<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: 'l���7437� �Gontinu�d} Page 5 �
<br /> CONDENiNAT��N. The�oilowing pro�isions relating ta�ondemnation proceedings a�e a part o�this ❑eed �f Trust:
<br /> Pro�eedings. Ifi any proceeding in condemna�ion is filed, Trus�ar sha�� promptly na�ify Lender- in wri�ting, and
<br /> Trus�or shall pramp��y take such s�eps as may be necessary ta defiend the act�on and ob�ain fihe award. Trustor
<br /> may be the naminal parfiy in such praceeding, but Lender shall be en�i�kled�❑ par�icipate in the pra�eeding and to be
<br /> represented in the proceeding by �aunse� ❑� its own chai�e, and Trustor will deIi�er or cause to 1ae delivered to
<br /> Lender such ins�rumen�s and documentation as may be requested by Lender from time �o time t❑ permi� such
<br /> pa��icipafiivn.
<br /> App�icafiion vf Nef Prviceeds. lf a�l or any par�❑f the Praperty is candemned by eminent damain proceedings o�-by
<br /> any praceeding ❑r purchase in lieu of condemna�ion, Lender may at its �lection require tha�all or any por�ion of�he
<br /> net prviceeds o� the award be applied fi❑ the lndebtedness vr �he repair or restorat�on o� �he Property. The ne�
<br /> prv�eeds of th� award shall mean the award a#�er payment of aIl reasonab�e casts, expenses, and at�orneys' �ees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connec�ion w�th�the candemnation.
<br /> 1MP�S1TIDN �F TA�CES, FEES AN❑ CHARGES BY GDVERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The �o�lowing pro�isions relating
<br /> to gv�ernmental taxes,�e�s and charges are a part❑�this aeed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Curren�Taxes, Fees and Charges. [Jpon request by Lender, Trustor sha�l execufie such documents in addi��an to
<br /> �his Deed ❑f Trusfi and take wha�e�er o�her ac�ian is requested hy Lender�o perfect and c�ntinue Lender's lien on
<br /> th� Rea� Property. Trus�or shall reimburse Lender tor all �axes, as descril�ed belaw, fioge�he�- wifih all expenses
<br /> in�urred in re�ording, per-�ec��ng ❑r con-�inuing �his Deed of Trust, in�luding wi�hout ��mitation a�l taxes, �ees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and o�her charges for recard�ng ar re�istering this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The fo�lowing shall c�nstitute taxes t❑ which this se��ion applies: {'�} a spe�ifi� tax upon this type ❑f
<br /> Deed o�Trust ❑r upan all or any part a�the �ndeb�edness secured by -�his Deed of Trust; �2� a spe�ific tax ❑n
<br /> Bvrrower which Borrawer is au�hvrized ❑r required �a deduct�r�m payments vn fihe lnde�tedness se�ured hy�his
<br /> type o� Deed af Trust; �3} a tax on�his type o-� Deed af Trust chargeable against#he Lend�r or the holder of�he
<br /> Nv�ef and �4� a specifi� tax ❑n all or any p�rtion �f the lndebtedness or ❑n paymen�s o�f princ�pa� and interest
<br /> mad�hy Borrower.
<br /> 5uk�sequen� Taxes. I# any tax t❑ whi�h this sec�ion app�ies is enac�ed subsequen� to the date of this I�eed ❑f .
<br /> Trust, this eWen�k shall have the same ef�ec� as an EWent o� ❑efault, and Lender may exercise any ar all of its
<br /> a�ailab[e remedies �vr an E�en� of Default as pro�ided below unless Trust�r eithe� ��� pays the tax bef�re it
<br /> becames delinquent, or �2} con�ests the tax as pra�ided abo�� in �he Taxes and Liens section and deposi�s with
<br /> Lender�ash or a suf�icient corpa�-ate surety bond or other se�urity sa�is�actvey fio Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANC[NG STATEMENTS. The �vllowing pra�isFons relating to this Deed �� Trust as a
<br /> se�urity agreement are a par�of this Deed ❑�Trust:
<br /> 5e�urifiy Agreemen�. This instrument shall cvnstitu�e a 5e�uri�y Agreemen� tv the ex�ent any �� the Praperty
<br /> constifiu�es fix�tures, and Lender shal[ ha�e all o�F the rights af a secu�ed party unde�the Uni�arm CammercEal �ode
<br /> as amended fr�m time to time. �
<br /> Secur�ty �n�erest. Up�n r�quest by Lender, Trustor sha[[ �ake whate�er action is requested by Lender fi❑ per��c�t
<br /> �and continue Lender's security interes� in the Rents and Personal Proper�y. [n addition �❑ re�arding �h�s Qeed o�
<br /> Trus� in the real praper�y records, Lende� may, a� any time and wi�hou� further authoriza�ion from Trustor, fil�
<br /> execu�ed counterparts, copies ❑r reproductions af this Deed of Trust as a financ�ng stafiement. Trusfior shall
<br /> reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in pe��ecfiing ar continuing this securi�y interest. Upan defaul�, Trustor
<br /> shall na� remo�e, se�er vr de�ach the Pers�nal Property frvm the Proper�y. Upvn de�aulfi, Trustor shall assemble
<br /> any Personal Prop�r�y not a�ffixed t❑the Property in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enient�o Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make ifi aWaila�le to Lender within three {3� days a€�er receipt o� wri��en demand firvm Lender ta �he
<br /> e�cten�permitted by app�icab�e law. �
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses o-� Trus�or �debtor} and Lender �secured party} from WhiC�"1 Enformativn
<br /> concerning �he security in�eres� granted 1�y this Deed v�T�us� may be ❑b-�ained �ea�h as required by the Llniform
<br /> Commercial Code} are as s�a�ed on the firs�page of this Deed❑�Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSU}�ANCES; ATTnRNEY-IN-FACT. The following proWisEons re�ating to further assurances and
<br /> attarney-in-fact are a par�o��his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Furxher Assurances. At any time, and �from�ime �❑time, upan request❑f Lender, Trustor wil[ make, execu�e and
<br /> deli�er, or will cause�v be made, executed or deli�ered,#o Lender ar to Lender`s designee, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recarded, refiled, ar rerecarded, as the case may be, at such times and in su�h ❑fifi�es
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria��, any and all such mortgages, deeds ❑f trust, securi�y deeds, security
<br /> agreements, �inancing statements, �ontinuation stafiemenfis, instruments of �further assurance, certi�ica�es, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the svle opinion of Lender, be necessary ❑r desirable in order to e�fectuate, comp�ete,
<br /> � , ,
<br /> perfect, �ont�nue, o�- preser�e �1� Bar�-�wer s and Trustvr s ❑bl�gat�ons under�he Nvfie, this Deed of Trus�, and
<br /> th� Related Documents, and ��} the liens and securi�y interests crea�ed by this Deed of Trust as firs� and pri�r
<br /> ��ens an the Property, whethe�- now ❑wned or hereaf-ter acquired by Trustor. lJn�ess prohibited by law or Lender
<br /> agrees to �he cantrary in wri�ting, Trus�or sha�l reimburs� Lender�or a�� C�5�5 and e�penses in�urred in �onnection
<br /> � wi�h the mat�ers re�ferred�to in this paragraph.
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