� = � ��14�1453
<br /> �VAR1tANTIES. Grant�r, for �tse�f, its heirs, persana� representatives, successors, and ass�gns, represen�s,
<br /> vvarrants,covenanfs and agrees v�i#h Lender,i�s successors and ass�gns,as follows:
<br /> Performance �f �b�igations. Gran��r prom�ses �� perform aIl terms, condit��ns, and c�venants of this
<br /> Security Instrument�and Related Documents in a�cardanc����h the terms��ntained�herein.
<br /> Defense and�itle to P�roper�y:At the time uf e�ecution and delivery of�h�s in$trument, Gran�or is lawful�y
<br /> seised Qf the es�a�e here�y can.veyed and has the e�cYus�ve ri�h�to mor�gage, gran�, convey and assign the
<br /> Praper�y..Gran�or covenan�s.that the Property is uilencumbered and:free�f a��liens,except for encumbrances
<br /> of record a�cep�a�I�tv Lender. Fur�her, �a=antvr covenanfis �hat Grantor v�r�l.�arrant and defend generally
<br /> the tit�e �� the Proper�y aga�nst any and all claims and demands whatsoever, subject tv the easements,
<br /> r�str�ctions, or o�her er�cumhrances of rec�rd acceptable to Lender, as ma� be lis�ed �n �he schedule vf
<br /> e�cept��ns to coverage. i�..any:abstra�t �f�i�Ye.or �r�Ie i.nsurance pa�ic� i.nsur�g Lender's �n�erest in �he
<br /> , Pr�perty.
<br /> �ondition.of Pr.operty: .�ran��r promis�s._at a�l;times ta pres�r�e and to maiu�a�n�he Proper�y and e�ery
<br /> par�thereof in.gvod repair,_��rk�.ng.-order, and c�ndition and will fram tim�to time, make al�needfu� and
<br /> proper repairs so�ha��h�walue of�he Praperty shali no�in any way be impaired.
<br /> .- . - ; .
<br /> �temaWa� of any Part of�th.� Property. Grantor.promises n�t t� rem�ve any par�of the Pr�per�y from �ts
<br /> pr�sen���cation,��.cept far replacemen�;:xnaintenance and relocation in the�rdinar�course of business.
<br /> A�terations to the property. Grantar promYses to abs�ain from the comm�ssion of any was�e on or �
<br /> cvnnec�i�n wi�h�he Propertiy.Fur�her, Granfar shall make n�ma�erxal alteratxons,addx��ons ar improvements
<br /> of an�r�ype wha�s�ever�o the Proper�y, regardless af v�he�her such al��rations; addi��ons �r impr�vements
<br /> would increase the �alue �f�he Property, nor perm�fi anyone ta do s� except for tenant xmpra�ements and
<br /> c�mpletion of i�ems pursuant�o�appr�ved plans and speci�ications, without Lender's pr�or�vr�t�en c�nsent,
<br /> which c�nsent may be:wi�hheld by Lender in �ts sole discreti�n. Grantor ��1���omp�y wi�h a1�.�av�rs and
<br /> regulat�ons of a�1"publ�c au�hori�es hav�ng jurisdi�tion over f�ie ProperCy inc�uding,v�i�hou�Iimitatrvn,those
<br /> relating�o �he use,��ccupancy and:main�enance��hereof and s�a��upon request promp�l�'submYt t��Lender
<br /> evidence of such�compliance.� � � � � � � � -
<br /> Due on Sa�e--Lenderts Consent. Grantor sha1�n�t�sell,.fur�h�r.encumber or o�her�xse dispose of,e�cept as
<br /> herein pra��ded, any or a�l af��s interest u� any par� of�r all of�he Propert� �i�haut first ob�aining th�
<br /> wr�iten consen� �f Lender. If any encumbrance, �.I�i7, transfer or' sale or agreement. f�r these �s created,
<br /> Lender may dec�are�mmed�a�e�y due�and payable,the entire balan�e�f�he Indebtedness.
