<br /> WARRANTIES. Grantor, for 1�5��f, its heirs, personal represen�a�i�es, SL1CC�5Sar5, and assigns, represen�s,
<br /> �varrants,�v�enan�s and agrees�i�h Lender,i�s su�cess�rs and assigns,as fo1l�v�s: �
<br /> Performance of abligations. �rantor pramises �o perform a1� �erms, �onditions, and c��enan�s �f this
<br /> Security Instrument�nd Rela�ed Documents in accorda.nce vvx�h�he terms cantained�herein.
<br /> Defense and Title to Prop�rty.At the time a�e�ecut�on and deli�er�af this inst�uYnent, Grant�r is Iav�fully
<br /> �se�sed of the es�ate hereby conveyed and has�he e�c�us��e righ�to mvr�gage, grant, ��nvey and assign the
<br /> Property.Gran�or covenan#s that�he Property�s unencumbered and�free�f a��liens,e��ept fvr encumbrances
<br /> of recard acceptab�e �o L�nder. Fur�her, �ran�ar ��venant,s that Gran��r v�i�1 warrant and defend generally
<br /> the title �o the Proper�y against any and a11 c�aims and demands whatsoe�ver, subject �a the easements,
<br /> restric�ians, �r ��her er�cumbrances of recvrd ac�eptable �o Lender, as may be Iist�d �n �he schedule �f
<br /> exceptions ta �overage. in any_abstrac� �f tit�e �r �i�1e insurance p�licy insuring Lender's in�erest �n the
<br /> Prnp erty.
<br /> Condition of Property. Gran�or:pr�mises a� aI��imes to preserve and�a maintain the ProperCy and every
<br /> par�there�f in g��d repa�r,.working order, and cond�t��n and�il�from��me t�t�me, make aIl needful and
<br /> prvper repa�rs s�that the�value of the Proper�y shall not in any�vay be unpa�red.
<br /> RemvvaY of an�Part �f.the Property. Grantvr_promises nut to rem�ve any part�f the Pr�perty from its
<br /> pr�sent��cati�n.,except f�r replacemen�,mai.n�enan�e and relo�at���in the ordinary c�urse of business.
<br /> Alteratxons t� the Property. Grantor pr�mrses t� abstain fivm�the cammxssran �f any vc�aste on or in
<br /> conriection�ith�he Proper�y.Fur�her,Gran�or shall make n�mat�rial a��erat�ans,addi�.ons�r�m.pr�vemenfis
<br /> of any type wha�soe�er fa �he Proper�y, regardless of vsrhether su�h alterat�ons; addrt��ns or impro�remen�s
<br /> wauld increase the value of the Property, nor pex�it-anyone to do so except for tenant improvements and
<br /> cvmp�etion of�tems pu'rsuant to appr��ed�plans�and speci�ica�ions, v�r�thou��Lender's prior�r�tten c�nsent,
<br /> wh�ch consen� may be�withrield by Lender in its sale d�scret�on. Grantor v�xll comp�.y vt���h a1I �av�s and
<br /> regula�rons�f all pub��c au�horit�es having jurisdic�ion o��r the Proper�y in�luduag,without limitati�n,�hose
<br /> re�ating to the us�, �ccupan�� and main��nance �hereof and sha��upon re�ues�promptly subrrut to Lender
<br /> ev�dence of such complian�ce. � ;
<br /> Due on Sale�Lender'�Consent. Grantar sha11 nat sell,fur�her encum�.er�r o�i.ervvise dispose of,e�cept as
<br /> hereiri prov�ded, any vr�all of its in�erest in any part of or a�� of�he Praper� �i�h�ut �rst ��faining the
<br /> � wri�ten consent of Lender. If any encumbrance, l�en, transfer or` sale �r agreemen� f�r �hese is created,
<br /> Lender may declare i.mmediatel�due and paya�ble,�he entire ba�anc`e�f�he Indeb�edness.
