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� ��14�15�1 <br /> fu�� of aI� sums secured by thxs SeGurity Instrumen�. However, th�s opti�n shall no� be exercised by Lender �f <br /> �xerc�se is prohib�ted by federal�avv as of�he date of�his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises �hzs op��on, Lender shall give Ba�-rower n�t�ce �f acc�Ierat�on. The no�ice shall pr�v�d� a <br /> period of not �ess �han �he mini.mum number of days es�ab�ished by Ap�l�cable Law �`ram �he da�e �he notice is <br /> d��xvered ar ma�led within wh�ch Borrov�er must pay all sums secured by �his Security Instrument. �f Barrower <br /> faiXs t� pay �hese sums prior�o the e�p�ra�ion af�his period, Lender may in�ake any remed�es perm�t�ed by this <br /> S e curit�Instrumen�withou�further notice or demand�n B orrovv�r. <br /> Borrower's Right to Re�n��ate. Zf Borrawer meets certa�n conditions, Borrower sha�� hav� �he ri�h� to have <br /> enfarcemen� af this SeCur��y �nstrument discantinued a�any��me prxor to�he earlier of: �a� 5 days �o�-such other <br /> peri�d as Applicab�e Law may spe�ify for reix�.sta�ement�before sale of�he Property pursuant�o any power of sale <br /> contained �n this Secur��y �nst�rument; or �b} entr�y of a judgmen� enforcing th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. Those � <br /> conditions are that Barrawer: �a� pays Lender a�� sums which then v�ould be due und�r this Secur�ty �nstrumen� <br /> and�he Contract as�f n�acceleration had occurred;�b}cures any defaul�of any other covenan�s or agreements;�c� <br /> pays aIl expenses incurred iza.enforcing�his Securi�y�nstrwment, inc�udinb,bu�not li.m�ted�o,reasanable attorneys' <br /> fees�o �he exten�permitted by lav�; and(d}takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the <br /> li�n of�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender's rzghts ua the Property and B�rrawer's ob��ga�ion��pay th�sums secured <br /> by �h�s Securi�y �nstrument sha�l con�inue unchanged. Upon reins�atemen�by Borrower, �his Securi�y �nstrumen� <br /> and the obliga�ians secured hereby shall remain ful�� effect�ve as if no accelerati�n had occurred. �owever, �h�s <br /> r�ght t�reinstate shal�nat apply�n�he;case of accelera�ion under the sec���n t�t�ed Transfer of the Property ar a <br /> Benef�c�al Interest in Barrawer. � <br /> Hazardvus Substances. BarravWer sha��nat cause or perm��th�presence, us�, disposa�, s�orag�, or re�ease of any <br /> Hazardaus�ubs�ances on or in�he Prop�r�y.Borro�vver shal�not d�,nor allow anyone e�se to do,an�hing affect�ng <br /> �he Pr�perty that �s �n v�olation of any Envxronmental Lav�. The pr�ceding two sen��nces shal� not �pp�y �o the <br /> pr�senc�,use,ar storage on the Praperfiy of smal�quantities�f Hazard�us Subs�ances�ha�are general�y r�cognized <br /> �o be appropriate��narmal residen�ial uses and to main�enance of the Pr�pert�. <br /> Borrower sha��promp�Iy give Lender written not�ce of any in�est�gat�on,��aim, demand, lawsu��or o�h�r action by <br /> any go�ernmental or regula�ory agency or priva�e par�y �nvolving �he Prope�-�y and any Ha�ard�us Subs�ance or <br /> Envir�nmenta� Law af wh�Ch Borrov�er has actua� knowledge. �f Borrawer Iearns, or is not��ed by any <br /> �a�ernmen�al or regu�a�ory au�hor��y,�ha�any remova�or other remed�ation of any Hazardaus SubstanGe affec�ing <br /> the Propert� �s necessary, Borrower shall promp��y take al� necessar� rem�d�al ac�ians in accordanC� w��h <br /> Enviranmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are �hose subs�ances defned as�oxic or hazardous substances <br /> by En��ronmen�a� Law and the fa�Iov�ing substances: gaso�ine, kerosene, ��her flammable or �flx�c p��roXeum <br /> praduc�s, toxic pest�c�des and herbzc�d�s, vola�ile sol�rents, ma�erials con�aining asb�s��s or formaldehyde, and <br /> rad�oa��ive mater�als. