<br /> full of all sums secured by �his Security �ns�rument. Hflwe�er, �his op�xon shal� nflt be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise�s prohibi�ed by federa�law as af�he date�f th�s Secur��y�ns�rumer��.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this optxon, Lender sha�� ��ve Borrower no��ce of acce�eration. Th� no�ice shall pro��de a
<br /> per��d af not �ess �han �he m�nimum number af days es�ablished by Applicab�e Lav� from the da�e the notice zs
<br /> delivered or n�.ax�ed }Nith�n which Borrower must pay a�� sunls secured by �his Securxt� Instrument. If Borrower
<br /> fa�ls to pay these sun�s pri�r to �he expiration of thxs per�od, Lender may invoke any rernedies permit�ed by this
<br /> Securi�y �nstrument v��xthout fur�her natice or demand an Bnrrawer.
<br /> Burrovver's Right t{o Reir�sta�e. If Barrower meets certa�n condi��ons, Borrower shal� ha�e the r��ht �o have
<br /> enfarcemen� of�his �'ecur�ty Instrumen� d�scan��nued at any tzme pr�ar�� the earlier of �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Appiicable LaWv may specify for rezns�a�ement�before sale of the Properry pursuant�o any powe�•of sale
<br /> contained in th�s Security Ins�rumen�; or �b} entry af a jud�men� enfarcin� thxs Security Ins�rument. Those
<br /> condi��ans are that Borravver: �a� pa�s Lender a�l sums which �hen wou�d be due under th�s Se�uri�y Instrument
<br /> and the Contract as if no accelerat�on had occurred;�b}cures any default of any other Co�enan�s ar a�reements;�c�
<br /> pays a���xpenses in��arred in enforcing this Security Ins�rumen�, includ�ng,bu�no�Iimited�o, reasonable at��rneys'
<br /> fees to the exten�perm�tted by law; and �d}�akes such action as Lender may reasonahly re�ui�e to assure �hat the
<br /> �i�n flf this Secur��y �nstrument, Len�ier's ri�hts in the Property and Bo�rrower's �bli�a�ion to pay the su�ns s�cu�red
<br /> by this Secur�ty �ns�r�umen� sha1l continue unchan�ed. Upon reinsta�ement by B�rrower, this Security Instrument
<br /> and �he ob�i�at�ons s�cured hereby sha�� rema�n fuily effectiv� as if no acceleration had accurred. H�wever, �his
<br /> rx��.t ta r�xns�a�e sha1�not apply in the case of acceleration under t�e sec��on�i�Ied Trar�sfer af the Praperty ar a
<br /> Benef�cza��nterest x�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardaus Substan��es. Borrower sha�1 nat cause flr permit the presence, use, dispasa�, storage, or r�lease af any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substan�es on or in the Proper�y. Bflrrower shall no�do,nor a�low anyone else��do,any�hin�affec�in�
<br /> �h� Pr�perty �ha� is in �io�ation of any En�ironmen�al Law. The preceding two sen�ences shall not app�y to th�
<br /> presence,use, or stora�e an th�Prop�rry�f sma��quanti��es of Hazardous Subs�ances tha�are�eneral�y recfl�nized
<br /> to be appropria�e�a r�ormal residentxal uses and to ma�ntenance of�he Properry.
<br /> Borrovver shal�pram��tly��ve L�nder written n�tic�of any�nves�ibat�on,clai_m, demand, lav�sui�or flther act�on by
<br /> any �overnmenta� or re�u�a�ory a�ency or private pa�-ty in�ol�in� �he Proper� and any Ha�ardous Substance ar
<br /> Envxronmen�a� Law of wh�ch B�rrower has actual I�nowled�e. �f Borrower� learns, �r is no�if ed by any
<br /> b��err�mental ar re�L��ator�y autharity,tha�any removal or�ther remediati�n of any Hazardous Substance affe��in�
<br /> th� Praperty �s nec��ssary, Barrflwer sha�l p�-�mp��}� take all necessary remedial ac�ions in accflrdance with
<br /> En�ironmental Law.
