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} _ _ _ __ ___ ___. ____ ._. .__._. <br /> � ��14�15�� <br /> � DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: ����7437� {Cont�nued} � Page 7 <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one�r more of�he following rights and remedies: <br /> � A�celeratzon Upvn ❑e�aul#;Additianal Remedies. lf any E�ent o� Default occurs as per�he terms of the Na�e <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare aIl Indeb�tedness secur�d by�his Deed of Trust to be due and payable and <br /> the same shall the�-eupon �ecome due and payable with�u� any presenfimenfi, demand or pro�es� ❑� any kind. <br /> Thereafrter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei�h�r in person vr by agen�, with or without bringing any action ❑r proceed�ng, or by a recei�er <br /> appoin�ed by a cvurt and with�u� regard to�he adequacy ❑�i�s security, en�er upon and take passessian <br /> ❑�the Praper�y, or any part�hereof, in its own name or in the name vf Trustee, and do any acts which i� <br /> deems necessary❑r desirahle�o preser�e the �a1ue, marketability ❑r rentahility ❑f the Proper�y, ❑r parfi❑� <br /> �he Property or interest �n the Pr�perky; increase�he income from the Property or pro�ect�he securi�y of <br /> the Property; and, with or wi�houfi �aking passess�on ❑f the P�-operfiy, sue �or o�- o�herwise cvllec� �he <br /> ren�s, issues and profits ❑f the Property, including �hose past due and unpaid, and apply �he same, less <br /> cos�s and expenses ❑f opera�ion and co��ection a�torneys' fees,to any indebtedness secu�-ed by this Deed <br /> o� Trus�, al� in such order as Lender may defiermine. The enfiering upon and fiaking pvssession of �he <br /> . Proper�y, the CoIIEC�ian vf su�h rents, issues and pr�fits, and �he application thereof sha�l not cure ❑r <br /> waive any de�ault❑r no�ice of default under�his Deed ❑�Trus�❑r in�alidate any ac�t done in respanse tv <br /> � such defauI�❑r pur-suant�o su�h nofiice of default; and, notwifihstanding fihe cvn�inuance in passessian❑f <br /> �he P�vperty ❑r the callection, re��i�t and appIication of ren�s, issues or pro�i�ks, Trustee �r Lender sha�� <br /> be en�i�led t❑ exercise e�ery rFght proWided far in the N�te or the Relafied Documents ❑r 1�y law upon�he <br /> ❑ccurrence❑�any e�en�vf default, including the righ��a exercise�he power❑f sale; <br /> tb} Commence an ac�ian to�oreclose this Deed of Trust as a martgage, appvint a re�ei��r❑r specifically <br /> . enfarc� any❑t�he co�enan�s hereof; and <br /> �c} DeliWer�o Truste� a written declaration ❑f default and demand for sa[e and a wri�ten notfce�f defiaul� <br /> and ele�tian�a cause Trustor's �nterest in the Proper�y to be so[d, which notice Trustee sha�l cause t❑ be <br /> duly�iled�Far recvrd in the appr�priate�ffi�es of the C�unty in wh�ch the Property is [��ated; and <br /> {d} 1Nith respec��❑ a!I ar any par�o-F the Persanal Property, L�nder shall ha�e alj the r�ghts and remed':es <br /> ��f a secured party under�he Nebraska Uni�orm Cvmmer�ia� Code. <br /> Fvreclosure by Pvwer v�f 5afe. �f Lender elects to�oreclose by exercise���he Power ot Sa[e h�rein can�ained, <br /> Lender shal! nati�y Trustee and sha�� deposit with Trustee this �eed vf Trus� and the No�e and such �-eceip�s <br /> and e�iden�e of expendi�ures made and secured by this Deed af Trust as Trustee may requ3re. <br /> �a} Upon receipt of such no�ice �ram Lender, Trus�ee sha�f cause to be recarded, puhlished and defi�ered <br /> to Trustor such No�ice of Defaul� and Notice ❑fi Sale as then