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Enw�ron.m�nta�Law" means federal�aws and laws af�he s�ate af <br /> Nebraska that re�ate�o health, saf��y or environmenta�protectzon. <br /> Accelera�t�on; Remedies. Ilender sha�l g�ve notice to Borrower pr�or �o accelerat�on fflilowing �3flrrower's <br /> breach of an�cvvenant or agreement zn this Security Instrument or the Contract under which acc��eration <br /> is permitted (but not pri�r to a�celeration under the�ect�on t���ed TranSfer of the Property or� Benef�e�ai <br /> InterQs� in Borrvw�r, unless App�icable Law pro�ides vtherw�se}. The notice shall specify: �a3 the default; <br /> (b} the actinn required to Cure the default; �c) a date, not less �han the minimurn numb�r of days <br /> es�abZ�shed by App���ab�e Law fr�m the date the not�Ce�s given ta Borrower, by which th�defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure:the defau�t on or before the date specified in the not�ce m�y result �n <br /> acceleration of the sums secured �y th�s Security Instrument and sale of the Proper�y. To th� extent <br /> perm���ed by �aw, �he notice shall furth�r xnfarm Bvrrower nf the righfyta re�n�tate after acceleratxvn and <br /> the r�ght�a br�ng a�ourt action ta assert the non-ex�stence of a default or any other defen�e of�3orrower to <br /> acceleration and sal�. If�he default is n�t cured on or before the da�e spec�fied �n the noticey Lender at its <br /> apt�on may requ�re immediate payment �n fu�� of all sums �ecured �y �h�s S�curity Instrument without <br /> further demand and may invoke the pawer af sale and any a�her remedies perm�tted by Appli�abxe Law. <br /> Ta the exten� permitted by xaw, Lender sha�l be entit�ed to col�e�t a�l expense� incurred in pursuzng the <br /> remedies pro��ded in th�s Section, in�ludxng, but not��m�ted to, reas�nab��at�orneys' fees and ��sts af t�t�e <br /> e�idence. <br /> If�he power of sa�e is �nvoked, Trustee sha�� record a notice of defaul�in eaCh count�in wh�ch any part of <br /> the Praperty �s located and shali ma�I Copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by App�icable Law tn <br /> Barrn�ver and to the other persons:prescribed by App�icable Law. After �he time required by App�ica�Ie <br /> Law, Trus�e� shall g�ve pub�ic notice of sa�e to the persons and in �he manner pres�ribed b� App��cable <br /> Law. Trustee, wx�hou�d�mand on Borrower, sha��se�l the Prop�rty at pub�ic au����n ta the h�ghest bidder <br /> at the time and ptace and under the'terms de��gnated in the no��ce of sa�e�n one�r more parcels and in any <br /> order Trustee de�ermines. Trustee may postp�ne �ale �f ail or any parcex of the Property by pub��� <br /> announcemen�at�he time and place of any prev�ously scheduIed sa�e. Lender ar its des�gnee may purcha�e <br /> the Prtiperty at any sale. <br /> Upan receip� of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall de��ver �o �he pu rchas�r Trustee�s deed conveying <br /> th�Proper�y. The r�cita�s in the Trustee's deed shail be pr�ma facie evidence of the�ruth af the sta�ements <br /> made therein. TruStee sha�� apply:the proceeds of the sale xn �he follovv�ng order: �a) ta alI cas�s and <br /> expenses of exercis�ng the power af saley and the sa�e, inc�uding �he payment of�he Trustee's fees actua��y <br /> �2�a4-Z�13 Complian�e Systems,Inc.8E83-CDS]-2d I 3L2.D.E I,7I2 <br /> Cansumer Reai EstaEe-Security Instrument DL2035 Page 4 a#'S www, <br />