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��14�1544 <br /> App�ica�le Law. As used in thxs Security Yns�rumen�, the term "Applicab�e Lavv" shall mean a�I contrallin� <br /> appl�cab�e federa�, s�a�� ar�d �ocal statutes, regu�at�ons, ard�nance� and adm.�n�s�ra��ve rules and orders �tha� ha�e <br /> the effect�f law�as we��as a��app�icabXe fna�, n�n-appea�ab�e j udicial ap�n�ons. <br /> �harges; Liens. Borrower sha�� pay a�� �axes, assessmen�s, char�es, f nes and �mpos���ons attribu�ab�e to the <br /> Praperty which may atta�n prxor�ty �ve�r�hxs Se�ur�ty �ns�rument, and leasehold payments ar �round rents, if any. <br /> At the request of Lender,Borrawer shali promptly furnish to Lender�r�ceip�s e�id�nc�n�the paym�en�s. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischar�e any lien wh�ch has pr�orXty o�er this Secur�ty Instrument unIess Borrflwer: �a� <br /> a�rees �n v�riting to the payment of the obl��atifln secured by the �ien in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b� <br /> con�es�s �n ��od faith �he �ien by, or defends a� enforcemen� of th� ��en xn, le�a� prn�e�din�s which in the <br /> Lender's op�n�on op�ra�e �o preWen� �he enforcemen� of the �ien; ar �c� secures from �he halder of�he lien an <br /> a�reemen� satisfac�ory to Lender subordinatin��he lien�o this Security Ins�rument. If Lender determines that any <br /> part af�he Property �s subjec�to a �ien wh�ch may a�tain prior�ty a��r this Security �nstrumen�, Lender may ���e <br /> Borrflwer a�oti�e �d�nt�fy�ng the �ie�z. Borr�wer shall sat�sfy the lien or take one or�n�re af the acti�ns set farth <br /> abnve w�thxn �a days of�he�i�in�of notice. <br /> Hazard or Property �nsuran�e. Borrower shall keep the improvemenrs novv exis��n�or he�eaft�� erec��d an the <br /> Pr�perty �nsured a�ains�loss by fzre,hazards �ncluded within th�term "ex�ended covera�e" and any other ha�ards, <br /> inc�udi.r�.� floods or flaadin�, for which Lender requires insuran.ce. Th�s �nsurance shall be maintained �n �he <br /> am�unts and for the per�ods�hat Lender requires. The insurance carrier pro�iding the insurance shal�be chasen by <br /> Borrower subj ect �a Lend�r's appro�al which shal� not be unreas�nably w�thheld. I f Borrower fa�ls to rnain�ain <br /> covera�e descr�bed abo�e, Lender may, at Lender`� opt�on, ab�ain ca��ra�e to pro�ec� Lender's r��hts �n the <br /> Praper�y in accordan�e w�th section titled Prot�cti�n of Lender's l��bh�s in the Pr�perty. <br /> A11 insurance p���czes and renewals shall be accep�able to Lender and sha�l include a standard m�r��a�e c�ause. <br /> Lender sha�l ha�e the r��ht t�ho�d the p��icies and renewa�s. If Lend��requires, Borrower sha�l pramp�iy �i�e�a <br /> Lender al� �e�eip�s of paid prexnxun�s and renev�a� notices. In�he even� of loss, Barrower shall ��ve prompt na�ice <br /> �o�he i�surance carrier and Lender. Lender may nlake proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrawer. <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrawer a�herwise agree in wr�ting, insurance proceeds sha�l be appl�ed �fl restoration or <br /> repa�r of the Property dama�ed, if, in Lender's so�e discre�ion, �he re�to�a�ion or repair �s econanl�cally feasible <br /> and Lender's s�curi�y rs not iess�ned. �f, in Lender's sole discretion, the restora�ion or repa��r is not e�onomically <br /> feasible�r Lender's security vvou�d be lessened,the insurance proceeds sha�l be applied t�th�sums secured by th�s <br /> Security�, wheth�r or not then due, with any excess paid �� Borrov�er. If Borrower abandons the <br /> Prop�rty, o�-does not ans�er vv�thin�he�umber af days prescribed by App�xcabl�Lav�as set fflrt� in a natice fr�m <br /> Lender ta B�rrovver tha��he insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may