawsui�, including a��orneys' �fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> ��ncfuding e��orts t❑ madify or�acate any automa�ic stay or injunction}, appea�s, and any anticipa�ed pos�-judgmen�
<br /> callec��on services, �he cosfi o�sear�hing �-ecords, abtaining title reparts {in�luding �ore�lvsure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br /> repor-ts, and appraisal fees, �i�le insurance, and �ees for the Trus�ee, �t� �he ex�ent permi��ed by applicable law.
<br /> G�antor als❑will pay any cour�cosfis, in addi�ian�o a1� other sums prv�ided �y law.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�V151nNS. The�ollov+ring mis�ellaneous pro�isions are a part af�his Assignmen�:
<br /> Amendmen�s. �This Assignment, together wi�h any Relafied ❑acuments, canstitutes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement af the parties as t❑ the matters se� far�h in �his Assignm�nt. No al�erativn ❑# ar amendment to this
<br /> Assignment shall be effe�ti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party ar parties sough� fio 1ae charged or �
<br /> bound by�the alteration or amendment. �
<br /> Cap�ion Headings. Caption headings �n�his Assignmen� are for can�en�ence purposes vnly and are not to be used !
<br /> �o �n��rpret❑r de�ine the pro�isions a�f this Assignment.
<br /> Governing Law. Th�s Assignmen� wi!! he governed by �ederal �aw applicable �o Lender and, fo �he ex�ent not �
<br /> preempted by federaC law.the laws of#he 5ta�e of Nebraska rrvi�hout regard to i�s confli��s uf law provisivns. This '
<br /> Assignment has been�accep�ed by Lender in�he S�ta�e vf Nehraska: '
<br /> Choice of Venue. lf�here is a lawsui�, Cran�or agr�es upon Lender's reques�ta submi��o the jurisdiction at the '
<br /> caurts v�Ha(� Cflunty, 5�ate of Nebraska.
<br /> . i
<br /> Jvin� and Several Liabilifiy. All ohligations ❑f Borrawer and Grantor under this Assignment shall be j�in� and
<br /> se�eral, and all references�o Grantor shall mean each and e�ery Gran�or, and all references t❑ Bvrrawe�-shall mean �
<br /> each and e�ery Borrawer. This means tha� each Gran�or signing below is respansibl� far af[ ❑bl�ga�ions in this ;
<br /> Assignment. Where any❑ne ar mare o��he parties is a�arporativn, partne�ship, fimi�ed liabili�y cvmpany or similar
<br /> entity, i�is not n�cessary�ar Lender t❑ inquire inta the pvwe�s of any❑f the❑�ficers, direc�vrs, partne�-s, memhers, �
<br /> or other agen�s acting a� purportin� �o act ❑n the en�ity's behal�, and any ❑bligations made flr created in relian�e
<br /> upon the pro-�essed exerGise❑f such powers shal� be guaran�eed under this Assignment. 4
<br /> 11llerger. The�-e shall be na merger of the interes���r estate crea�ed by this assignment wi�h any o�her in�erest❑r
<br /> esta�e in�he Property at any time held hy or far the benefit❑f Lender in any capacity, without�he wri��en consent I
<br /> of Lende�-. '
<br /> Interpre�ation. ��} ln al� cases wh�re �here is mvre �han one Barrower or Grantor, then al� words used in this ,
<br /> Assignment in�he singular shal[ be deemed ta have heen used in th� plural where�khe contex�and consfiruction s❑
<br /> require. {2} �f more than one pe�son signs this Assignmen�as "Gran�ar," �he ❑bliga��ons nf each Grantor are�oint �
<br /> and several. This means tha� if Lender hrings a �awsuit, Lender may sue any ane ❑r more o�F �he Grantors. �f
<br />