<br /> As used in th�s parag;raph, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defned as�axic or ha2ardous subs�anc�s
<br /> by Enviranmental L�aw and �he fol�ow�n� substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flamma�le or toxic p�troleum
<br /> products� toxic pes�ivides and herb�cides, �ola�ile solvents, mater�als cantainin� asbestos or formaXdehyde, and
<br /> radxoactxve n�.aterxa�s. As used in t��s para�raph, "Env�ronmenta� Law" means f�dera� Iaws and laws of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska th.at re�a�e t:o hea�th, safety ar en�iranmental protec�ion.
<br /> Accelera��on; Reme�d�es. Lender shall gi�e n���ce �o Sorrower prior �o acce�era��on fo�low�ng Sorrower's
<br /> br�ach of any ca�er�an�or agreement in this Security Instrumen�or�he�on�ract under v�hxch acc�Ieration
<br /> �s perm�tted �bu� nc�t pr�or�v acce�era��on under the sec��an t�t��d Transf�r vf the Property ar a Benef�cial
<br /> In�erest in �orrow�r, unless Appiicable La� pro�id�5 o�herwise). The natice shall specify: �a} the defau��;
<br /> �b} �he action req�.��red �o cure the default; (c} a date, no� Iess than the m�n�mum number of days
<br /> �stabli�hed by Applica'�Ie Law fronr� �he da�e�he no�ice is gi�en tv Borrawer, �ay wh�ch the defau�� mus� be
<br /> cured; and td� �hat failure to cure �he default an or hefar� �he date spec��ed �n the notice may resu�t in
<br /> accelera�ian of �he sums 5ecured by fih�s Secur�ty Instrurnent and �a�e of the Pr�perty. Ta the exten�
<br /> perm��ted h� �aw, tlhe noti�e shal� furthe� i�form Borraw�r of the ribht ta reinstate after ac�e�era��on and
<br /> the rxght ta�r�nb a cour�action �o assert�he n�n-existence�f a default nr any oth�r dtfense of Sarrower��
<br /> acceieration and salle. If the defau�t �s not cured on or �efore the date spe�ified in �he na�ice, Lender at its
<br /> ap��o� may requir�3 imn�ediate pa�mer�t in fuil �f alI sums 5ecured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rument wi�hou�
<br /> further demand an+� may �nvoke �he power of sa�e and any o�her remed�es perm��ted by App��cab�e Law.
<br /> 'To the extent perm�tted by law, Lender shal� be entitled �� �ol�ect al� expens�s incurred �n pursuing �he
<br /> remed�es pro�id�d i.n �his Secti�n, including, bu� na� x�m�ted to, rQasonab��attorneys' fee� and cos�s of��tle
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the power of sale �s xn�oked,Trustee sha�l re�ord a notice of defau�t in each �ounty in which any part of
<br /> the Property is lo�ated and shaX�rna�I�op�es of su�h nat�ce in the manner prescribed by Applicable Law to
<br /> Sorrower and �o th�� o�her persons prescribed by App��cab�e Law. Af�er �h� �xme required by App��cab��
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public no�ice af sa�e to the persons and �n the manner prescribed by Applicable
<br /> I1aw. Trustee,wi�haut dem�nd on Borrower,shall sell th�PraPer�y at pubiic auc�ion �a �he h�ghest b�dder
<br /> at the tim�and place and under$he terms des�gna�ed in the no��ce�f sa�e�n ane�r more parceis and in any
<br /> order Tru�tee de�ermines. Trustee may pos�pone sale of a[I or any parce� af �he Praper�y �y pub���
<br /> announcement at th:e t�me and p�ace of any pre��ous�y schedu�ed sa�e. Lender or its designee may purchase
<br /> the Proper�y a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upon rec�ip� af pa��men� of�he price bid, Trustee shall deiiver �� the purchas�r Trust��'s de�d �onveyinb
<br /> the Prflpert�. The reci�a�s �n th�Trustee's deed sha�l be prima fac�e evxdence of�he�ruth af�he statements
<br /> made �here�n. Tru�tee shal� app�y the pro�eeds of �he saie in �he following arder: �a} to ax� costs �nd
<br /> expenses of exercising �he povver of sale, and the sa�e, �nc�udin� the payment of the Trustee's fe�s actual�y
<br /> O 2�a4-2013 Campliance Systerr�s.In�.8EB3-2�6G-?�13LZ.O.E].712
<br /> Cons�mer Real Es�ate-5ecurity InstrUmer�t DL�035 Pa�e 4 0�5 www.corrspliancesyster�-�s.corr�
<br />