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��14�15�� <br /> DEEt� �F TRUST <br /> Laan N�: 7�'�27437� �Cont�nUed} Page 9 <br /> receipts�rvm the Proper�y less aII cash e�cpenditur-es made in connec�ion with the operat�on o�-the Pr�perty. <br /> Cap�ion Head`rngs. Caption headings in this Deed af Trust are for con�enien�e purposes vnly and are no� �0 1ae <br /> used�o interpret or de��ne�he provisions of this ❑eed a�Trus�. <br /> �IJlerger. There sha�i be no merger❑�the in�erest or estate crea�ed by this Deed of Trust wi�h any ofiher in�erest or <br /> estate in the Property a�any time held by or for the bene�it of Lender in any capacity, withoufi�he wri�ten cons�nt <br /> ❑f Lender. � <br /> Gvverning Law. Th�s I�eed af Trust will he gv�erned by federal law applicable to Lender and, tv the ex�ent nvt <br /> preempted by federa�iaw�the laws vf�he Sta�e of Nebraska v►ri�hvufi regard�❑ifis con�Eicts of law pravisions. This <br /> Deed o�Trusf has been accepted by Lender in�he 5tate af Nebraska. <br /> Choi�e of Venue. lf�here is a iawsui�, Trustor agrees upon Lender's reques�t� submit fia the jurisdic�ion of the <br /> cour�s of Hall County, 5tate of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5everal Liability. All ❑bligations af Borrawer and Trustvr under #his ❑eed of Trust shall be jain� and <br /> se�era�, and a�i references to Trus�or shall mean each and e�ery Trus�or; and all references fi❑ Borrower shall mean <br /> each and e�ery Barrower. This means that each Trustor sign�ng befvw is respansible for a�� obfigations in this Deed <br /> o�Trust. VVhere any ❑ne ❑r mare ❑f�he par�ties is a corporatian, par�nership, �imi��d liabi�ity company or similar- <br /> entity, it is not necessary�or Lender to inquire in�to�he powers o�any o�the of�icers, direc�ars, partners, members, <br /> � ❑r ❑�her agenfis acting ❑r purporting to act ❑n �he en�i�y's behalf, and any obligati�ns made or created in reliance <br /> upon the professed exercise of such powers shall be guaran�eed under th�s l�eed o-�Trusfi. <br /> No 1Nai�er by Lender. Lend�r shall nat be deemed fia haWe wai�ed any rights under this Deed ❑�Trus� unfess su�h <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on�he park af Lender in exercising any r�ght <br /> shall �perate as a wai�er o�such right ar any other r�gh�. A waiWer by Lender af a pro�isian o�this Deed ❑f Trust <br /> shall no� prejudice vr c�ns�i�u�te a wai�er of Lender's righ� o�herwise fia demand s�rict campliance wi�h that <br /> praWision ❑r any ❑ther p�ro�ision o� this �eed o� Trust. � Na priar wai�er by Lender, nor any course o� dealing <br /> �etween Lender and Trustor, shall �ons�itute a wai�er�of any o� Lender's rights vr vf any of Trustvr's vb[iga�fiians <br /> as �o any future�ransactions. When�Wer�he consent o� L�nder is required under�his Deed o-�Trus�, �he gran�ing <br /> ❑f such �ansen� by Lender in any insfiance shall not constitute �an�inuing consent tv subsequenfi ins�ances wh�re <br /> such consent is requir�d and fn all cases such consent rnay be granted ar wi�hheld in�he sole discretivn of Lender. <br /> Severabilifiy. l�f a court af campefient jurisdicfiion �inds any pro�ision ❑f this Deed of Trust to Iae �Ilega�, in�alid, ❑r <br /> unenfarceaia�e as fiv any circumstance, that finding shall not make �he o��ending pro�ision illegal, in�alid, �r <br /> unenfivrceable as �v any ❑ther circumstance. lf �feasible, the ��fending pro�isinn shall be �onsidered m�dified so <br /> � �hat it becomes �legal, �alid and enfor�eab[e. I� the ❑�fending pro�ision cann��t 1ae s❑ modified, it shall b� <br /> i cansidered.deleted �rom fihis Deed o-� Trust. lJnless otherwise required hy [aw, the illegality, in�a�idity, or <br /> ' unentarceability of any pra�ision of�his Deed ❑f Trus�shal� not affect�he legality, �alidi�y ❑r enforceabili�y of any <br /> v�he�pro�ision o�f�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Su�cessars and Assigns. Subject�o any �imi�a�ions sta�ed in �his Deed ❑f Trust ❑n �ransfer❑f Trus�or's inter�st, <br /> this ❑eed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure fia the benefit of the parties, �heir suc�esso�-s and assigns. If <br /> ownership v�the Prvperty becomes �es�ed in a person o�her fihan Trustor, Lender, withaut nvtice fi❑ Trustvr, may <br /> deal wfth Trustor's successors with reference�ko this C�eed ❑f Trust and�he fndebtedness �y way of��rbearance❑r <br /> extensian withou�releasing Trustor�ram�he ab�igativns❑fi fihis ❑eed o-�Trus�❑r liabili�y under the �ndebtedness. <br /> Time is vf the Essence. Time is of�he essence in�he pe��armance o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> VlJaiver �f Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby re�eases and wai�es aI� righ�s and bene�ifis v� �he homestead <br /> exemp�ion laws ❑�F the State❑f Nebraska as t❑ all Indebtedness secured by this �3eed ❑f Trus�. <br /> DEFINITI�NS, The fvllowing capitalized wards and terms shall ha�e fihe�oilowing meanings when used in �his Deed ❑f <br /> Trusfi. Unless specifically s�a�ed ta the contrary, a[l references t❑ dollar amounts shall m�an amounts in lawfu[ money <br /> vf the Unit�d Sta�es o�r America. 11V�rds and terms used in fihe singular shall include the plural, and the� plu�al shall� <br /> include fihe singu[ar, as �he �ontext may require. Words and �erms nat otherwise de�ined in this Deed ❑� Trusfi shall <br /> have�he mean�ngs attributed to such terms in�he Uni�orm Commercial �ode: <br /> Seneticiary. The word "6eneficiary" means Fi�e Points gank, and its successars and assigns. <br /> Bvrrower. The word "Borrowe�" means DQBESH FARMS, �NC.; and M1�HAEL L D�BESH and inc�udes al� <br /> co�signe�s and cv-mak�rs signing the Note and all�heir successo�s and assigns. <br /> Deed v� Trust. The words "�eed o� Trust" mean �his ❑�ed af Trust amang Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes wi�hvu� limita�tFon aIl assignmen� and security fnterest provisions rela�ing ta the Personal Praperty and <br /> Rents. � <br /> Defau�t. Th�ward "Default" means the ❑efau�t se�forth in this Deed ot Trus�in the sec�ion�kitled "Defiault". <br /> Environmental Laws. The words "EnWironmental Laws"- mean any and all s�a-�e, federal�,�and-Eocal sta�u�es, <br /> regulafiions. and vrdinances re�afiing tv the pra�e�tian o�-human health ❑r the enWironment, in�luding without <br /> limitation the Camprehensi�e En�iranmental Response, Compensation, and Liab�Iity Act a� �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ectsvn 96D1, et seq. {"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reauthoriza�ian Act ofi �986, Pub. L. <br /> Nfl. 99--499 �"SARAr��,the Hazardous Materials Transpartati�n Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ec�ian 18�1, et se�., the Resvurce <br /> � ' <br />