<br /> �'I. H azardous Su bstances. As used in th�s 5ection�1: �a} "�aza�dous�5ubstances"are those substances
<br /> defined a��ax�c or hazardaus substances, pol�utants, or was�es by Env�ronmental Lavv and the fo��owing
<br /> substances. gasoline, kerosen�, flther flammable ar�oxic petraleum praducts, tax�c pes�icides and h�rbicid�s,
<br /> �o�at��e salven��, materials cantaining asbes�os�r formaldehyd�, and radioactive ma�erials; (�a�
<br /> "�nvi�onmental'.Law"m�ans federal lavv�an�.Iaws of th�jur�sdic��on where the Proper�.y is loca�ed that
<br /> rela�e to hea�th, safety ar environmental protection; �c} "EnviY�nmen�al Cleanup" �nelud�s any respons�
<br /> a�tiQn, remed�al action, or remo�a� ac�ion, as def ned �n Environmen�al Law; and �d} an "Enviranm�ntal
<br /> Candition"means a cand�tiQn that can cause, con�r�bute tfl, or�t�erwise�rigger an En�ironmental Cleanup.
<br /> B�rrav�rer shall no�cause or permi�the presence, use, dispasal, starage, or release of any Haza�dous �
<br /> 5ubs�an�es, ar�hr�a�en to release any Ha.2ardous Substances, on or in�he Praperty. BarroWer sha�i not da,
<br /> nor a��ow anyane e�se ta d�, anyth�ng affec�ing the Property�a�that is in vio�a��on of any Env�ronmen�al
<br /> Lavv, �b�Wh�ch crea�es an Envir�nmen�al Cond�tion, or�c}which, due ta the pre�ence, use, or rel�ase�f a
<br /> H�a.�'C�0115 Stl�]S�anG�y ereates a conditi�n�ha�ad�ersely affects the value of the Praperty. The preceding�wa
<br /> �entences shall na�apply to�he presence, use, or s�orage on th�PrQper�y af sma11 quantit�es�f Hazardaus
<br /> Substances tha�are general.�y recognized�o be appropria�e ta normal resrden��a�uses and to maintenance af
<br /> �he Prop�rty�includ�ng, but nQt limi�ed�a, ha.2ardous suhstances in cflnsumer products}.
<br /> Barrower shall prompt�y give L�nd�r wr�t��n n�tice of�a�any in�estiga�ion, claim, demand, lawsu���r other
<br /> ac�i�n by any go���rnmen�a� or regula�or�agency�r private paxty invalving the Property and ar�y Haza�rdous
<br /> Subs�a�ace or Env�ronmen�ai Lav�of which Barrawer has ac�ua�knowledge, �b} any�nvironmental
<br /> �anditi�n, including but na�limi�ed�o, any sp�l��ng, leak�ng, drscharge, release or threat of release of any
<br /> Hazardaus Subs�ance, a.nd�c} any candit�an�aus�d.by�he presence, use or r�lease of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which ad�e�sely affects�he va.lue of�he Proper�y. If Borrower learns, or is n�t�f ed by any governmenta� or
<br /> regula�ory authflr�ty, �r any pri�a�e party, that any remaval ar a�her remed�a�ian af any Hazardaus Subs�ance
<br /> affecting�he Praperty�s�ecessary, Borrower shall prflmptly�a.ke a�I necessary rem�d�a.l act�ons in
<br /> a�cardance w��h En�ironmental Law. No�hing herein sha�� create any ob�igation on Lender for an
<br /> Environmental Gleanup.
<br /> N on-U niform Govenants. Borrower and Lender covenan� and agree as foliflws:
<br /> 2 2. A cce�erat ion; Rem ed ies. L�nder sha�� gi�e nvtice to Barrower prior to accel�ration fo��ow�ng
<br /> Borrower's breach of any cn�enant or agre�ment in th�s Se�urity Instrument�but r�at prior to
<br /> acce�erat�on under Sect�vn 18 unless App��cabie Law pro�ides atherwYs�}. The noti�e sha�l spe��fy: �a)
<br /> the d�fau�t; (b}the act�vn required to Gur��he defa��t; �c} a date, no��ess than 3U days from the date
<br /> the not�ce�s g��en ta Bor�•ower, by whi�h the defau�t must be cured; and �d� that fa�lure to cure the
<br /> defau�t on or bef�re the date specif�ed in the notice rnay result in acceleration vf the sums s�cured by
<br /> th��Security Instrument and 5ale vf the Pr�perty. The notice shall fur�her inform ��rrower of the
<br /> r�ght to reinstate after ac�e�erat�an and the r�ght to br�ng a court act�vn to assert the non-existence of a
<br /> defau�t or any ather defense nf Borrower to accelerat�on and sa�e. If the default is not�ured an or .
<br /> before the date spec�fied in the no�ice, Lender at �ts opti�n may require Ymmediate payment in full of
<br /> a�I sums seeured by this Secur�ty Instrument without further d�mand and may�n�ok�the power of saie
<br /> and any other rQmed�Qs permitted by AppYicab�e Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all exp�nses
<br /> incurred in pursuxng the remedies pro��ded in this Section�2, inc�uding, but not Iimited to, r�asonahle
<br /> attorneys' fee5 and casts of title e�idence.
<br /> 880i571�38 880157�538
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�am iiy-Fa�ni�M ae�Freddie M ac�NI��RM INSTRUM�NT W1TH M ER5 Form 302 8 ��0�
<br /> VM P Q VM P�A�N�}(�302]
<br /> Wo[ters Kluwer Financial Services Page 14 af 17
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