<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> n N�: ��3893�� �Cont�nued� Page 5
<br /> Tak�ng of the Property. Any creditor or ga�err�men#al agency tries to �ake any af the Property or any o#her of
<br /> Barr�wer's or Trustor's prvperty in which Lender has a lien. Th�s includes taking of, garnishing af or le�ying on
<br /> Borro►►ver's or Trustor's accounts with Lender. Howe�er, if Borrower or Trustor d�sputes in gond faith whether fhe
<br /> claim an which the�aking of the Property is based is�alid or reasonable, and if Borrawer or Trustor gi�es Lender
<br /> writken notice of the claim and�urn�shes Lende�-with mvnies Qr a surety band satisfactary to Lender to sa�isfy�he
<br /> claim,th�n this defau�t pro�ision will not apply.
<br /> Breach of�th�r Agreemen#. Any brea�h by Barrower or Trustar under the terms o�any other agreement hetween
<br /> Borrower or Trus�o�and Lender tha# is na# rem�died within any grace period pro�Eded therein, including without
<br /> limita��an any agreement cancerning any indebtedness or other abliga�ion ofi Borrower ar Trustor to Lender,
<br /> whethe�existing now or later.
<br /> E�ents Affecting Guarantor. Any vf the preceding e�ents occurs with respec#to any guarantor, �ndv�ser, sure�y,
<br /> or accommodation party af any vf the lndebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, surety, or a�commodation party
<br /> dies ar becomes incompetent, or reWokes ar disputes th� �alidity af, or liabifi#y under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> lndeb�edness.
<br /> Inse�uri�y. Lender in good faith belie�es i#seEf insecure.
<br /> Existing lndebtedness. The payment vf any installment of principal or any interest�n the Ex�st�ng Indebtedness is
<br /> not made wi#hin the tirne required by the prvmissory note e�idencing such indebtedness,or a default occurs under
<br /> the instrum�nt securing such indebtedness and is not cured during any applicable grace period �n such instrum�nt,
<br /> or any sui#or v#her action is commenced to foreclose any�xis�ing iien on the Property.
<br /> Righ#te Cu�re. If any default,o#her than a defau�t in payrnent is�urable and if Trustor has nat been gi�en a no�ice
<br /> of a b�-each af the same pra�is�on of this Deed vf Trust wi#hin#he precedin�twel�e�1�}months,it may be cured if
<br /> Trus�ar, after Lender sends written notice to Borrower demanding cure af such defau��: {1} cures �he defau�t
<br /> within fifteen �15}days;or �2} if the cu�-e requires more than fifteen �15}days, immediately initiates st�ps which
<br /> Lender deems �n Lender's s�le discretion to be sufficient ta cure �he de�ault and thereafter continues and
<br /> campletes all reasonable and necessary steps sufiFcien#to produce compliance as soon as reasvnabiy practical.
<br /> �T5 ANO REMEDIES�N DEFAEJLT. If an E�ent of De�ault oc�urs under th�s Dsed v�Trust, at any tim�thereafter,
<br /> ,tee vr Lender may exercise any one or more af the following rEgh�s and r�medies:
<br /> Ac�elera#ion �pon Defauit;Additional Remedies. If any EWent of Default occurs as per the terms of the No#e
<br /> se�ured hereby,Lender may declare al� Indebtedness secured by this Deed af Trus#tv be due and payable and
<br /> the same shall thereupon become due and payable without any presentmen#,demand,prvtest or no#ice af any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any actian or proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a Gvurt and without regard#o the adequacy of its securi�ty, enter upon and take possessian
<br /> of the Property,or any part thereof, in its own name or in the name af Trustee,and dv any acts wh�ch it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to preserve#he�alue, marketabiliiy or�entability of the Property,or part of
<br /> the Prope�ty or intsrest in the Property; increase the income from the Property or protect the security of
<br /> the Property; and, with vr without taking possession of the Praperty, sue for or otherwise co�lsc� the
<br /> rents, issues and profits vf the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, iess
<br /> costs and expenses af aperation and cvllec�ion attorneys'�ees,to any indebt�dness secured by this Deed
<br /> vf Trust, ali in such ❑rder as Lender may de#e�-mine. The entering upvn and taking possession of the
<br /> Property, the collection af such rents, �ssues and profits, and #he applicatian thereof shall no� �ure or
<br /> wai�e any default or notice af default under th�s Deed of Trust or�n�alidate any ac�dvne in respvnse to
<br /> suGh default or pursuant#o such notice of default;and, notwithstanding the continuanc�in possessivn vf
<br /> the Proper#y ar#he collect�on, receipt and application of�ren#s, issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery r�ght pro�ided for in #he No�e or the Related Documen�s or by�aw upvn the
<br /> occurrenc�af any e�en�of default, including the right to exercise the power of sale;
<br /> {b} Commence an action tv for�clase this Deed of Trust as a mvrtgage,appoint a recei�er or specifically
<br /> enforce any of the co�enan�s hereof;and
<br /> �c} Deli�er�o Trustee a written dec�aration of defau!#and demand for sale and a wri#ten natice of d�fau�#
<br /> and electivn�o cause Trus�or's interest in the Property to be sold,which notice Tn.�stee shall cause to be
<br /> duly filed for recvrd in the approprtate offices of fhe County in which the Praperty�s Iocated;and
<br /> [d} With respect to all or any part of the Persvnal Proper�y,Lender shall have a�f the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured par�y undsr th�Nebraska Unifarm Comme��ia[Code.
