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��14�15�3 <br /> Edward E. Brink, Success�r Trustee, ref�rr�d to as �rantar, in consideratEon of <br /> $1 ZD,8�3.7� and other valuabfe �onsiderat�on received from U.S. Bank Natianai Association, <br /> Benefi��ary, do�s grant, bargain, sell, convey and canfirm unto U.S. Bank Na#ianal Assoc�ation, <br /> the f���owing descr�bed real property in Hall ��unty, Nebraska: <br /> Lot �ne �'I�, in Block �ne �1�, in CAP�TAL HEIGHTS SUBDIV�SI�N to the City of <br /> Grand tsland, Hall Caunty, N�braska, commonly known as 42�� VlJest �apital <br /> Avenue, �ra�d Is�and, NE 688D3. <br /> T� ha�e and t� hafd the ab�ve-described premises �ogether with al! tenements, <br /> hereditamen�s and appurtenan�es belonging unta U.S. Bank National Association, forever. <br /> �RANT�R mak�s the fallowing covenants ►►vith U.S. Bank Nativnal Association: <br /> �. Car�os I. �abella and Timaree S. Cab�llo, as Trustor�s}, fafled to pay the Beneficiary <br /> payments which were contractually due, and the Grantor, at the request of th� <br /> �eneficiary, ele�ted to dec�are the ent�re unpai� �rincipa� balance, together with interest <br /> a# onc� imme�iate�y due and �ayable. <br /> 2. A Notice of D�fau�t was recorded �y Grantor on November 'I 2, 2��3, in th� records of <br /> the Re�ister �f Deeds of Haf� Coun#y, Nebraska, as Instrument 2�'�3D8949, Within �0 <br /> days ther�after, a copy of the recorded Natice of Default was maiied by certified mai�, <br /> p�stage prepaid, to al! parties entitle� to natice, pursuant to the Deed of Trusf and �n <br /> compliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. §76-�D�B �Reissus ���3}. <br /> 3. �arlos I. �abel�� and T�maree S. Ca��llo failed to cure the default referenc�d in the <br /> Notice of Defaul�with�n thirty �3�} days after re��rding of#he Notice of Defaul�. <br /> 4. A NotiCe af Trustee's Sale v�as exe�uted by �ranfor. At least �� days prior to the <br /> schedu�e� date �f sale, a copy of the Not�c� of time and place of the Truste�'s Sa�e was <br /> mail�d by certified ma�l, postag� prepaid, to all parties entitfed to notice, pursuant to the <br /> D�ed of Trust and in cvmpfiance with N��. Rev. Stat. §7�-�0�8 �Reissue 2��3}. <br /> 5. �rantor publ�sh�d the Notice of Truste�'s 5ale, which was held on March �8, ��14 a� <br /> �D:O� AM, at the Lower Lo��y of the Ha�� �aun�y �ourthnuse, �rand Island, Ha!! <br /> Coun�y, Nebraska, which Notice was p���ished in Grand fsland Independent, once a <br /> week far 5 consecutiv� weeks, comm�ncing on February 4, 2�14. The �ast pubiica�ion <br /> was at least �� days prior �a �h� s�h�du�ed Trus�ee's Sale of March 1 S, ��14, and the <br /> schedul�d sal� date was not later than 3� days after the last publication of Noti�e. <br /> 5. Gran��r conducted the sale thraugh his attorney, af the reai pro�erty at pu��'rc auction on <br /> March 18, ��14 at or ab�ut ��:�D AM, at the Lower Lobby of the Hal! ��unty <br /> � �ourthou�e, Grand Is�and, Hall Caun#y, Nebraska. Gran#or accepted the bid of U.S. <br /> Bank Nati�nal Assaciation, Ben�ficiary, in the sum of $1��,813.?'� as the high�st bid <br /> upon the real prape�ty, The �rantar has comp�ied with the requirements of Neb. Rev. <br /> Stat. §7fi-���� through §7�-���8 �Reissue ��U3}, in th� exercise of the sa�e af the rea� <br /> praperty d�scribed abo�e at the trustee's Sale that was scheduEed and published to be <br /> held, and ac�uafly conduct�d, on March �8, 2�14. <br /> F�le No. �59715 <br />