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r r ��14�1475 <br /> � � � � � � � � � <br /> tC� "Lender" is E�LJ�TABLE BANK <br /> L�nder is a Sav7 ngs �ank <br /> organi��� and existing und�r th� law s o f TH E STAT E U F N EB RAS kA , <br /> L����i�r's a�dt�ess is 1�.3 N L�CUST ST P� B�X �.6D GRAND T SLAND NE 688�2 M�16� <br /> , <br /> Ler�der is �he �e�a��icia�y ��nd��� ��is Se�ur�tiy Instrum�nx, <br /> 4D� "Trus�ee" �� [J. S. Bank Trus� Company, Nat�o�a7 Assoc�at�on <br /> ,r u � � , <br /> �Ef Nn�e mea�s th� pr�m�ssor� no�e sign�d b� Barro�rer and da��c� February 28, ��14 . Th� Not� <br /> states that Borr�wer �wes Len�e� Ex�HTY TH�USAND ANa ool.�oo <br /> D olla�s �U,S. $8Q,��D.�0 } �lus inte��st, Bor�o��r has promis�d to pay ti�is debt in r�gu�ar <br /> Peria��c Payments and to pay �h� �ebt in full ���t �a�er ��an Ma rch 1, ��44 , <br /> �F� „Properfiy" m�at�s the property ���at is �escribec� �ela� under th� head�ng "Trans��r of Righ�s in th� <br /> Proper��," <br /> �G� "Loan'� means �h� �e�t �vir�enc�d by� the Note, plus �nterest, a�y p��pa�men� charges antl la�e ch�rges �ue <br /> under th� Nflte, and a1� sums �ue und�r this S��u��ity-Ins�rumen�, plus int�rest. <br /> �H y "�iders" m eans aIl R i�lei�s t� this S�curi�y znstt�i�m enti that are �xecuted �y Bor�a�v er. The follow ing Ri��rs <br /> are to b� executed by Bor�owe� [ch��k hax as applicablea: <br /> 0.Ad�usta�l� Rate Ri�ier 0 Cota�on�in�um Rider C�S�con�l Hom� Ri�t�r <br /> �B a��ao n Rider �PIa���ec� U nit D���10 pm e�t �.id�r 0 �-4 F am ily R itl�r <br /> 0 V A R idcx 0 B i�r cek�y p aym�t�t R i�e�� ��th�r�s} �spe�ify� <br /> NxFA M�r��age Adder�dum <br /> ��� "Applicahle Law" mear�s al� �ontxal�ing ap�lica�le �edera�, state a�d lo�a� statutes, r�gulat�ans, o��d�nanc�s <br /> a��d adnainis�rati�� rules an�l a�de�s �that ha�e �h� �ff�ct �f l��w} as �vcil as all applica�le final, nfltl-appealable <br /> �u�liclal opinions. <br /> �J� "Community ;Associat��n �ues, Fees, and �5sessmenfis" m�ans al� �ues, f�es, assessmen�s �nd other <br /> charges that ar� impos��i an B arr�v��r ox ��e Prapert� by � �on�lom it�ium associa��on, �om eo�v n�rs <br /> ass�ciati�n ��� simila�� ot�gani�ati�n, <br /> 4K� "E�ectronic Funds Transfer'' means any transfer o�funds, �ther than a transactian ariginated by- ch�ck, <br /> d�a�t, �� similar paper instruinent, �vhi�h �s initiated th�ough an el�ct�onic tertr�ina�, tel�p�onic instrume�.�, <br /> �om�ute��, or magnetic tape so as to ord�r, �nstru�t, or au�h�ri�� a �inancia� ins�itutioi� ta c��bit or credi� an <br /> a�caunt. S���h te�m includ�s, but is no� Iimi�ed to, paint-of�sale transfers, autamat��l tell�r machine <br /> transactio�as, �ransf�rs initiated �� teleph�n�, �rire transfersg an�� automat�d clearit�ghouse transf�rs. <br /> �L� ►'Escra�r I�ems" m�ans �laose i�eins that are d�s���ib�d in Section 3. <br /> �M y "I��sce�lane�us Pra�eeds" m�ans any compensation, set�l�inent, a�rard o�c�amag�s, �r prflce�ds paid by <br /> any thit�d part� �othet� �l�an insi�r�nc� proc��ds pai� u��d�i� the c�ver�g�s d�sct�i�cd in Sect�on 5} for; �i} <br /> damag� to, or ��str�ctt�n of, th� Pr�p�rt�; ���} �on�einnation o� othe�� �akii�g o� a�l or any pa��t af�h� <br /> Pr�perty; �iii} conve�ance in l�eu �f condetnn�:�ion; o�� �iv� mis��ep��esentat�ons �f, o� o�nissians as to, the <br /> v�l��� and�or con�itian of the Pra ert . <br /> �oos5zos��94 <br /> �lEB�AS�A-Single.Family-�an�ie MaelFr�ddie Niac UNiFDfiM 11�5TRUMEiJT Form 30�a 1IQ1 <br /> VM P� V�1 P6�N��{1342] <br /> Wvlters Kluwer F�nar��ial Services page 2 af 17 <br />