<br /> Farec�osure by Power of Sale. If Lender elects ta forec�ose by exercise vf the Power of Sale hersin contained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note and such receipts
<br /> and e�idence of expenditur�s made and secured by this Deed af Trust as Trustee may requ�re.
<br /> {a} Upon receipt vf such noti�e from Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded, published and deli�er�d
<br /> to Trustar such Notice nf Defaui#and Notice of Sale as then required by�aw and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shal�, without demand ❑n Trustor, af�er such time as rnay then he required by !aw and ai#er
<br /> recordation of such No'��ce af Default and af#er Natice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as r�quired by faw, sell
<br /> the Prvperty at the �ime and place of sale fixed by i� in such Notice af Sale, either as a whvle, or En
<br /> separate Io�s or parce�s ar items as Trus#ee shall deem expedient,and in such order as it may determine,
<br /> a#pubfic auc�ion to the highest bidd�r for cash in lawful money�f the United States payable at the time
<br /> of sale. Trus#ee shall deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereo�its gaod and sufFicient deed o�-
<br /> deeds con�eying the property so sold, but wi#haut any co�enant or warranty, express or implied. The
<br /> rec��als in such deed of any matters or facfs shall be canclusi�e proof of the fruthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> person,including without limitation Trustor,Trusfee,or Lsnder,may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be pemnitted by Eaw, aft�r dedu�ting aE� costs, fees and exp�nses of Trustee and of this
<br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence of#i�le in connectivn wi#h sa�e,Trustee shall apply the prv�e�ds of sale
<br /> ta payment of �i}all sums expended under the terms af thfs Deed of Trust or under the terms of the Note
<br /> not then repaid, including but not limited to accrued interest and la#e�harges, �i�} all other sums then
<br /> secured herehy,and (iii}th�remainder,if any,tn the person or persons legaliy en�iffed thereta.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpone sale af all vr any portian of�he Property.
<br /> Remedies Na� Exclusi�e. Trus�ee and Lender, and each o� th�m, shall be en�itied tv enforce payment and
<br /> perfarmance of any indebtedness ar obligations secured by�his Deed of Trus#and to exercise all rights and pow�rs
<br /> und�r�his Deed o�Trus#, under the Nate, under any af�he Related Documen#s, or undsr any other agreemen#or
<br /> any laws now or hereaf�er in force; noiwi#hstanding,some or al!af such indeb#edness and obligations secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust may now ar hereafter be o�herwise seGured, whether by mortgage, de�d of trust, ptedge, lien,
<br /> assignment or a#herwise. Neifher the acceptance af this ❑eed of Trust nvr its enfo�-cement, whether by court
<br /> ac�ion ar pursuanf#�the power of sa�e or other pawers contained in#his ❑eed of Trust, shall pre�udice or in any
<br /> manner affect Trus�ee's or Lend�:r's right to realize upon ❑r en#or�e any other security now o�- herea#�er held by
<br /> Trustee or Lender,i#being agreed that Trustee and Lender,and each of them, sha�!be entitled tv enforce this Deed
<br /> vf Trust and any ather security naw ar hereafter held by Lender ar Trustee in such order and mann�r as they or
<br />