<br /> Insurance.Grant�r:pr�mises ta keep�he Proper�insured against su�h risks and in such form as may vvi�hin
<br /> the sole discre�ion �f L'ender be accep�able, �ausing Lender t� he named as l�ss payee �r if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. �The.insurarice �ompany sha11�be �hosen by Gran�or subj��� ���Lender's appro�al,
<br /> which shal� not be unreas�nably wi�hheld. A1� insurance po�icies mus� pr��ride �hat Lender v�ri�i get a
<br /> minimum of 1U days notxce prior to cance�lation.At Lender's discret��n,Gran�or may be required t�produc�
<br /> receipts�of paid premiurns an.d renevva�policies.If Grantar fails to���tain the required coverage,Lender may
<br /> do so a�Grantvr's e�pense. Grantvr hereby directs each and every�nsurer�f the Prap�r�y fu make payment of
<br /> loss to Lender wi�h�he pro�eeds to b�appl�ed, only at Lender's�p�ivn,�o�he repair and repTa�ement of�.ie
<br /> daxnage or�oss�r to�be applied to�he Indebtedn�ss v�rrth the surplus,if any,t�be paid by Lender t�Grant�r.
<br /> Payment af Taxes and �ther Applicable �harges. Gran�or promises t� pay and to discharge liens,
<br /> encumbrances,ta�es,assessmen�s,lease�aymen�s and any u�her charges re�a�irig to the Proper�y vsrhen le�ied
<br /> or assessed against Grantor or the Pr�perty. .
<br /> Env�r�nmental �aws and I-�azardous ur Toxic Materials. Grantor and e�er� tenant bave been, are
<br /> presently and sha�l continue tv be in strict c�mpliance v��h any appli�ab�e. ��ca1, s�ate and federal
<br /> environmenta��aws and�regulations.Fur�her,neither�ran��r nor an��enan�shal�manufacture, s�ore,handle,
<br /> discharge or dispose af hazardous vr t�x�c materials as may be de�a.ed by any s�a�e ar federai �av� on tYie
<br /> Property, e�cept to the e�ent the exis�ence �f su�h mater�a�s has been presently disc�osed in �rit�ng to
<br /> Lender. Grantor�vill u�mediately natif�Lender i.n vvrit�ng of any asser�ian-or c�aim made by any party as t�
<br /> the poss�ble vio�atxan of app�ica��e s�ate and federal environmen�al �av�rs �ncluding the Iocati�n �f any
<br /> hazard�us ar�oxic materials on or about the Pr�per�y. Grantor indemn��es and ha�ds Lender harmless frvm,
<br /> vw�thau� limitation, any 7iab�l�ty�r expense of�rha�soever nature �ncurred directl� ar ind�rectly out of or in
<br /> c�nnection w�th:[a)an�environmenta�.laws affecting a��vr any part flf�he Proper�r or Grant�r;�b�the past,
<br /> present �r future e�is�enc� of an�hazardous mat�rials in, an, under, abvu�, or emanating from �r pass�ng
<br /> thraugh the Property �r any part�here�f�r any property adj acent thereto; �c} an.� past, present �r future
<br /> hazardous acti��ty at�r�n connectian�i�h the Proper�y vr any par�there�f; and �d} �he nancompliance by
<br /> Gran�or�r Grantor's failu.re�o compl�fu1��r and time�y v�ith envirQnmen�al�av�s.
<br /> �`inancial Informatian.Gran�or agrees�o supply L�nder such�an�ial and�ther�f�rmation c�ncern�ng its
<br /> affairs and the s�atus of any of i�s asse�s as Lender, fram time t� time, may reas�nab�� request. Grant�r
<br /> fixr�her agrees �� permi� Lender t� �rer�fy acc�unts as weil as �� inspect, cop� and to e�am3ne �he books,
<br /> recards and files of Gran�ar.
<br /> Lender's Right to En�er.Lender or Lenderts agen�s sha�I have the right and access t��nspect the Praperty at
<br /> a11 reas�nab�e times in order to attend �� Lender's interests and ensure compXiance with �he �erms �f th�s
<br /> Security Instrument. If�he Pr�perty, �r any pa.r� thereaf, sha�l require inspectivn, repav- �r ma�ntenance
<br /> whi�h Grantor has fa�Ied tti pro��de, Lender, after reas�na�b�e n�tice, may enter upvn the Proper��v effect
<br /> �2a0�1-2413 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.CSAE-7filA-2��3L2.U.E1.655
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