<br /> Th�Funds shall be held in an ins���ut�on v�rhose deposi�s ar�insured by a fed�ra.� agen�y, �nstrumen�ality, �r
<br /> en��ty(�ncluding Lender, �f Lender is an ins�itutian�uhose deposi�s are so�nsured) Qr in any Federal Hame
<br /> Loan Bank. L�nder shall apply�he Funds to pay the E�crow Items na la�er�han�h��irne specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall no�charge Barr�wer for holding and app�y�ng the Funds, annua��y analyzing the
<br /> es�row account, �r verifying the Escro�r��ems, un�ess Lender pays Borrower in�erest on�he Funds and
<br /> Applicabie Law perm�ts Lender to make such a charge. LTnless an agreement is made in writ�ng ar
<br /> Applicab�e Lav�r requires interest�o be pa�d on�h�Funds, Lender shal� no�be requ�red to pa�Borr�wer any
<br /> �nterest or earn�ngs an�he Funds. Barrovver and Lender can agree�n wri�ing, h�v�ever, tha�interest sha.l�l be
<br /> paid on the Funds. L�nder sha�X gzve�o B�rrov�er, without charge, an annua� account�ng af�he Funds a�
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> �f there�s a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as def ned under RESPA, Lender shall account�a Borrower far
<br /> the excess funds in accardance with RESPA. Yf there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, a�def ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shal�notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shail pay tfl Lender th�amount
<br /> necessary to make up the s�ortage�n accordance w�th RESPA, bu�in no mare�han �2 m�nthly payments. �f
<br /> there is a d�f ciency of Funds held �n es�row, as defined under RESPA, Lend�r shall na��fy Borrower as
<br /> requ�red by RESPA, and B�rrawer shall pay t�Lender�he amount n�cessary�o rnake up�he def eiency �n
<br /> accordance�v�ri�h RESPA, bu�in n�m���than I�man�hly payments.
<br /> Up�n payment�n full of al� sums secured by�his Security�ns�rument, Lenr�er shall promp��y refund��
<br /> Barrower any Funds h�ld by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shal� pay a.l�taxes, assessments, charaes, f nes, and impositians att�-ibu�able�o
<br /> �he Property v�rhich can a��ain pr�ar�ty over�his Securit� �r�strumen�, �eas�hold payments or graund r�n�s on
<br /> �he Property, if any, and Cflmmunity Assoc�at�fln Dues, Fees, arYd Assessments, �f any. Ta the ex�ent that
<br /> �hese it�ms are Escrow�tems, Borr��uer sha.��pay th�m in the manne�-pro��ded in Sect�an 3.
<br /> Barr�v�re�s�ial�promp�ly d�scharge any ��en v�hich has priori�y o�er th�s Security�nstrumen�unless
<br /> Borrotiver: �a} agre�s�n wr�ti�g t��h�payment of�he ob�iga�ion secured by the��en in a manner acceptable
<br /> to Lend��, bu#.only s�lang as Borrovver �s performxng such agreemen�; �b� contests the�ien in gaod fai�h hy,
<br /> or defends aga�nst enforcement of�he I�en�n, �egal proceedings wh�ch in Lender's opi.nion�perate to preven�
<br /> �he�nforcement of the iien while those proceedings are pending, but only unt�� such proceedings are
<br /> conc�uded; ar�c} secures fram�he holder of th��ien an agreemen�satisfa�tory ta Len.der subordina�ing�he
<br /> ��eri�o thxs Secur��y�nstrument. �f Lender determines tha�any part af�he Praperty is subj ec��o a I ien which
<br /> can attain priority over�h�s Secur�ty Instrumen�, Lender may give Borrov�rer a no�ice ident�fying�h�lien.
<br /> ���hin �� days of�he da�e an which tha�no�rce is gi�en, Borrower shal� satisfy��i�lien�r�ake�ne or rnore
<br /> of the ac�ions se�fQr�h ab�ve in�his Sect��n 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a�ne-t�me charge for a reai es�ate tax verif catian andlor reporting
<br /> serv�ce used by Lender in connec��on w�th this L�an.
<br /> 5. Prop�r�y [nsuran�e. B�rrow�r sha��keep the impro�ements naw existing or herea�ter erected on�he
<br /> Property xnsured agains��oss by fire, hazards �nciuded within the term"�x�ended co�erage," and any o�her
<br /> ha�urds including, bu�na���mited to, ea.rthquakes and floods, for which Lender reauires insurance. This
<br /> insuranc�sha�� be main�ained in the amoun�� ��ncludin� deductible le�e�s� and far�he periflds that Lender
<br /> requires. VL�hat Lender requires pursuant to�he preceding sentences can change during the term of�he Loan.
<br /> The i�surance carrier pravid�ng�he�nsuranee sha11 be�hose�by Borraw�r sub�ec�to Lender's right�o
<br /> disapprove Borro�ver's�h��ce, wh�ch right�hall not be exer��sed unreasonab�y. Lender may require
<br /> Borrow�r�o pay, zn connection w��h�his Loan, either: �a} a one-�ime charge for fl�od zone determinat�on,
<br /> c�r�ifica��on a.nd track�ng services; ar�b} a ane-time charge for fl�ad zone de��rm�na�ian and cer�ifica�ion
<br /> 8801�71538 880�571538
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ing(e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM[N5TRLIMENT WITH MERS Forrn 3028�1�1
<br /> VM P QQ VM PSA�NE}�1302�
<br /> Walters Kluw er�inancial Services Page fi of"17
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