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��14�14�� <br /> ��I� ��.; V�3348F <br /> E�����T� <br /> ��.��'EF�T`'� �E��R��'T��h� <br /> � tract of [and #oc�ted �n the Sautheas� quarfer of tne hIor�n�ast quarter of Se�tion �3, <br /> T�wnship �� Nor�h, F�ange �� �est of the �th P.M., Hal� C�unty, Nebraska, and m�re <br /> par�icular�y descrl�ed as f��I��rv�: C�r�m�ncing af the S�u�heast c��ner�f said Southeast <br /> quar��r �f th� �or�he�s� quar��r; th�r��� ��r�h a d�stan�e of 8� feet t� the [�orth ��ne �f <br /> F��d�ey �v�r�u� and the p���� of begin�i��; #�e�c� ��r�t�r�u��g N�rth �r� th� East �R�e o� <br /> �a�d Sa�t�e�st qu���� �f �he ��r�h���� q��r��r � d�st�r��� �� 3�� f���; a1�� be��g �h� <br /> ��n��� �f ll�ebb �.��d; t�e�c� �f�st p�r��le� �a tn� ���th �i�� �� s��d ��ut���s� quarter of <br /> th� �orfih��st qr�ar�er, a d��t�r�c� �f 33 fe�t �� �h� �I�st I�ne �f �1Ie�� F��ad; �h���e <br /> c�ntinu�n� 1�Uest �aral�el �� the S�uth l�ne afi sa�d S�utheast quarter of the North�ast <br /> quar��rs � distance �f 3�� feet; thenc� South paral�e� to sa�d East l�ne �f the S�utheas� <br /> quar��r of the,i�ar�heast quar��r a distance of 3�a feet to the Nor�h ��ne of Fa�dley Avenue; <br /> �h�r�ce East on s��d Nar�h l�ne of Fa�dCey Avenue and parai�e� ta the S�ut� 1�ne of sa�d <br /> S��th�ast quar��r �f the Nor�h��st quarter, a distan�e of 35� feet ta the �'�st ��n� af s�id <br /> �ebb Road; t�ence con��nuing �n the af�re r�ent��ne� course, a d�sta��� �fr 33 f�e� �� <br /> th� po�r�t �f ��g�nn�r�g; E��EPT�N� a tract of land more par�icular[�r d�scr�b�d in <br /> �arranty L7eed r���rded i� the Register�f Deeds �ffice as C�o�urne�t N�. �4--�48���e <br />