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��14�15�� <br /> . DEE[3 �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: ��'127437� �Cont�nued} Page 2 <br /> this ❑eed v�Trus�se�ures, in addition�❑fihe amounts specified in�he Note, all fu�ure amaunts Lender in i�s discretion <br /> may�oan to Borrowe�-or Trus�ar,together with a�l �nte�-es�fiherean. <br /> Trus�or present�y assigns fiv Lender {als� knawn as Benefi�iary in this Deed ❑fi Trus�} all of Trust�r.'s rightr tit�e, and <br /> in�srest in and to all present and future leases ❑f the Prop�rty and all Ren�s -�rom �he Properky. !n addi�ian, Trustor <br /> gran�s�o Lender a Uniform Commerc�al Gvde securi�y interes�in�he Personal Properfiy and Ren�s. <br /> TH1S DEED flF TFiUST, �NCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS AND THE SECUR�TY INTEREST [N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRaPERTY. �5 GIVEN T� SECURE {A} PAYMENT �F THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND {B� PERFDRIVIANCE DF <br /> ANY ANI] ALL �BL1GATl�NS UN�ER THE NDTE, THE RELATEQ D�CUIVIENTS, AN❑ TH�S DEED DF TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEE❑ �F TRUST 15 GIVEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE F�LLO11�1NG TERMS: <br /> TRUSTflR'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND V�ARRANTIES. Trusto�r warrants that: �a} �his Deed ❑f T�rust is �xecuted at <br /> Borrower's reques� and nat a�the request af Lender; {h} Trustor has �he fuI[ power, right, and au�hority�v en�er in�o <br /> �his Deed af Trust and to hypa�hecafie the Prvperty; 4c} �khe proWisions ❑�this Deed ❑f Trus� do no� conf�ic� wifih, or <br /> resul� in a default under any agreement or other ins�rumenfi binding upon Trustor and do not resui�in a Wiolativn o�any <br /> law, regu�a�ion, cvurt decree ❑r ❑rder applicab�e ta Trustar; �d} T�-ustor has established adequa�e means of obfiaining <br /> -�ram Borrawer on a Gan�inuing basis in�a�mat�on abaut Borrower`s financial condition; and {e} Lender has made n❑ <br /> �-epresenfia�ion to Trus�or about Borrower �incIuding wifihvut�imi�ation�he �redi�wor�hiness❑f Sorrawer�. <br /> TRUST�R'S VIlA1VERS. Trus�or wai�es al� rights or defienses arising by reasan of any "ane ac�ion" ar "anti--deficien�y" <br /> law, or any other Iaw v+rhich may preven� Lender from bringing any a�tion against Trus�or, in�luding a �laim for <br /> deficiency ta the exten� Lender is ofiherwise en�i�tled �� a claim �or deficiency, be-fare ❑r af�er Lender's cammencemen� <br /> ❑r completion o�F any�orec�osure action, ei�h�r judicially❑r by exercise❑f a power o�sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Ex�ept as a�herwise pro�ided in�his �eed o�Trus�, Borrvwer and Trustar shall pay tv <br /> Lender a!I Indebtedness secured by �his Deed o-� T�ust as it be�omes du�, and Bor�-ower and Trustor shall stric�ly <br /> perform all fihei�-respecti�e❑bitga�ians under the Nofie,th�s aeed of Trust, and the Rela�ed Documen�s. <br /> P�SSESSi�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY.. Borrawer and Trustor agree that Barrower's and Trus�Cor's <br /> possess�an and use af the Praperty shall be governed by fihe�ollvwing proWisions: � <br /> P055B551DC� and Use. �n�il the accurren�e of an E�en� ❑� Default, Trus�or may {1} remain lil p�552551�11 and <br /> cont�-ol ❑f the Praper�y; �2} use, operate❑r manage the Property; and �3} �allect the Ren�s frvm the Praper�y. . <br /> Duty #o Main#ain. Trusfiar shafl main�ain �he Proper�y in tenantable �andition and promptly per�Form a[[ repairs, <br /> replacements, and main�enan�e nec�ssary to p�-es�r�e its�alue. . <br /> Cvmplian�e V11ith En�ironmen�a� Laws. Trustvr represen�s and vuarran�s �❑ Lende�r tha�: {�� During the period ❑�f , <br /> Trustor's ownership o�the Praperty, th�re has b�en na use, generation, manu�ac�ure, starage,firea�men�, disposal, <br /> release or�hreatened release of any Hazardaus Substan�e by any person �n, under, abou� ❑r from �he Proper�y; <br /> {�} Trusto� has no know�edge v�, ❑r reason to bef ie�e that there has been, excepfi as prsWiaus�y disclosed �a and , <br /> acknowledged by Lender �n wri�ing, �a} any breach ❑r �riolatian v�F any EnWiranmental Laws, {b} any use, <br /> generativn, manufacture, storage, firea�men�, disposal, releas� or threa�ened release of any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> vn, under, abou� ❑r �rom the Property by any priar owners or ❑c�upants ❑f �he Property, ❑r {c� any actual or <br /> �hrea�ened lifiigativn or claims af any kind hy any person rela�ing t❑ such matters; and �3} Excep� as pre�iausly <br /> disclosed�❑ and acknowledged hy Lender in �nrriting, �a} neither Trus�ar nar any tenant, cont�ac�4r, agen�t❑r afiher _ <br /> authorized user of the Property sha�i use, gene�at�, manufac�ure, s�ore, �krea�, dispase ❑f❑r release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubs�ance an, under, ahout or firam the Property; and �by any such ac�i�ity shall be cvnducted in compliance with , <br /> all app��cable federa[, s�ate, and lacal laws, regulations and ordinances, inc�uding wi�hou� limi�atian all <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustvr authorizes Lender and its agents fio enter upon the Property fio make such <br /> inspecfiians and �es�s, at Trustar's e�cpense, as Lender may deem apprapriate to de��rmine �ompliance o-� �he ' , <br /> Property with fihis�section o��he Deed ❑f Trust. Any inspe�tivns or tests made by Lender shaf� be for Lender's <br /> purpvses only and shall nvfi be cvns�rued�❑ crea�e any responsilaility or liability an�he part of Lender fia Trus�ar or <br /> to any other persvn. The representations and warranti�s con�ained herein are �ased on Trus�ar`s due diligen�� in <br /> in�estigat�ng �khe Properfiy �vr Hazardous 5ubstances. Trus�or hereby �1� re�eases and wai�es any fufiure claims <br /> against Lender far indemnity ❑r contribution in fihe even�Trustor be�omes liable �or cleanup ❑r o�her cas�ks under <br /> any suGh jaws; and �2} agrees tv 3ndemnify, de�end, and hald harmless Lende�-against any and all claims, �osses, <br /> liabi�ities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may directly❑�-indire��ly sustain or suffer resulting fr�m <br /> a brea�h af this sec�ion ❑�the ❑eed o�Trust or as a cvnsequence ❑f any use, generation, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, release or threa�ened release nccurr�rig prior to Trus�or-`s ownership vr in�erest in�he Praper�y, whefiher or � <br /> not �he same was ❑�r should ha�e been known t❑ Trus�or. The pro�isions ❑f this section o�f the I�eed o�F Trust, <br /> including the obligation�❑ �ndemnF�y and de�end, shall sur�i�e the paymen�o�f�he (ndebtedness and�he satisfacti�n <br /> and recon�eyance o�fihe lien a�this Deed of Trust and shal� not he a��ected by L�nder's acquisi�ion of any inte�-es� <br /> in the Property, whether by�ore�losure or❑fiherwise. <br /> Nu�sance, V1laste. Trustvr shail nafi cause, conduct or permi� any nuisance nor cammi�, permi�, or su��er any <br /> sfiripping of or waste ❑n ❑r to the Property or any portion ❑�the P�operty. Withvu� limiting �he gene�ali�y ❑f�he <br /> � foregoing, Trusfio�-will nat remo�e, ❑r grant�o any a�her party the r.igh�to remo�e, any�imber, minerals �inc�uding <br /> oil and gas}, cval, ciay, s�oria, soi�, gra�el or rock products withaut Lender's priar writ�ten consen�. <br /> Rernv�ral of Improvements. Trustor sha�l na�demalish ❑r remo�e any lmpra�ements from fih� Real Prvperty wi�hau� <br />