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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn . � �� � o <br /> � oz � � o�' � � <br /> � z� � � �z � � <br /> � �� �' � _� � z <br /> � �� 0 <br /> rn � �� � � <br /> rn� p � r� � � <br /> �� � � C <br /> w� � � <br /> �� � .�.� rn <br /> o� � � � <br /> � �' z <br /> 0 <br /> ._ ..�._- .---- - _.__ _ _. -_ <br /> THIS �NSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: AFTER RE��RDTNG RETURN T�: <br /> Home Federa�Savings c4� Loan Associa�ion of Hflm�Federal SaWings& Loan Assaciation of <br /> Grand �siand Grand �s�and <br /> 22I Sou th L��ust Stree� 2�1 South La�ust Stre�t <br /> GRAND �SLAND, NE�8801 GRAND �SLAND, l�E 6SS4�i <br /> �Space Abo�e This Line For Recarding Data} <br /> L�AN�RIG�NATQR NAME: Chris Kaskye <br /> NMLS�QMPANY ��ENTIFIER: 446443 <br /> NMLS�RI�INAT4R IDENT�F�ER: 49466$ . <br /> I)�ED (�F TRUST <br /> �PREAUTH�]RI�ED ��PEN END} �R.EDIT - FUTIJl�.E AI3VAN�ES ARE SE�URED <br /> BY TI3IS D�ED �F TRUST} <br /> TNIS DEED �F TRUST �"Securi�y Instru�r�en�"� is made on Nlarch 5, 2U14. The gran�ars are MI�HAEL C <br /> SCHADW�NKEL and KELL� L S�HAD�VINK�L, HUS�AND AND WIFE, whose address �s 4�20 <br /> MANCHESTER RD, GRAND ZSLAND, Nebraska �58�3-1544 �"Borrower"). Barrov�er �s no� nec�ssarily the <br /> same as the Person or Per��ns �vho s�gn �he Ht�me Equity Lxne of Crediti Agr�emenf, datQd March S, 2U1� <br /> �"�ontraGt"}. The flbii�atians af Borrowers who did na�s�gn the�ontract a�-e explained further in the sec�i�n tit��d <br /> Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and SeveraI Liab��ity; Acc�mmoda�ion Signers, The tr-us�ee is Arend <br /> R. Saack,A�torney w�ase addre�s�s P.U. Box 79�, Grand IS�and,Nebraska 688�2�"Trust�e"�. The benef�c�a <br /> is Hame Federa� Sa�ings& Laan Asso�ia�ivn af Grand �s�and, wh�ch is or anized and � <br /> g exxst�nb und�r the laws <br /> of the Un��ed States af Ameri�a and urhose address is 221 Sou�h Locu�� Street, �rand I�land, Nebraska 688U1 <br /> �"Lend�r"�. M I�HAE L C S�HAD�VINKEL arid KELLI L SCHADVVI��iEL have entered �nta a �ontrac� <br /> with Lender as of March 5,2�14, under the terms of which Barrower may, from�ime to t�me, obtain ad�ances not <br /> to exceed, a� any �ime, a x��MA��MUM PR�NC�PAL AM�UNT �EXCLUD�N� PR�TECTIVE <br /> A D V A N�E S}YYx a f Thir�y-eigh� Thousand Fi�e Hundred and �41IU0 DalIars �U.S. �3$,5�0.04� �"Cred�� <br /> L�mit"3. Any parry �n�erested in the detazls reIa�ed�o Lender's con�inuing ob�ibatian�o make ad�ances�o Borra�ver <br /> is ad�ised �� cansui� d�rec�iy v�ith Lender. If no� paid earIier, the sUms owing under Barro��r's �on�ract wi�h <br /> Lender w�I� be due on March 15,�p I 9. This Security Instrument secures�a Lender: �a�the repaymen�of the deb� <br /> under�he �ontract, v�i�h �nte�rest, �nc�ud�ng fu�ure ad�ances, and a1� �-enewais, ex�ensions and modificatians �f the <br /> �on�raet; �b� �he paymen� of a�1 ather sums, wi�h interes�, ad�anced t� pro�ect �he security of �his Securi <br /> tY <br /> Instrumen� under�he prav�sx�ns of the section��tIed Pr�tection of Lender's Rights in the Proper�y; and �c� �he <br /> performan�e of Borrawer's �a�enan�s and a�reements under this Securi�y Instrument and �he Contract. Far this <br /> purpo5e, Borrawer, �n cons�deratian of the deb� and the �rus� herein crea��d, irrevocably bran�s and can��ys ta <br /> Trustee, �n trus�, with power�f sale,the foI�ow�ng descri�bed praperty located in the CCIUNTY of HALL�, Sta�e of <br /> Nebrasl�a: <br /> Address: 4��4 MANCHESTER RD, GRAND ISLAND,Ne�araska�5843-�544 <br /> t,ega� Descrip�ion: LC�T T�VENTY �2D�, JEFFREY QAKS S��TH SUBD�VISI4N, IN THE C�TY <br /> �F GRAND ZSLAND,HALL�'�UNTY,NEBRASKA <br /> T��ETHER WITH all �he improvemen�s now or hereafter erec��d on the proper�y, and a�l easements, <br /> appur�enances, and fixtures novv or hereafter a part af�he proper�y. A�I replacements and addi�ions sha�l alsa be <br /> cavered by this Security �ns�rument. AI� of �h� forego�ng is referred t� �n �his S�curity Znstrument as �he <br /> "P€-operty.►' <br /> B�RR��ER C�VENANTS �ha� Borrower is lawfui�y seised �f�he estate hereby con�eyed and has �he ri�ht�o <br /> bran� and convey the Prap�r�y and tha� �he Praper�y is unencumbered, excep� far encumbrances af record. <br /> B orrower warrants an d wi ll def�nd �eneral Iy �he title to �he Praperty aba�.x�st ai l c�aims and demands, sub�ect �� <br /> any encumbrances af record. <br /> L�nr�-ower and Lender co�enant and agree as f�ilo�s: <br /> Paymen�af Pr�nc�pa� and Interes�; �ther Charges. Borrower sha�I pr�mptiy pay when due the principal of and <br /> interest on the debt o�ed under�he Con�ract ar�d 1a�e charg�s or any o�her fees and char�es due under�he�antrac�. <br /> 0 ZQQ4-2�13 CoFnp�iance Sys�ei�is,�t�c.FEB3-?�GG-?Q 1;L?.O.E 1.7 i 2 <br /> Consurner 1�eaI Estate-5ecurity lr�strumer�t DL2036 Pa�r�1�f 5 www,campiiancesysterr� <br /> . � <br />