required by law and by�his �eed ❑�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, wi�hout demand on Trustor, after such time as may �hen �ae required by law and after <br /> recorda�kian o�such Notice o� De#aulfi and after Natice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> th� Property at the �ime and place o� sale �ixed by it in su�h Notice of 5ale, either as a whole, or in <br /> � separate lots or parcels or i�ems as Trustee shall deem expedien�, and in such orde� as i� may determine, <br /> at public auct�on to the highes� bidder far cash in [awfu! money o�the Uni�ed Sta�es payable a�the�time <br /> a�f sale. Trustee shall deli�er t� such pur�haser v�- purchasers therea�F its govd and sut�icient deed or <br /> ' deeds can�eying �he property s❑ sold, bu� withaut any co�enant ❑r warranty, express or implied. The <br /> reci�a[s in such d�ed vf any matters ❑r fa�ts shall be con�lusi�e proof ❑f the truth�ulness thereaf. Any <br /> person, �ncluding without�imi�ation Trus�or,Truste�, or Lender, may pur�hase at such sale. <br /> �b� As may be permi�ted by law, after deduc�ing al� cas�s, �ees and expens�s o� Trustee and o� this <br /> Trus#, inc[uding costs o�e�idence ❑f title in cannec�ion with safe,Trustee shall app[y the proceeds�f sale <br /> to paymen�o� {i} a�f sums expended under the�terms vf this ❑eed ofi Trusfi ar under fihe fierms o�the Note <br /> not fihen repaid, including but not [imited �o accru�d interest and �ate charges, {ii� all ❑ther sums then <br /> secured hereby, and {iii} the remainde�-, i�any, �o fihe person❑r persans lega��y entit[ed thereto. � <br /> �c} Trustee may�n the manner pra�ided by law pas�pone sale of all or any pvr�ion o�the Property. <br /> Remed'res No� Ex�lusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each af �hem, sha�� be entitled to en�orce payment and <br /> perfvrman�e of any indeb��dness ❑r o1al�ga�ians secured by this Deed o�Trust and�o exe�rcise all rights and pawers <br /> under�kh�s Deed ❑f Trus�, under�he Note, under any o��he Related Documen'�s, ar und�r any ❑ther agreement ar <br /> any laws naw ❑r hereaf�er in force; natw�thstanding, svm� ❑r a!l of such indebtedness and abliga�iflns secured by <br /> �his Deed vf Trus� may now ❑r hereafter b� ❑therwise secured, whe�her by mortgage, deed af trust, pledge, fien, <br /> • assignmen� ❑r otherwise. Neither the accepfian�e o� this ❑eed o� Trus� nar i�s enfo�-cemen�, wh��her by caurt <br /> ac�ion ar pursuant to the power o�F sale or ❑ther- powers contained in this ❑eed af Trust, sha1� prejudi�e ar in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lender's righ� ta realize upan or enforce any ather securi�y now ar hereafter h�ld by <br /> Trus�ee❑r Lender, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each❑f them, shall be enti�led to enfvrce fihis Deed <br /> o�Trust and any other security now ❑r herea-�er he�d by Lender or Trus�ee in such arder and mann�r as they or <br /> either of �hem may in fiheir absa�ute discrefiian determine. N� remedy c�nferred upon �r reser�ed to Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intended �a 1ae ex�lusi�e of any vther remedy in this ❑eed v�Trus�or by �aw pro�ided ❑r perm���ed, but <br /> each sha�l be cumulative and shall be in additi�n �o e�ery other remedy giWen in this ❑eed ❑f Trust or now or <br /> h�reafter existing at lav►r o�in equity❑�by statu�e. E�ery power❑r remedy given by the Nate vr any a�fihe Related <br /> ❑ocuments t� Trus��e or Lender or t❑ which either ❑� them may be a�herwise enti�led, may be exercised, <br /> 1 <br /> �� <br />