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AND <br />- 2 - <br />2014014 <br />N88 °22' 17 "E A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF <br />U.S. HIGHWAY #281; THENCE S00 °48'35 "E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY <br />LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY #281 A DISTANCE OF 1178.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF <br />BEGINNING. SAID TRACT CONTAINS A CALCULATED AREA OF 35,367 SQUARE <br />FEET OR 0.812 ACRES MORE OR LESS. <br />PERMANENT EASEMENT NO. 2 <br />A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE EAST HALF (E 1/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST <br />QUARTER (SE 1 /4) OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 10 NORTH, RANGE 10 WEST OF <br />THE SIXTH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF (E 1/2) OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1 /4); THENCE S86 °48'58 "W (ASSUMED BEARING) <br />ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID EAST HALF (E 1 /2) OF THE SOUTHEAST <br />QUARTER (SE 1 /4) A DISTANCE OF 152.10 FEET TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY <br />LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY #281 AND THE ACTUAL POINT OF BEINNING; THENCE <br />S00 °43'06" E ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY #281 A <br />DISTANCE OF 220.79 FEET; THENCE Si 2 °20' 17 "W A DISTANCE OF 420.40 FEET TO <br />THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY #281; THENCE S00 °36'02 "E <br />ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY #281 A DISTANCE <br />OF 2019.47 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID EAST HALF (E 1/2) OF THE <br />SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1 /4); THENCE S86 °54'01 "W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE <br />OF THE EAST HALF (E 1/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1 /4) A DISTANCE OF <br />30.03 FEET; THENCE N00 °36'02 "W PARALLEL WITH AND 30.00 FEET WEST OF <br />SAID RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY #281 A DISTANCE OF 2024.18 FEET; <br />THENCE N12 °20'17 "E A DISTANCE OF 395.58 FEET; THENCE N05 °21'00 "W A <br />DISTANCE OF 239.93 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID EAST HALF (E 1 /2) OF <br />THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1 /4); THENCE N86 °48'58 "E ALONG SAID NORTH <br />LINE OF THE EAST HALF (E 1/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 1 /4) A <br />DISTANCE OF 55.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT <br />CONTAINS A CALCULATED AREA OF 83,421 SQUARE FEET OR 1.915 ACRES <br />MORE OR LESS. <br />together with the following rights, namely, unrestricted ingress and egress under, over, and across such <br />land for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted, to excavate and refill ditches and trenches, and <br />the right to clear and keep clear of trees, roots, brush, hedges, undergrowth, and other obstructions from the <br />surface of such tracts interfering with the location, construction, inspection, repair, replacement, removal, <br />and maintenance of such utilities. Any such utilities and appurtenances placed upon, over, and under such <br />tracts of land shall remain the property of the Grantee and may be removed or replaced at any time. <br />Placement of the sanitary sewer manholes for Sanitary Sewer Tap District No. 530T; US Highway 281 <br />Sanitary Sewer Extension to Interstate 80 shall not be done without the prior written approval of the <br />placement by Grantor, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. <br />The Grantor, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby <br />covenant that no buildings, fences, or structures shall be erected or permitted on said tracts and that the <br />