<br /> In�uranc�. Grantar�pro�n�ses�o keep�he Prop�r�y insured aga�nst such risks and�n such fvrm as may v���hvl
<br /> �he s�1e dxscre�ion �f Lender�e a�cep�able, caus�ng Lender to be named as l.oss payee or if requested by
<br /> Lender, as m�r�gagee.�The insurance'C�mpan� shall be cbosen by �rantor subjec� to Lender's approva�,
<br /> which shai]: no� be unr:eas�nably �v��hheld. All insurance policies must prflvide that Lender wi11 get a
<br /> minimum of lU days notice prior tv�cancel�a�ion.�At Lender's discreti�n,C�rantor�nay be requ�red�o produce
<br /> receipts of pa�d prem�ums and renewal p�licies. If Grantor fa��s t�bbtain�he requ�red c�verage,Lender may
<br /> da so at Grantar's expense.Grantor hereby direc�s each and every insurer of�he Properfiy tv make payment af
<br /> 1�ss to Lender v���h�he pr�ceeds t�be app�ied, only a�Lender's option,to the repair and replacement af�he
<br /> damage or loss�r t�be applied ta the Indeb�edness v�i�i fhe surp�us,rf any,to be paid by Lender t�Gran�or.
<br /> Payment of Taxes and ��her Applicab�e Charges. Gran�or promises to pa� and to disCharge Iiens,
<br /> encumbran�es,�axes,assessments,�ease payments and any o�her charges relating t�the Property v�hen�evied
<br /> or assessed agains�Gran�or�r�he Prop�rty.
<br /> Enrvironmental Laws and Hazardous or To�ic 1Vlateria��. Grant�r and ever� �enant have been, are
<br /> presen��� and shali continue to be 7n str�ct c�mpliance with any applicable_ 1o�a�, s�a�e and federal
<br /> en��ran�men�al�avvs and��regulations.Fur�her,neith�r Gran�or nar any tenant shal�manufacture, store,hand�e,
<br /> discharge or dispose of hazardous or�oxic rna�erials as may be de�ined�by an� s�a�e �r federal law on�he
<br /> Property, except �� the exten� �he ex�s�ence af such ma�eria�s has been�presen��y disclosed in writi.ng �o
<br /> Lender. Gran�or vv�ll immediate�y n�tify Lender Yn wr��ing vf any asser���n or claim made by any parCy as to
<br /> � the p�ssible violat�on �f applica�le s�a�e and federa� en��ronmenfa� laws inc�ud�ng the location ❑f any
<br /> ha�ardous or t�xic ma�erials on or about the Prvpe�. Grantor indemn��es and h�Ids Lender harmless from,
<br /> with�ut liEmitatian, any liability �r expense of�hatsoever nature �ncurred directly or ind�rectiy out �f flr in
<br /> conne���on w�th: (a�any en�r�ronmen�al�aws affect�ng all�r any part�f�he Pr�per�y�r Grantar;�b�the pas�,
<br /> present �r fixture existence of any hazardous mater�a�s �n, on, under, abou�, �r �manating from or passing
<br /> �hrough �he Proper�y or any par� �hexeof or�an� pzoperfiy adj acen� �hereto; �c� any past, present or future
<br /> hazardous ac�iVi�ty at or�n �onnection vvith the Pro�erty or any part thereof; and �d}the n�ncom�liance by
<br /> Grantor ur Grant�r's fai�ure to comp�.y ful�y and t�mely v�#h en�iranmental�a�rs.
<br /> �'inancial Inf�rmatian.Gran�flr agrees to supp�.y Lender suGh financ�a�and��her inf�rma��on concern�ng its
<br /> affairs and �he� s�atus of any of��s asse�s as Lender, froxn time t� �ime, may reas�nabl� reques�. Grant�r
<br /> fiu�her agrees ta perm�� Lender to �erif� accaunts as w��� as to inspect, cop� and �� exam�e the books,
<br /> records and fi�es of Grant�x. -
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lend�r�r Lender's agents shall ha�e the righ�a.nd a�cess��inspe���he Prop�r�.y a�
<br /> a�l reasanable times in order �� a�tend �o Lender's interes�s and ensure �omp�ian.ce wi�h the terms af th�s
<br /> Security Instrument. If�the Prv�erty, �r any par� thereof, shal� requ�re inspeCtion, repair or maintenance
<br /> �hich Grantor has fa�led��pr�vide, L�nder,.after reas�nable notxce,may enter u�on�he Pr�perty to effec�
<br /> �2��4-2�13 Campliance Systems,In�.CBAE-2CFC-2�13L2.�.E1.555
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