col�ec�the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta repa�r �r res�are the Property ar to pa� sums secured by �his Security <br /> Inst�ru�men�,whether or not then due. The peri�d af time for Bflrrav�er to arzsvver as set forth in the notxce wx�l be��n <br /> when�he no��ce�s gzven. <br /> Un�ess L�nder and Borrower�therwise agree in wr�ting, any apptication of proceeds t� principal shal� not ���end <br /> or postpone th� due da�e af�he payrnents due under the �antract or chan�e�he amoun� of the payments. If under <br /> the section tit�ed Acce�eratian; Remedies, the Prop�r�y is acquired by Lender, Borrovver's right to any insurance <br /> pol�c�es and proceeds resu��ing from dama�e to the Property prior to �he acquisition shall pass to Lender t� the <br /> extent of the sums secured by�his Security Instrument immediately prior to th�ac�uis���an. <br /> Pre�er�atian, �Vlaint�nan�e and Protectxon of the Property; garrotiver's Lflan A,pp�xca��on; Lea�eho�ds. <br /> Borrower sha�l not des�roy, dama�e or xmpair�he Property, a��aw the Prap�rty to de�erzara�e, �r co�� waste on <br /> the Property. Borrower sha�l be xn default if any forfeiture act�on or pr�ceeding,whether ci�il or crim�nal, is be�un <br /> that in Lender's �ood faith jud�ment could resui� in forfeiture �f the Pr�per�y or otherwise material�y impair the <br /> lzen created by th�s Securit� Instrument ar Lender's security €n�erest. B�r�rower may cure such a default and <br /> reinstate, as pro��ded �n sec��an titled Borrvwer's Right �a Re�n�ta�e, by causing the action or proceedin��o be <br /> dismissed vvi�h a ru�i.n��ha�, ir�Lender's gaod faith de�erminat�fln,precludes forfei�ure�f�he Borrowex's �nteres��n <br /> the Property or ather ma�eria� �mpairm�nt �f the lien �reated b� this Security Ins�rument or Lender's securi�ty <br /> in�eres�. Borrower shal�also be in defau�t if Borrower,duri�b the �oan app�ica��on process,ga�e mater�ally false ar <br /> inaccurate �nfarmation or statemen�s to L�nd�r �or faiied t� pravide Lender with any ma�eriai informa��on} in <br /> connec�ion wi�� the loan e�xdenced by the Con�ra�t. If�his Security Ins�rumen� is on a �easehald, Borrower shal� <br /> camp�y wi�h all the pro�isions af�he iease. �f Borrower acquir�s fee�it�e to the Pr�perty,the I�aseho�d and�he fee <br /> tiitle sha��no�merge unless Lender a�rees to the mer�er in wr�ting. <br /> PratQ�tion �f Lender's Rights �n the Property. �f B�rrower fai�s to p�rforrn the c��enan�s a�d a�reements <br /> contained �n this Security Ins�ru�n.ent, or�here is a�egal proceedin�that �nay sibnif�cant�y affect Lende�r's rights in <br /> �he Property �such as a pr�ceedin� in bankruptc�, proba�e, for candem na���n ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or <br /> re�ula�ions�, then Lender may da and pay for �uhateWer is necessary �� pro�ec� �he value of�h� Property and <br /> Lender's ri�hts �n the Pr�perty. Lender's actions may include payin�any sum�secured by a lien which has prior�ty <br /> over t�is Secur��y instrument, appearzng in cour�,pay�ng reasonable attorneys'fees and e�terYn��n�he Property t� <br /> make repa�rs.A�thaubh Lender�nay take action under thxs sec�ion,Lender does n�t ha�e to do so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under �his sectinn shai� be��me additionaI debt of Borr�wer secured by this <br /> Securi�y �ns�rumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agree ta other �erms of payrr�ent, �hese amoun�s shal� bear <br /> inter�s� from the da�e af disbursemen� at th� same ra�e assessed on ad�ances under �he Cont�act and shail be <br /> payable,vvith in�eres�, upon not�c�from Lender to Borra�ver reques�in��aymen�. <br /> �2�a4-2a�3 Cvrnpiiance Systerns,Inc.8EB3-1580-20I3L2.O.Et.712 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL203b Pa�e 2 af 5 <br />